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買手機晶片團隊 晨星衝著聯發科
2006/12/26 10:40:11瀏覽407|回應0|推薦0
2006.12.11 工商時報  買手機晶片團隊 晨星衝著聯發科 吳筱雯/台北報導

又出現一家衝著聯發科而來的國內 IC 業者。業界人士透露,專長於開發液晶監視器與液晶電視控制晶片的晨星,已悄悄買下位於法國的手機晶片團隊並成立 M Star France,計畫仿效聯發科模式,在不久的將來於大陸推出整合多媒體功能的 2.5G 手機晶片組,分食聯發科在大陸手晶片市場的高佔有率與獲利。

MStar buy VMTS晨星進軍手機晶片組的故事得從頭說起。法商 Wavecom 為全球最早推出 GSM 手機模組的業者,也是全球最初幾個掌握手機晶片技術的廠商之一。

不過,隨著大陸國產手機業者積極透過貼牌方式採用韓國二線手機的產品後,Wavecom 在財務壓力下,決定將 GSM 手機基頻晶片團隊出售,韓國二線手機品牌 VK 則在 2004 年初買下 Wavecom 的基頻晶片團隊,並將此團隊更名為 VMTS

自 2005 年起,VK 已經最少推出兩個系列採用 VMTS 完整解決方案的產品,VMTS 並積極開發整合 MP3、數位相機與應用軟體的 2.5G 多媒體手機晶片解決方案,2.75G、3G 手機完整解決方案也已經開發多時。

但在韓國二線手機最大客戶大陸合法手機品牌業者的佔有率,在黑手機與洋品牌手機進逼下持續滑落,導致 VK 去年就開始大幅虧損,加上投資 VMTS 耗資過鉅,都讓 VK 在今年七月差點瀕臨破產,為了拯救母體,VK 出售 VMTS 給予晨星

而據了解,VMTS 不僅已經更名為 M Star France,晨星計畫透過 M Star France 推出低價手機完整解決方案,以跨入手機晶片組市場、尤其是聯發科的大陸市場,第一個產品即是 GPRS 手機晶片組。

由於 M Star France 過去已經有過多次技術平台應用在多媒體手機的經驗,與聯發科相似的低價多媒體手機晶片組可望能快速推出,業界人士也透露,晨星此舉正是衝著聯發科而來,藉此分食聯發科在大陸的佔有率。

但是值得注意的是,除了台灣的晶片業者積極跟隨聯發科腳步外,大陸晶片業者也逐漸在黑手機與合法品牌手機業者間佔有一席之地,以有「大陸的聯發科」之稱的展訊為例,下半年手機晶片單月出貨量已經達到百萬套水準,大陸手機晶片組市場已經不似聯發科剛崛起時般容易進入,也更考驗晨星買下 VMTS 的決定是否正確。

上述新聞不是空穴來風,基本上 M Star France 已經在法國當地找人了…


MStar France (subsidiary of the group MStar
Semiconductor Inc.) is a young company of Telecommunication based close
to Paris. It has for main goal to conceive innovating solutions
System-one-chip and at low cost for the manufacturers of portable

現在正在找會寫 Driver 的人…

Attached to the person in charge for the service, you
will be in responsibility of specify, develop, improve, integrate and
to maintain the drivers for the various peripherals integrated into our
band bases: bus, PMU, SIM, DMA. These drivers will be used by teams of
development located in Asia. Engineer of formation, you justify of an
experiment from 3 to 5 years in the development real time out of C for
the embedded systems, preferably in mobile telephony, and have a
perfect command of English. A double competence hard/soft is also

開發 toolchain 的人…

Attached to the person in charge for the service, you
will be in responsibility of centralize the needs near the users
(France and Asia), to specify, develop, manage and maintain the tools
related to the developments software (chain of generation, simulator,
trace, downloader, followed anomalies’). Data-processing engineer of
formation, you justify of an experiment from 3 to 5 years in embedded
environment, know the environments of programming and scripts Linux and
Windows and have a perfect command of English.

還有做介面(adaptation layer?framework?)的人…

Attached to the person in charge for the service, you
will be in responsibility of develop, improve, integrate and debugger
the layer of interface between the protocol stack (telecom and IP) and
the application (IHM, WAP, JAVA, MMS…). This station is in close
cooperation with the applicatives teams located in Asia. Engineer
Telecom of formation, you justify of an experiment from 3 to 5 years in
the development real time out of C for the embedded systems, have a
knowledge of standards GSM (rec. 3GPP) and have a perfect command of

( 不分類不分類 )
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