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關於access & assess
2009/10/23 11:12:04瀏覽4531|回應0|推薦2

在英文閱讀時,發現一般很容易被學生念錯搞混的兩個單詞-access & assess,這個個單詞在乍看之下還真的不容易分辯,我們來看看它們的不同之處:

1. access / æk’sεs / / æk’ses /(N.) 通道;進入;入口;使用的權利;接近(某物某人)

                                             (V.) 打開電腦的檔案 


a. The only access to this village is by boat or airplane. (要進入這個村莊的方式就是坐船或搭飛機)

b. The children's father was refused to access to them at any time. (這個父親被禁止探訪他的小孩子們)

c. On the weekends the only access to this building is through the back door. (週末時要從後門才能進入這幢建築物)

d. Pants! We don't have the access to internet today. (真糟糕!我們今天上不了網)


2. assess / ə’sεs /  / ə’ses / (V.) 對....進行評估;對...進行罰款;徵稅


a. The government assessd the cost of the flood damage at 2 million dollars. (政府評估此次水災的災害損失高達2百萬美元)

b. Do  you really know to assess diamonds? (你真的知道如何鑑賞鑽石嗎?)

c. He's assessed the income tax of 10,000 dollars this year. (他今年被徵收一萬元的所得稅)

If you know the access to this page, you would know how to distinguish the differences between assess and access. ^^ See you next time!

( 知識學習語言 )
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