後來Anthony OReilly的大女兒Harriet Georgina於西元1865年嫁給了都柏林的望族Matthew Richard Weld OConnor,9年後,也就是西元1874年,Anthony OReilly去世,享年62歲.而獨子James也因故過世,OReilly家族至此算是斷了香火.巴爾特拉斯納莊園就傳到了大女兒的OConnor家族了.然而大女兒的丈夫Matthew R.W.OConnor人並不好,是個心腸很壞的土地掮客,他對佃農從不懷慈悲心,只會壓榨佃農.他把巴爾特拉斯納莊園用很高的租金租給佃農,回收條件又訂得很苛刻,讓佃農都債台高築.最後,OConnor家族老的陸續逝去,小的陸續離家,而巴爾特拉斯納莊園,巴爾特拉斯納老屋也逐漸頹圮,呼應本文的第一句:「親人逐漸故去,唯有老屋蒼涼的矗立在那兒」.
本歌曲的作者Frederick OConnor是OConnor家族的一員,從小就在巴爾特拉斯納老屋長大,在西元1939年,他將小時候對的巴爾特拉斯納莊園的懷念寫成了這首"The Old House”,後來藉由廣播電台的播放,和名歌星John McCormack灌錄唱片的加持,迅速竄紅,最後成為愛爾蘭的民謠.
John McCormack於西元1939年11月30日發行的10吋單曲小唱片:
1. Lonely I wander, through scenes of my childhood, They bring back to memory those happy days of yore, Gone are the old folk, the house stands deserted, No light in the window, no welcome at the door.
2. Here’s where the children played games on the heather, Here’s where they sailed wee boats on the burn, Where are they now? Some are dead, some have wandered, No more to their home shall those children return.
3. Lone stands the house now, and lonely the mooreland, The children have scattered, the old folk are gone. Why stand I here, like a ghost and a shadow. ‘Tis time I was moving,‘tis time I passed on.
民國112年9月4日新增: 呵呵~,我的師父考不倒我,我終於還是找到老屋之歌土風舞版的原始出處了,不過不是我上面寫的John McCormack演唱的版本,而是一個蘇格蘭樂舞團Eddie edmond and his Scottish dance band的演唱版本(張慶三老師編的另外一首舞:斯開島之戀,的土風舞原版音樂也是出自同一張專輯唱片).
歌名:The Old House 專輯名稱:Highland Welcome 演奏(唱):Eddie edmond and his Scottish dance band