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法國梅村summer retreat (6)-Lower hamlet 親子行禪
2012/09/24 07:22:59瀏覽869|回應0|推薦1





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以下這段引導禪是禪師在The Blooming of a Lotus 裡面,特別針對親子關係,


Seeing myself as a five-year-old child, I breathe in.

Smiling to the five-year-old child, I breathe out.

Myself five years old,  Smiling


Seeing the five-year-old as fragile and vulnerable, I breathe in.

Smiling with love to the five-year-old girl, I breathe out.

Five-years-old ,  Fragile,  Smiling with love



Seeing my father as a five-year-old boy, I breathe in.

Smiling to my father as a five-year-old boy, I breathe out.

Father five years old  ,Smiling


Seeing my five-year-old father a fragile and vulnerable, I breathe in.

Smiling with love and understanding to my father as a five-year-old boy, I breath out.

Father fragile and vulnerable

Smiling with love and understanding


Seeing my mother as a five-year-old girl, I breathe in

Smiling to my mother as a five-year-old girl, I breathe out.

Mother five years old  ,Smiling


Seeing my five-years-old mother as fragile and vulnerable, I breathe in.

Smiling with love and understanding to my mother as five-year-old girl, I breathe out.

Mother fragile and vulnerable

Smiling with love and understanding


Seeing my father suffering as a child, I breathe in.

Seeing my mother suffering as a child, I breathe out.

Father suffering as a child

Mother suffering as a child


Seeing my father in me, I breathe in.

Smiling to my father in me, I breathe out.

Father in me  ,Smiling


Seeing my mother in me, I breathe in.

Smiling to my mother in me, I breathe out.

Mother in me  ,Smiling


Understanding the difficulties that my father in me has, I breathe in.

Determined to work for the release of both my father and me, I breathe out.

Difficulties of father in me

Releasing father and me


Understanding the difficulties that my mother in me has, I breathe in.

Determined to work for the release of both my mother and me, I breathe out.

Difficulties of mother in me

Releasing mother and me





團體活動結束後,我獨自慢步在lower hamelt的森林中,聽著樹林細語,不需要人類語言他們就懂得我正在處理自己的痛苦,我知道大地支持著我。正念慢步後我才回電台灣,這份正念能量讓彼此安穩住,之後幾天在梅村的生活感覺到那股不安穩的能量越變越少越小。

本篇跟大家分享在lower  hametl的禪修環境與很適合行禪的森林 (梅村每個halmet都有自己的行禪路線,都很棒)

在lower hamlet的某日下午行禪,一個西班牙媽媽把小嬰兒帶著一起行禪時,嬰兒哇哇大哭吵著喝奶,這位媽媽沒有焦慮就邊行禪邊哺乳,嬰兒邊哭,sisters跟禪修朋友們照樣慢慢走在森林小道。一開始我很驚訝,想說這位媽媽怎麼不好好找個地方餵奶,邊走邊餵小嬰兒不舒服當然大哭,且公眾哺乳這件事情,在"道場"即使在梅村,我都沒想過是可以接受的,但梅村的環境不僅是接受,且最後幾位禪修者獻花給這位努力行禪的媽媽。


共修資訊:Mindful Bloom


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