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Pain feat. Anette Olzon - Follow Me (with lyrics)
2010/01/14 15:34:47瀏覽661|回應0|推薦1

PAIN - Follow Me feat. Anette Olzon

Follow me跟我來
the trouble seems to always wanna麻煩似乎總想

Follow me跟我來

It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來
the troubele seems to always wanna在麻煩似乎總是希望
Follow me跟我來
It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來

I walk in the Path of a misfits blood.我走在路上格格不入的血液。
No compass can stare my way沒有指南可以留意我的方式
No light at the end of the tunnel在沒有光的隧道底
the time is running out for me時間已經不多了我

no gold at the end of the rainbow沒有金牌最後的彩虹
no high hopes, dreams deceive沒有很高的期望,夢想欺騙

Follow me跟我來
the trouble seems to always wanna麻煩似乎總想
Follow me跟我來
It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來
the troubele seems to always wanna麻煩似乎總想
Follow me跟我來
It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來

Follow me跟我來
the trouble seems to always wanna麻煩似乎總想
Follow me跟我來
It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來
the troubele seems to always wanna麻煩似乎總想
Follow me跟我來
It has let me down so far so why dont you這讓我失望,為什麼至今你不
Follow me跟我來

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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