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Muse - Uprising
2012/03/13 00:14:41瀏覽228|回應0|推薦0
Paranoia is in bloom, 偏執狂在綻放
The PR transmissions will resume, PR傳輸將恢復(註解)
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down, 他們將努力推動藥品,使我們大家都簡單化了
And hope that we will never see the truth around希望,我們周圍永遠看不到真相
(So come on)所以來
Another promise, another scene, 另一個承諾另一個場景
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, 另一種包裝謊言,讓我們被困貪婪
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds, 所有綠帶我們的頭腦
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined和無休止的繁文縟節保持真理局限
(So come on)所以來

They will not force us, 他們不會強迫我們
They will stop degrading us, 他們將停止羞我們
They will not control us, 他們不會控制我們
We will be victorious我們勝利
(So come on)所以來

Interchanging mind control, 互換心靈控制
Come let the revolution take it's toll, 革命奉獻犧牲
If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, 如果你能輕撥開關並打開的第三眼
You'd see that你會看到
We should never be afraid to die我們絕不應該害怕死亡
(So come on)所以來

Rise up and take the power back, 站起來,並取回權力
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack, 這是肥貓不得不心髒病發作的時間
You know that their time's coming to an end, 你知道自己的時間即將結束
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend我們必須統一,看著我們的國旗升高

They will not force us, 他們不會強迫我們
They will stop degrading us, 他們將停止羞我們
They will not control us, 他們不會控制我們
We will be victorious我們勝利

註解:PR transmissions在外國雅虎知識+有一段是這樣解釋的
Big Brother can hijack the sound waves that are constantly bombarding your ears and load them up with subliminal propaganda.

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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