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Muse - Invincible
2012/03/12 02:36:29瀏覽310|回應0|推薦0
Follow through貫徹
Make our dreams come true使我們的夢想成
Don't give up the fight不要放棄爭取
You will be alright起來
'Cause there's no one like you因為沒有一個像你這樣的
In the universe在宇宙中

Don't be afraid不要害怕
What you're mind conceals心為什麼隱藏
You should make a stand您應該表態
Stand up for what you believe站起來你相信
And tonight we can truly say今晚我們可以真正地說
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的
And during the struggle並在奮鬥
They will pull us down他們將我們下來
But please, please let's use this chance to但是,請,請讓我們利用這個機會去
Turn things around扭轉乾坤
And tonight we can truly say今晚我們可以真正地說
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的

Do it on your own自己
Makes no difference to me對沒有什麼不同
What you leave behind留下
What you choose to be您選擇的什麼
And whatever they say無論他們怎麼說
Your soul's unbreakable你的靈魂牢不可破

And during the struggle並在奮鬥
They will pull us down他們將我們下來
But please, please let's use this chance to但是,請,請讓我們利用這個機會去
Turn things around扭轉乾坤
And tonight we can truly say今晚我們可以真正地說
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的
And during the struggle並在奮鬥
They will pull us down他們將我們下來
But please, please let's use this chance to但是,請,請讓我們利用這個機會去
Turn things around扭轉乾坤
And tonight we can truly say今晚我們可以真正地說
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的
Together we're invincible我們在一起無敵的
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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