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2011/01/18 20:27:53瀏覽330|回應0|推薦3



    財務績效評估模式選用資料包絡分析法(Data envelopment analysis,簡稱DEA),資料包絡分析法能夠計算多項投入與多項產出,取得決策單位之相對效率,本文進行財務五力分析時,選用收益力(稅後資產報酬率)、成長力(淨值成長率)、安定力(流動比率)、活動力(應收款項週轉率)與生產力(原始每股現金流量)等五種產出項目,資產總計(千)/營業額(千)、營業成本(千)/營業額(千)與營業費用(千)/營業額(千)為投入項目,分析各家營建公司財務績效;藉由風險值能夠瞭解各家營建公司之股價波動情形,採用變異數-共變異數、歷史模擬法與蒙地卡羅模擬法等三種方法,分析各家營建公司股價風險值;接著,本文採用量化方式計算出各家營建公司之董監薪酬,瞭解各家公司是否領取適當薪資水準;最後設計整合方塊,並找到整體表現較佳與較差的公司。






This research aims at investigating as subjects the overall performances of 41 listed construction companies in TSE or OTC. Construction industry related literature, construction industry survey, construction industry financial performance, construction industry remuneration of directors and supervisors, construction industry value at risks, and style box and integrated cube are analyzed as the sole proprietor of reference.

    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is adopted to evaluate the financial efficiency of each construction company. There are three input parameters for each company. They are assets values/business turnover, operation prime cost/business turnover and operation cost/business turnover. The five financial forces are profitability (after return on assets), growth (YOY%-Total Equity), stability (Current %), activity (A/R&N/R Turnover) and productivity (cash flow per share). They are considered as output parameters. This research uses variance-covariance metrics, historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation three methods to estimate Value-at-Risks of stock prices. This paper uses quantitative methods to calculate the compensation to directors and supervisors of construction companies. This paper also designs the integration cube to evaluate the overall better performance and poor performance of each company.
    The financial
 performance, directors’ remuneration and the var of risk are divided respectively into the high, middle and low three population groups. With the data from the envelopment analysis, we thus conclude that the high value of the financial performance of construction firms is 1; the financial performance in the values ranges between 0.3 ~ 0.66; the low value of the financial performance goes below 0.66. With regard to the remuneration of the board directors and supervisors, a high pay is higher than NT 16.967 million ; a middle pay ranges between NT 8,560,000 to NT 16,552,000; a low pay goes below NT 8,126,000. From the risk of stock prices, we conclude that a high risk value goes above 0.0639; a middle risk value ranges between 0.0571 ~ 0.0627; a low risk value comes under 0.056.

Those results show that the Yungshis Construction and Developent (5508) has the best business performance. Its financial performance has been outstanding and it also commands very good risk-control capabilities. The remuneration that the board directors and supervisors receive is the least among their counterparts. From the data obtained, this company is worth investing. Concerning the Prince Housing and Development (2511) and Kindom Innovative Housing (2520), the remuneration that the board directors and supervisors obtain exceeds the average remuneration among their counterparts. In terms of financial performance and risk level, the business performance has much to be desired.                                                                                                                                                


Keyword: Value at Risk, Financial PerformanceBoard CompensationIntegration Cube

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