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2006/11/16 14:50:30瀏覽3781|回應0|推薦4 | |
最近這半個月, 我家那顆WD80G的硬碟怪怪,買了DVD燒錄機開始備份。直到上禮拜最後一次用硬碟低階壞軌修復工具。然後完全宣告死亡。 還好在WD三年保固期內,雖然花了500大洋去聯強送修可以換『良品』回來,多少還是有點不甘心,本想說這個可以直接升級200G的,都這麼舊了~ 既然是『良品』(有可能是二手的)回來第一步奏就是先給他測試一下,不測還好,一測怎麼數據資料跟送修前那顆好像(我是沒有抄起來啦,不過那數字好熟悉)我使用 Hiren's BootCD 8.5內的工具 Victoria 3.33 做測試 不測還好,一測跟之前的反應很像,硬碟給他看不到了,不過這次用系統工具還有顯示『XXX』問要不要使用(好像是Fireware的資料被掛了,不是很清楚),之後還可以掛的回去。基本上,這東西似乎有點危險,建議一樣使用WD的HD不要隨意使用,如果想換硬碟的話另當別論。 Victoria(建議別亂用) Victoria is a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics. Victoria supports these interfaces: IDE and Serial ATA. Victoria supports these interfaces: IDE and Serial ATA. 1、读取并输出硬盘的完整信息 2、硬盘噪音控制 3、输出硬盘的S.M.A.R.T参数,根据状态寄存器来快速估计硬盘的状态(好/坏) 4、更改硬盘的物理容量 5、对磁盘表面进行扫描并隐藏缺陷 6、缺陷诊断:分析磁盘表面的状况,隐藏不稳定的扇区,并自动的将不稳定扇区记录到文本文件。 7、测试缓存和接口,检查数据传输和接收时是否有失真。 8、隐藏磁盘表面缺陷。 9、测量硬盘的数据吞吐: § 测量线性、非线性和随机读取速率; § 测量磁头定位和寻址耗时。 10、清空部分或全部磁盘--“低级格式化”。 11、操纵安全选项:设置硬盘密码,清除密码,快速清除硬盘上的数据使之不恢复,等等。 12、停转或启转硬盘主轴电机。 13、测试硬盘的定位系统,测量硬盘的热稳定性(会加热硬盘)。 14、跳过缺陷扇区,将硬盘的任意区域逐扇区的复制为文件(可用于恢复据)。 15、将文件逐扇区的复制到硬盘上。 16、显示硬盘的逻辑分区信息(不需要I/O支持)。; 17、显示硬盘的运行状态,显示状态寄存器和出错寄存器的状态。 Victoria 3.4, boot floppy image Victoria 3.4, just-an-archive (MS-DOS executables only) Hiren's BootCD 8.5 裡有不少實用的工具,HDD部分的也有各廠牌的工具收集好。可以找來當緊急光碟之一來使用。 MHDD(可以嘗試看看) MHDD is the most popular freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics. MHDD supports these interfaces: IDE, Serial ATA, SCSI. Also there is a possibility to access an USB storage, there are drivers for emulation (USB->SCSI). This software can make precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of a drive, view SMART attributes, perform Low-level format, bad sector repair, different tests and tens of other functions. MHDD v4.6 (运行平台:MS-DOS) } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://hddguru.com/content/en/software/2005.10.02-MHDD/mhdd.gif"); } }" src="http://hddguru.com/content/en/software/2005.10.02-MHDD/mhdd.gif" /> 下载软盘版 下载光盘版 HDDScan (平台:Windows 2000/XP)(我後來使用的測試工具) HDDScan is a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics, it supports IDE/SATA/SCSI hard disk drives, RAID arrays, external USB/Firewire hard disks, flash cards. The program can scan the surface, view SMART attributes, adjust AAM, APM (Power Management), etc. } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://hddguru.com/content/en/software/2006.01.22-HDDScan/hddscan-small.gif"); } }" src="http://hddguru.com/content/en/software/2006.01.22-HDDScan/hddscan-small.gif" /> 下载HDDScan 2.7 HDD Wipe Tool This freeware HDD Wipe utility will erase and re-certify a SATA, IDE or SCSI hard disk drive with any size of up to 281 474 976 710 655 bytes. Will work with USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures. Low-level erasing of Flash Cards is supported too. HDD Wipe Tool will clear partitions, MBR, and every bit of user data. The program utilizes Ultra-DMA transfers when possible. HDD Low Level Format Tool This freeware Low Level Format utility will erase, Low-Level Format and re-certify a SATA, IDE or SCSI hard disk drive with any size of up to 281 474 976 710 655 bytes. Will work with USB and FIREWIRE external drive enclosures. Low-level formatting of Flash Cards is supported too. Low Level Format Tool will clear partitions, MBR, and every bit of user data. The program utilizes Ultra-DMA transfers when possible. Hard drive firmware update utility (Bootable CD ISO) This utility, on the bootable CD, will then examine your system, detect all 2.5/1.8 inch hard drives installed, and then check the firmware revision of the drive. If required, it will prompt you to run the appropriate firmware update program