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垂老而明智, 與年老的朋友共思 是的, 歲月悠悠, 有始有終 (翻譯:李益謙教授;編輯:馮紀游)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryl8SnZtWrE&ab_channel=mrp0308. 垂老而明智(Old and Wise) 作曲: Eric Woolfson; 作詞: Alan Parsons Li將歌詞翻譯如下 我放眼四顧, 陰影正在逼近之中. 對我離開後的朋友, 我要告訴你: 你總是與我同行, 分享思維.
哦, 當我垂老而明理, 苦澀之言已無意義, 在時光的迷霧裡, 已如秋風過耳.
當問我是否與你相識, 我會笑答, 說你是我的摯友, 我的眼角不再有悲傷. 哦, 當我垂老而明智.
我左顧右盼, 陰影已經環繞, 對於我身後的人, 我要告訴你: 你總是在我最黯淡的時刻為我分憂. 當我離去我會想念你.
哦, 當我垂老而明白, 沉重的言語, 已如秋風飄逝, 在歲月的迷霧裡, 當問及是否認識我時, 請記得你是我的好友.
當生命最後的帷幕在我眼前落下時, 我環顧四周…. 哦, 當我垂老而理解.
Old and Wise As far as my eyes can see There are shadows approaching me And to those I left behind, I wanted you to know Youve always shared my deepest thoughts You follow where I go
And oh, when Im old and wise Bitter words mean little to me Autumn winds will blow right through me And someday in the mist of time
When they asked me if I knew you Id smile and say you were a friend of mine And the sadness would be lifted from my eyes Oh, when Im old and wise
As far as my eyes can see There are shadows surrounding me And to those I leave behind, I want you all to know Youve always shared my darkest hours Ill miss you when I go
And oh, when Im old and wise Heavy words that tossed and blew me Like autumn winds, will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time When they ask you if you knew me Remember that you were a friend of mine
As the final curtain falls before my eyes Oh, when Im old and wise As far as my eyes can see 李益謙在逍遙閣發表的文章: 9 學佛的老人:畢業50周年返校團聚有感. (含李益謙詩文) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/80106868 329 人老了~~願新的一年充滿喜樂與光輝, 祝新年愉快(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/109845892 330 「人老了」 老李於2017年歲末的生命感懷(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/109872954 335 「空」的聯想 ~~ 一位基督徒研讀心經的心得與感想(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/110957548 351 泡湯的科學意義(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/111990667 357 神奇的 Pi(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/112256870 394 火星日出之歌(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/123429981 396 咬文嚼字話Christmas(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/124357468 418 花開花落自有時(李益謙編譯) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/127637338 452 深邃--無垠宇宙(李益謙教授) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/137185661 457 伏爾加河縴夫之歌(李益謙) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/148022539 464 驪歌~~逍遙閣四周年慶(李益謙/馮紀游) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/151980951 472 英譯「祕魔崖月夜」試作(李益謙教授) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/155619923 477 一個遠古的母愛的禮讚(李益謙編譯) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/162769752 本文網址連結: 478 垂老而明智, 與年老的朋友共思(李益謙翻譯) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/164166110
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( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |