歌名:Yellow Boomerang 作詞:Giosy Capuano, Mario Capuano, Mike Shepstone 作曲:同上 演唱:Middle Of The Road合唱團,西元1973年 土風舞演奏版:羅伯托.德爾加多,西元1973年 舞名:黃色飛梭 編舞:楊昌雄老師民國68年6月 土風舞音樂:弦歌唱片C.C.S.第1041集 預備舞姿:雙人舞,雙圈,舞伴面對方向線,牽內手自然下垂
根據英國蘇格蘭鄉村舞蹈辭典”Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary”中的說明:Icebreaker and "to break the ice" are expressions used to describe a game or activity that introduces people to each other so that they feel more relaxed together.意思是說在一群不熟的人群中用來讓大家放鬆,增進彼此認識的一種活動或遊戲.這類解凍舞蹈在張慶三老師的土風舞分類中,分類在準土風舞裡面的舞蹈遊戲中.
本舞的音樂來源有一點特殊,它是來自蘇格蘭一個名為Middle Of The Road樂團於西元1973年2月發行,由義大利Giosy與Mario Capuano兄弟,和Mike Shepstone共同創作的一首單曲.這個樂團認為英國音樂市場不太會接受這首歌的風格,因此跑到歐洲大陸去發行,反而因此唱片大賣,在歐洲各國都打入流行歌曲排行榜中.曲名Yellow Boomerang的意思是黃色迴力鏢(楊昌雄老師譯為”黃色飛梭”比較好聽).
歌名Yellow Boomerang,意思是黃色迴力鏢:
Middle Of The Road樂團發行的Yellow Boomerang單曲專輯唱片封面:
Yellow Boomerang唱片:
英文原文歌詞: 1. Youre like my yellow Boomerang when you say you gonna have to leave then like my yellow boomerang you come boomeranging back to me
2a. On monday night for no apparent reason you said you were going out got to join the Navy or the Foreign Legion to find out what lifes all about
3. Ah, its the same old story but then again I cant be too sure And Im so glad the next day when I hear your tappin and a knocking on my door
1. Youre like my yellow Boomerang when you say you gonna have to leave then like my yellow boomerang you come boomeranging back to me
2b. On Friday night you had a revelation you want to go to Brazil stay a while at Rio for the celebrations depending on how you feel
3 Ah, its the same old story but then again I cant be too sure And Im so glad the next day when I hear your tappin and a knocking on my door
結尾. Youre like my yellow Boomerang when you say you gonna have to leave hen like my yellow boomerang you come boomeranging back to me (2S)