歌名:A Woman Like You 作詞:Curtis Young 作曲:Curtis Young 演唱:The Oak Ridge Boys,西元1981年3月 舞名:A Fifth of Beethoven / The Ludwig 編舞:Ken Kernen 中文舞名:又是假日 土風舞音樂:第四屆亞洲土風舞營
當青蛙老師看到書上寫說本舞原名為A Fifth of Beethoven,一看就丈二金剛摸不著頭腦.舞名怎麼會叫做貝多芬第五號交響曲(命運),也就是大家最常聽到的”等~等~等~等~~~~~”這首音樂.再看編舞者名字更讓青蛙老師傻眼,Walter Murphy?!他是西元20世紀的音樂家,曾經在西元1976年將貝多芬的第五號交響曲,也就是A Fifth of Beethoven,重新編曲,用當時最流行的Disco曲風重新改編,由於曲風清新,節奏明快,曾經爬上排行榜的冠軍位置,同時也被當年最夯的歌舞片Saturday Night Fever(周末夜狂熱,由當代的電臀舞男約翰屈伏塔主演)收錄進它的電影原聲帶裡,這一首相當出名的舞曲,在當年各大大小小舞會中是不可或缺的.所以A Fifth of Beethoven跟Walter Murphy連在一起不意外,意外的是,怎麼會是本舞的編舞者呢?這太不可思議了,而且也從來沒有聽說過Walter Murphy曾經編過舞呀?!這個問題就一直擱了二十多年.
後來青蛙老師研究發現一首美國加州出來的一首很紅的簡單排舞California Strut,動作跟本舞接近,而且最常用的配樂是西元1976年Walter Murphy寫的A Fifth of Beethoven這首流行歌曲同一張專輯裡的另外一首紅歌曲California Strut.於是青蛙老師從這裡做基點,再往外找,果然證實了那個捷克網站的資料與舞序是正確的.
California Strut排舞:
由於當年排舞配的音樂只要符合節奏長度(通常是32 bars),任何一首音樂都可以配,通常也以歌名當舞名.美國當時有用Walter Murphy的A Fifth of Beethoven來配這一首舞,因此這首排舞也叫做A Fifth of Beethoven.至於為什麼台灣用的音樂不是A Fifth of Beethoven,改用The Oak Ridge Boys演唱的鄉村搖滾A Woman Like You我還沒查到,連美國有沒有人用這一首歌當配樂也沒有查到.還有,就是中文舞名取名為”又是假日”,似乎跟A Woman Like You又搭不上關係,反而跟Walter Murphy的A Fifth of Beethoven有間接關係,因為A Fifth of Beethoven是Saturday Night Fever,周末夜狂熱電影中的插曲,由周末夜連接到”又是假日”合乎邏輯,但是A Woman Like You又跟周末夜狂熱電影沾不上邊,怎麼舞名會變成”又是假日”呢?青蛙老師猜想,可能是當初翻譯本舞的舞友也被這一些錯綜複雜,治絲益棼的資訊給搞迷糊了吧(青蛙老師還沒有把另外一個舞名資訊”The Ludwig”攪進來呢,那會更天下大亂).
捷克網站舞序資料與我們現在跳的一模一樣: 更令人傻眼的來了,青蛙老師找到一個美國方舞網站,在美國的方舞俱樂部通常也會跳Round Dance甚或用鄉村歌曲改編些許排舞來跳,結果青蛙老師找到了一首California Strut的dance sheet,也就是舞序.經過仔細比對竟然就是我們跳的”又是假日”!編舞者是Ken Kernen也沒有錯,而舞蹈敘述中說本舞可以配California Strut也可以配A Fifth of Beethoven,您瞧這個亂勁兒呢,難怪這首舞的資料那麼難湊出全貌..
英文原文歌詞: 1. If I had a woman like you to hold You would be more precious to me than gold Warm me through the cold winter nights Wrap your arms around me hold me tight Just to have a love thats warm and true And to have it all come from you If I had a woman like you to hold How happy I would be
2. The moment that I saw you I knew I had to have you You simply took my breath away With your come on flashin eyes They say that all is fair in love and war But I cant seem to take it anymore Cause Im burning inside and I cant put out the fire
3. If I had a woman like you to hold You would be more precious to me than gold Warm me through the cold winter nights Wrap your arms around me hold me tight Just to have a love thats warm and true And to have it all come from you If I had a woman like you to hold How happy I would be
結尾. Just to have a love thats warm and true And to have it all come from you If I had a woman like you to hold How happy I would be
If I had a woman like you to hold How happy I would be