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2017/07/02 14:52:48瀏覽241|回應0|推薦2

Recently Wonky Cai was trailed like the shadow following her wherever she went, not by her admirers, but by swarms of protesters.  The protesters, retired teachers and civil servants, raised an outcry over Cai administration's cursory and unjustifiable pension reform which had largely cut their benefits, and totally breached the original employment contract between authorities and those government workers. 

The administration claimed the reform will save a great deal of expenditure and thus postpone the final bankruptcy of the retirement fund.  Actually, in comparison with the money Cai administration squandered on that always changing but infeasible energy policy, purchase of junk weapons, and the so-called "pioneering plans", the  outlay on that indentured retirement is just peanuts.  What Cai intended to do was to curry favor to her supporters for DPP's victories in coming elections. 

Reports said besides chanting and waving slogans, the protesters threw shoes and bottles towards Cai's motorcade, and tried to block its way.  Did that kind of "treatment" look familiar?  That Bumbler Ma, Cai's predecessor, had received the same many times.  But the difference was DPP, or its affiliates, who orchestrated all of the protests against Ma and his government.  But what Cai now confronted seemed having little to do with KMT; rather, it might have been out of protesters' own will.  Well, it may be an adverse situation to that "witch" and her party.  She'd better watch out.          

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