for your drive. Magic Boot Disk v2.0 Magic Boot Disk v2.0 is an MS-DOS boot disk which contains some very usefull stuff, such as patched FORMAT.COM, fixed FDISK.EXE, USB Mass Storage drivers for MHDD and more. Operating System: MS-DOS 此MS-DOS启动盘包括以下内容: ·基于Windows 98 SE启动盘 ·包括IDE和SATA CDROM驱动 ·修改了的FDISK.EXE:支持容量大于137GB的硬盘 ·修改了的FORMAT.COM: ○ 参数 /Q(快速格式化)可以用来快速的格式化软盘和硬盘,即使它们从来没有被格式化过 ○ 去掉了MS-DOS版的check程序 ·包括SmartDrive(SMARTDRV.EXE)和其它基于MS-DOS的工具,如:SYS,ATTRIB,DELTREE,LABEL,MEM,MOVE ·MHDD 4.6:支持SCSI/ASPI和ATAPI,允许使用Primary IDE(即IDE 1接口) ·支持USB接口 Download links: Self-extracting boot floppy image: Magic Boot Disk — Floppy Creator v2.0 ISO image to burn a CD: Magic Boot Disk — ISO CD Image v2.0 USBASPI V2.20 MS-DOS Driver USBASPI is a MS-DOS driver makes it possible to access your USB device under MS-DOS. Supports USB (OHCI/UHCI) and High Speed USB (EHCI) external Mass Storage devices such as hard disk drives, CD/DVD-ROM, flash disks and flash cards attached via card-readers. IBM/HITACHI Drive Feature Tool IBM/Hitachi Drive Feature Tool is a DOS-bootable tool for changing various ATA features. The Feature Tool allows you to control some of the features of IBM/Hitachi Deskstar and Travelstar high performance ATA hard disk drives and supports 48-bit addressing, so it will work with the new large capacity drives. Eurosoft Diagnostic tests for PCs should: * Reduce assembly, upgrade and repair test workloads * Ensure reliably tested and validated PCs * Thoroughly test core components independent of operating system * Provide expert core testing to exercise the entire system's components * Reduce costly returns, RMAs and repairs by quickly and accurately determining hardware faults * Save wasted man-hours of system building, servicing and repairs * Ensure an independent test base to compare and validate vendor hardware information A-FF DriveInfo } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://suprfile.com/src/1/1od7rrh/icon_drvinfo.gif"); } }" src="http://suprfile.com/src/1/1od7rrh/icon_drvinfo.gif" /> License: Freeware A-FF DriveInfo 可以显示硬盘的信息,如型号、SMART属性,序列号、固件版本号、LBA数等,还能更改SMART属性,更改硬盘容量(HPA)。 点击此处查看支持硬盘型号列表 下载A-FF DriveInfo AMD双核心优化软件(AMD Dual-Core Optimizer)。 For WinXP/Win64 AMD Dual-Core Optimizer面向Athlon 64 X2、Athlon 64 FX、Turion 64 X2等双核心处理器,可在某些特定情况下绕过Windows的API,从而提高游戏性能。 该工具同时还可帮助软件直接访问RDTSC指令,以校正各个处理核心的时间标记计数器(TSC),从而有效保证各核心的并行工作、减少视频性能效果差异,可消除双核、多核处理器系统中与计时有关的缺陷。直接使用RDTSC指令的软件不会从中获益。 AMD Dual-Core Optimizer是AMD一系列双核心工具中的一款,因此在本月我们将看到AMD提供的诸多软件和BIOS升级。 下载: http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/utilities/TscSync.zip } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://news1.mydrivers.com/pages/images/20060704110511_41954.jpg"); } }" src="http://news1.mydrivers.com/pages/images/20060704110511_41954.jpg" /> HD Tune (运行平台:Windows)(看來還不錯,沒用過不過可以推薦使用) 用于检测各种硬盘厂商、型号、版本、序列号、SMART状态与错误、测试硬盘读写速度、?时间,扫描诊断磁盘盘片坏道的软件 } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_benchmark.jpg"); } }" src="http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_benchmark.jpg" /> } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_info.jpg"); } }" src="http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_info.jpg" /> } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_health.jpg"); } }" src="http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_health.jpg" /> } }" onclick="function onclick(event) { if (this.width >= 650) { window.open("http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_errorscan.jpg"); } }" src="http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_errorscan.jpg" /> 下载HD Tune 2.52 |
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