歌名:Maxina 作詞:本曲為演奏曲,無歌詞 作曲:Marguerite Boissonade and W. F. Hurndall 舞名:同歌名 編舞:Madame Low Hurndall,西元1917年7月26日 中文舞名:梅絲娜 土風舞音樂:惠美唱片F.D.C.第0015集 預備舞姿:雙人舞,雙圈,維沙維尼舞姿,面對方向線
梅絲娜的傳播力相當驚人.西元1917年還沒有過完,這首舞就已經跨海傳到法國,現在的法國國家圖書館裏面還保存著這首從英國來的舞蹈,"nouvelle danse qui fait fureur a Londres",意思是從倫敦傳來的舞蹈.當然不只法國,這首舞席捲了整個大英國協,包括大洋洲的紐,澳等,以及歐洲大陸.最後當然也傳到了美國.
在這麼快速的傳播過程中,舞序難免會有些偏差與人為改變,我們可以從史料中將本舞最原始的舞序重建,在這裡青蛙老師引用Capering & Kickery的原舞重建(reconstruction)供舞友們參考.Capering & Kickery根據上面青蛙老師貼的西元1917年原始版的內容重建. “The Maxina continues to be danced as a living tradition dance and has acquired several significant variations over the years. My reconstruction is based on the earliest sources for the dance: the description published in The Dancing Times and the instructions on the sheet music.”
在進入正式舞序之前的預備舞姿,Capering & Kickery是這麼寫的: The starting position for the Maxina is a modified "shadow" position,with the dancers almost side by side,the gentleman further back with his right shoulder behind the ladys left.The original instructions call for the gentleman to hold the ladys right wrist in his right hand over her shoulder and her left wrist in his left hand, somewhat lower.The feet should be in third position with the left foot in front.Both dancers start begin with the left foot. 這段話的意思是說,梅絲娜的預備舞姿是修改過的纏繞舞姿(shadow position,我們翻譯為纏繞舞姿,而修改過的變形shadow position我們稱為蝴蝶舞姿,請參閱青蛙老師”鬥牛英雄”舞蹈簡介中的圖例No.15:https://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/118009523,算了,我知道舞友們的個性都很懶,我還是把圖例搬到這裡方便大家看吧.)
鬥牛英雄圖例中的No.15: 圖片說明中寫道:with L to L hand hold,R to R shoulder,意思是左手互牽,右手肩高.上面Capering & Kickery寫說梅絲娜是modified shadow position,修改過的蝴蝶舞姿,所以又是上面鬥牛英雄No.15蝴蝶舞姿的變形,原始舞序中寫”The original instructions call for the gentleman to hold the ladys right wrist in his right hand over her shoulder and her left wrist in his left hand, somewhat lower.”,意思是右手牽右手腕,左手牽左手腕,右手高於肩膀,左手低於肩膀.
腳的部份,”The feet should be in third position with the left foot in front.Both dancers start begin with the left foot.”,男女生都是左腳在前的左腳第三位置,男女都是同一腳,左腳起步…不要再叫青蛙老師重貼什麼是腳的第三位置吧?!青蛙老師以前都有教過嘍…算了,我太了解大家了,沒有人會記住這些舞蹈專有名詞的,大家都只想會跳就好.好吧,我再貼圖過來,讓大家簡單回憶一下青蛙老師以前教過的東西,再等我一下下…
Maxina (24 bars of 4/4 time; two strong beats per bar) 2b Four pas marché (walking steps) along line of dance (left, right, left, right), stepping out diagonally (left foot to left, right foot to right, etc.) 2b Chassé (step-close-step, count 1&2) diagonally to the left, then to the right, swaying body toward lead foot (left-right-left, right-left-right) 1b Two pas marché along line of dance (left, right); pivot invidually on right foot (dancers are facing opposite direction, lady is to gentlemans left, moving against line of dance) 1b Cross left foot over right (1) then point right foot to fourth position in front (2) 1b Two pas marché against line of dance (right, left); pivot individually on left foot (dancers are again facing line of dance with lady to gentlemans right) 1b Cross right foot over left (1) then point left foot to fourth position in front (2) 4b Eight "step-taps" making a circle to the left; step forward left on the heel, toes raised (1), then step onto right with a slight tap (&); repeat for eight counts. Bodies should be bent over the left foot, right hands raised and left lowered. (for these four bars, knees should be slightly bent) 1b Pas marché forward on left foot, then on right with a dip, turning toes out to right 1b Step forward left on the heel, toes raised (1), close right foot to heel of left (&), raise left foot in front of right heel, toe down and heel up (2) 2b Repeat the previous two bars 2b Three pas marché forward (left, right, left), then gentleman closes right to left while lady pivots clockwise under his left arm to face, freeing her right foot 6b Three complete turns of two-step or waltz; on the last bar, shift back to shadow position, the lady freeing her left foot