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2012/03/12 02:16:58瀏覽127|回應0|推薦0
You could be my unintended你可能意外
Choice to live my life extended選擇去生命延長
You could be the one I'll always love可能是其中之一我會永遠愛
You could be the one who listens你可能是其中一個傾聽著
To my deepest inquisitions來我的最深處宗教裁判所 (註解於下)
You could be the one I'll always love可能是其中之一我會永遠愛

I'll be there as soon as I can我會在那裡可以盡快
But I'm busy mending broken現在正忙著修補破碎
Pieces of the life I had before我以前的生活片斷

First there was the one who challenged首先是一個挑戰者
All my dreams and all my balance我所有的夢想我所有的平衡
She could never be as good as you永遠不能和你一樣好
You could be my unintended你可以意外
Choice to live my life extended選擇去生命延長
You could be the one I'll always love可能是其中之一我會永遠愛

I'll be there as soon as I can我會在那裡可以盡快
But I'm busy mending broken現在正忙著修補破碎
Pieces of the life I had before我以前的生活片斷
I'll be there as soon as I can我會在那裡可以盡快
But I'm busy mending broken現在正忙著修補破碎
Pieces of the life I had before我以前的生活片斷
Before you你之前  
       註解:宗教裁判所拉丁語Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis),或稱異端裁判所異端審判,是在公元1231年天主教教宗格里高利九世決意,由多明我會設立的宗教法庭。此法庭是負責偵查、審判和裁決天主教會認為是異端的法庭,曾監禁和處死異見分子。                  資料來源:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/       
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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