本舞舞名同歌名,但是翻譯有一點分歧.有人翻譯成”水井旁邊的橘子園”,有人翻譯成”水槽旁邊的甜橙園”,香港的舞友翻譯成”井旁裡的樀子林”最為經典,還要出動康熙字典查”樀”這個字…希伯來文真的很難懂.青蛙老師請教了一位以色列友人,Mr. Dan Zofi,他說這個意思是”水槽旁的果園”,並沒有明確的說這是橙樹或是其他水果樹.
和. Od ani posea lechapes achreha Ahavat chayai Vaani yodea tama haona Tamu neurai
2. Bamarom chama boeret aval po amok haerev Vechimat hastav Im tite veshuv tavoi Od ahavatenu po hi vaani ita
和. Od ani posea lechapes achreha Ahavat chayai Vaani yodea tama haona Tamu neurai
3. Reach mayim tzel arbayim Nach al hamishol Ben arbayim od nashuva shnayim Yechefim bachol
和. Od ani posea lechapes achreha Ahavat chayai Vaani yodea tama haona Tamu neurai
歌詞英譯: 1. In the orchard next to the trough Twilight and green and a bird drinks A grapefruit is still hung between summer and winter And so am I 和. I still walk looking for the love of my life And I know the season is over so is my youth 2. The sun is burning up there But here the evening is deep and it is almost autumn If you lose your way and come back Our love is still here and so am I 和. I still walk looking for the love of my life And I know the season is over so is my youth 3. The smell of the water, twilight shadow is laid on the road We will come back in two And walk barefoot in the sand 和. I still walk looking for the love of my life And I know the season is over so is my youth 歌詞中譯:(還是我來翻啦,所以聽聽就好,別太認真嘿!)