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2017/07/17 16:03:41瀏覽428|回應1|推薦4

Yesterday in my "劉曉波說過這些渾話嗎?", I questioned whether Mr. Liu had said those words or not.  For maintaining a good balance of my writing, today I would like to share with you another report regarding his life and ideas.  It is an authentic report alright, written by a prestigious journalist, still it is not necessarily true to say his notion and move are applicable to China and all Chinese people.  There you go: 


P.S.  The report selected a passage of Liu's letter to his wife, which was extolled as great as that of 林覺民《與妻訣別書》.  Again, I must point out the sentiments of two love letters are far beyond compare.  Lin's great love, in addition to his wife, had extended to all Chinese people in grave peril under impending threat of being carved up by greedy imperialists and the rule by depraved Manchurians, whereas Liu's extended love might have limited to his own belief.  Let's read genuine《與妻訣別書》and my translation again at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7148941   


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戈 筆 揚
2017/07/20 01:43
I think this article can tell me his fomer talks are not true.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-07-20 08:08 回覆:
Well, I hope so. Thanks!