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斯開島之戀 - 蘇格蘭 (3/6)
2011/01/09 13:51:15瀏覽351|回應0|推薦0

斯開島之戀 - 蘇格蘭 

曲名: 斯開島船歌 (The Skye Boat Song ) 1870's 蘇格蘭民謠
舞名: 斯開島之戀 (Welcome to Skye) 
編舞: 張慶三老師,民國62年12月
音樂: 惠美唱片 FDC-0047

本曲真的是太老了,老到作曲者不可考,作詞者為Harold Boulton爵士於1870~年間所填,於1884年出版.


Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that's born to be King
Over the sea to Skye.

Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,
Thunderclouds rend the air;
Baffled, our foes stand by the shore,
Follow they will not dare.

Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that's born to be King
Over the sea to Skye.

Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,
Ocean's a royal bed.
Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep
Watch by your weary head.

Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that's born to be King
Over the sea to Skye.

Many's the lad fought on that day,
Well the claymore could wield,
When the night came, silently lay
Dead in Culloden's field.

Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that's born to be King
Over the sea to Skye.

Burned are their homes, exile and death
Scatter the loyal men;
Yet e'er the sword cool in the sheath
Charlie will come again.

Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,
Onward! the sailors cry;
Carry the lad that's born to be King
Over the sea to Skye. 
Over the sea to Skye. 



附註: 本文在2011/01/03首度發表於舞之心論壇

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