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Steve's Story (English &中文)
2014/02/11 18:03:48瀏覽491|回應1|推薦4

How did an American join the New Zealand English team to China? This is Steve's story:

In the summer of 2012, I had bought airline tickets, obtained my visa and was ready to head to China.  Then I received a “shock” email from my missionary friends in Texas  saying that the university summer English camp in China had been cancelled.  The previous year I had spent a very happy two weeks with them at a teachers’ college near Chongqing teaching a class about public speaking and how to do job applications. 

I had continued to be in Skype and email contact with many of those students and I was looking forward to seeing them again soon. The cancellation with just two weeks notice left me feeling disoriented and confused.  I couldn’t understand why God would allow this ministry to end.  With great disappointment, I was forced to get a ticket refund. 

It was then that I started looking for alternative ways to be used in China.  I prayed and asked God why He wasn’t using my deep desire to share his Word with the students for whom I cared so much?  In my frustration I began searching the Internet for other opportunities.

It was during this time that I received the latest CCSM* newsletter.  In this mailout I noted there was an article concerning short term trips to teach English in China.  My response was to send an email of inquiry. I wasn’t sure how this would work since I was in the U.S. and most of the team members would be coming from New Zealand.

I missed my friends from Texas and I was sad that I wasn’t used by God that summer in the way I wished. (I frequently cling to Jeremiah 29:11.  I know that God has plans for me, but being in my late 60’s I am prone to think He sometimes works a little slowly!!) 

But by April, 2013 I found myself in Xian, learning more about China and Chinese students, and sharing with them what is most important in my life.  I also had new friends who called themselves “Kiwis”.  I found that Kiwis are multinational, that they are often fluent in Chinese and that they spoke a very strange version (to my American ears) of the English language.  To make it more difficult - they spoke very fast!!

In addition I developed a great appreciation for the teachers who have dedicated themselves to a life in China. I often find myself wishing I could stay longer.  Last year, with money I earned from substitute teaching, I was able to join three different teams to China.  I have seen the efficiency of the programs CCSM have in place and   I like what they do.  This year I plan to return to China for yet another trip with CCSM.  I have also learned that it is up to God to allow me to return.  I know He has plans for me.

I cannot avoid mentioning the many rural people and minority groups that I have met during these visits. The great diversity of China gives opportunity for ministries of all types. My wife will retire in two years.  I hope she will be able to join with me on a CCSM medical team or experience orphanage work or perhaps come with me on yet another English Cultural Exchange team!   I know she will love working with the open-hearted students and maybe even with those fast-talking Kiwis!! (By Steve H.)

I was assigned to team up with Steve in one session. After I randomly cited one best seller, The Purpose Driven Life, as a good advice book to encourage students, he rummaged through his backpack and pulled out exactly that book authored by Rick Warren. For some reason he had carried one all the way from the U.S. to give away. I was over the moon with that coincidence! - KM

一個美國佬怎麼會加入紐西蘭的英語訪華團? 這是史提夫的故事:


我開始尋找有沒有其他方式可以在中國被使用,我禱告求問:為何不使用我? 我滿腔熱血願意跟我關心的學生分享祂的話語啊,懷著鬱悶我上網搜索其他機會。



不過2013年四月我去了西安,認識更多中國和中國的學生,與他們分享我生命中最重要的東西。我也結識一群自稱為”Kiwis”的新朋友,發現他們是多國後裔,有些能講流利的華語和很奇怪的英文(對我的美國耳朵來說)。更糟的是 講得超快!!



忍不住提提這幾次訪問中遇到的廣大農民和少數民族,中國如此遼闊多元,事工機會無窮。我太太兩年後退休,希望她能跟我一起參與CCSM 的醫療團或孤兒院的工作,也許和我再參加一次英語文化交流團! 我知道她和活潑開朗的學生相處,可能也會喜歡與快嘴Kiwis共事吧!!

有一天我跟史提夫同組上課,我隨口提起「標竿人生」這本暢銷書,藉此鼓勵學生吧,誰曉得我話才說完,史提夫從背包中摸出一本書,正是 Rick Warren寫的 The Purpose Driven Life,他從美國千里迢迢帶到中國要送給有緣人,如此默契令我心歡躍在天!  - 蜜

原文經Steve同意刊出。照片由Reuben攝影。English text written by Steve H., photos taken by Reuben P.

* CCSM:China Church Support Ministries 中國教會支援使團


( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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2014/02/11 18:40
Amazing work of God~ and amazing story of Steve!
開心(kathymih) 於 2014-02-11 19:07 回覆:

When God shuts a door, he opens a window. But it's up to you to find it!