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she said over the ridge was her home
2014/06/19 17:57:28瀏覽64|回應0|推薦0

Then, she the subconscious ground hand stroked the hair before the sum, happiness and his full in the face.

With great care, I asked her, Is it right? Every day be always on tenterhooks. She said, she said she is most afraid of the sound of the ambulance. First, ore on the old accounting heart disease, 120 emergency vehicles town with wailing sirens to ore on the open, the eight village in four relatives of the trapped miners were alarmed, people flocked to the mine, some people even ran and cried. That day, went to the mine she found, do not know what time, oneself unexpectedly ran to throw a shoe. She said that, until now, even hear the sound in the county town, her heart can't stop shaking.

When saying this word, her face is as calm as water, and I, but can feel from the bottom of my heart, a bit sour quickly rushed to the body.

She said, Shii miners face a layer of coal black, clothes are like charcoal, in the eyes of others, these should not tell who is who, but we these families know at a glance who is the man.

The speech, hoisting a few miners to appear in the mouth, I subconsciously looked down at his watch: five forty-five, no less.

She no longer speak, unblinking stare at the shaft.

A pot and a pot, one after another, the miners were lift to the wellhead.

She was standing around the rock, feel a sense of relief as to oneself: another day has gone, Ping Pingan.

She began to gather up her basket basket, I know, she has seen her most want to see people, who gave her love, give her the warmth and strength of the people support.

I want the car to take her side, she refused, she said over the ridge was her home, the path faster, men like to drink two son, oneself to catch the man back to his wine hot.

Looking at her petite and even some dry red sumac disappeared in the woods, that moment, I suddenly is moved by her that simple love. On one side is the toil of everyday life, and be very worried about you. The day be always on tenterhooks in Zhang Wangzhong, the miners love has long been thin thick seam years pin synthesized a close fitting clothes, body, warm,. Those who stand looking in care, those into a pot of hot wine soup in love, let the ideal setting for a couple in love have I become so pale, hypocritical.

Five forty-five love, let me in the heart of the reinforced concrete world becomes more and more rough increasingly numb heart, deeply immersed in a warm and moist smoking parents and responsible retailers their Tesco debit card at the till competition to win new banking customers have you met the amazing one grow that much stronger .

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