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Muse - Feeling Good
2012/03/11 14:42:17瀏覽241|回應0|推薦0
Birds flying high越飛越高
You know how I feel你知道我感受
Sun in the sky太陽在天空
You know how I feel你知道我感受
Breeze driftin' on by微風漂移
You know how I feel你知道我感受
It's a new dawn這是一個新的曙光
It's a new day這是一個新的一天
It's a new life這是一個新生活
For me..對我來說..
And I'm feeling good且感覺不錯

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel你知道我感受
River running free上自由悠游
You know how I feel你知道我感受
Blossom in the trees開花
You know how I feel你知道我感受
It's a new dawn這是一個新的曙光
It's a new day這是一個新的一天
It's a new life這是一個新生活
For me...對於我來說...
And I'm feeling good且感覺不錯

Dragonfly out in the sun蜻蜓在陽光下
You know what I mean, don't you know知道我的意思你不知道
Butterflies all out having fun蝴蝶都出去玩樂
You know what I mean你知道我意思
Sleep in peace睡在和平
When, the this day is done這一天結束
And this old world舊世界
Is a new world是一個世界
And a bold world一個大膽的世界
For me...對於我來說...

Stars when you shine星星閃耀
You know how I feel你知道我感受
Scent of the pine松樹香氣
You know how I feel你知道我感受
yeah, freedom is mine是啊,自由是我的
When you know how I feel知道我的感覺
It's a new dawn這是一個新的曙光
It's a new day這是一個新的一天
It's a new life這是一個新生活
For me...對於我來說...
yeah, ooh耶~喔
Oh, ooh...喔喔
Oooh, ooh..free, free loving you... 喔喔喔..自由..自由我愛你
Oooh, oooh喔喔
Feeling good感覺很不錯
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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