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2013/09/03 19:31:15瀏覽1062|回應3|推薦53 | |
Set fire to your hair 在頭髮上點火 Poke a stick at a grizzly bear 拿支棍子戳上灰熊 Eat medicines that’s out of date 嗑藥這檔事真是老梗 Use your private parts as piranha bait 把你的陰部當成食人魚餌 Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Get your toast out with a fork 用叉子 叉上吐司 Do your own electrical work 自已親手搞個電工 Teach yourself how to fly 教自已怎麼飛 Eat a two week old unrefrigerated pie 吃著兩個星期沒冷藏的派 Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Invite a psycho-killer inside 邀請你 內在精神殺手 Scratch your drug dealer’s brand new ride 逮你藥頭的全新騎座 Take your helmet off in outer space 脫掉安全帽上太空 Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place 把 乾衣機找來當窩來葳 Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Keep a rattlesnake as pet 響尾蛇拿來當寵物 Sell both the kidneys on the internet 兩顆腎藏被賣到網路 Eat a tube of superglue 強力膠整條嗑 “I wonder what’s this red button do?” 不知紅中是做什麼來著 Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Dress up like a moose during hunting season 在 狩獵季節打扮成了糜鹿 Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason 無緣無故搗亂了黄蜂窩 Stand on the edge of a train station platform 站在火車月台的邊緣 Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing 火車來到閘道的邊邊 Run across the tracks between the platforms 撞上了月台下的雙鐵軌 They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly 唱的沒韻那也還是會發生 Dumbest ways to die ie 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Dumbest ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Dumbest ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 So many dumb 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 So many dumb ways to die 笨笨死法 這麼多的笨笨死法 Be safe around trains. A message from Metro (如有翻錯,敬請指教) More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/t/tangerine_kitty/ |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |