在很久很久以前,在西元1914年的很多年前,在19世紀末,本曲作者Euday Louis Bowman有一天跟他的一個外號叫做"窮酸的破爛艾德"麻吉走在十二街的街上,"窮酸的破爛艾德"跟Euday Louis Bowman說:我總有一天要在這條街上開一家當鋪(青蛙老師註:此時的"窮酸的破爛艾德"還是衣衫襤褸的窮酸,看樣子他把他能當的東西都拿到當鋪去當了吧,呵呵~.).Euday Louis Bowman反嗆窮酸艾德說:你如果能靠那三顆球(青蛙老師註1)發財的話,我就用3個音符作一首曲子讓我自己致富.
後來Euday Louis Bowman寫出了這首出名的12th Street Rag,然而事情並沒有想像中的那麼順利.在他跟窮酸艾德打賭後過了15年多以後,他才完成這首歌的手稿,然後他到德州的達拉斯,將他的手稿賣給出版商.然而出版商只願意出10塊美金跟他買!出版商跟他說,他的這首歌根本沒有出版的價值.Euday Louis Bowman很失望的離開,繼續尋找願意買他的歌出版的公司.西元1913年,Euday Louis Bowman回到了堪薩斯城,他終於找到買主了,他把他的歌賣給了吉更斯音樂公司.然而吉更斯公司還是覺得他的這首歌太複雜,太難了,很難大眾化,於是吉更斯公司找了另一位作曲家C. E. Wheeler,把他的曲子改單純一點,然後大量的打廣告推銷這首歌譜,這才讓這首12th Street Rag的銷售成績好看一點,但還不是很紅.真正讓這首歌爆紅受到歡迎的轉捩點是在1919年,由 James S. Sumner 填詞,在堪薩斯城裏受到各大樂隊的歡迎.8年之後,到了西元1927年,堪薩斯市知名的樂隊指揮Bennie Moten為RCA唱片公司錄製了這一首歌,結果唱片大賣;同一年5月11日,美國著名的黑人音樂家Louis Armstrong 也錄製發行了這一首歌,更是錦上添花,讓這首歌超級大賣,也成為後來的爵士樂的典範之一.
Euday Louis Bowman的12th Street Rag樂譜封面(此為西元1915年版):
Bennie Moten錄製的版本:
Louis Armstrong & His Hot Seven於1927年錄製的版本造成大賣:
英文原文歌詞: 1. In a certain city, where the girls are cute and pretty, they have a raggy jazzy jazz-time tune. When you heart that syncopated Jazz crated melody you could dance all morning night and noon,
When the slide trombone and moaning saxophone begin to play, It will make you sad, 'twill make you glad Oh! Boy, What Joy,
Burn my clothes for I'm in Heaven, Wish I had a million women, Soloman in all his glory, could have told another story, Were he but living here today, With his thousand wives or more, a Jazz-Band on some Egypt shore, he could dance the night and day away.
I will tell you how they dance That tantalizing 12th. Street Rag.
和. First you slide and then you glide, then you shimmie for a while; To the left then to the right "Lame Duck" "Get over Sal"
Watch your step then Pirouette, Fox Trot, then squeeze your pal Over you comes stealing such a funny feeling 'till you feel your senses reeling,
tantalizing, hypnotizing, mesmerizing strain, I can't get enough of it please play it o'er again; I could dance forever to this refrain, To that 12th. Street, Oh you 12th. Street Rag.
2. Jazztime music is the rage, this is a syncopated age, ev'rybody loves a jazztime tune. For the music captivating, sets your heart a palpitating you just can't make your feet behave,
Ancient youths of sixty four, do steps they never did before, Father time is mad, no one grows old. Oh! Boy, What Joy,
Put your loving arms around me, Say Babe, ain't you glad you found me, Cleopatra on the Nile, could vamp right in the latest style, If she'd only known this ragtime tune; Old King Cole a merry soul, called for his pipe and then his bowl, and the first jazz-band his fiddlers three,
Play, oh play me while I dance That tantalizing 12th. Street Rag.
和. First you slide and then you glide, then you shimmie for a while; To the left then to the right "Lame Duck" "Get over Sal"
Watch your step then Pirouette, Fox Trot, then squeeze your pal Over you comes stealing such a funny feeling 'till you feel your senses reeling,
tantalizing, hypnotizing, mesmerizing strain, I can't get enough of it please play it o'er again; I could dance forever to this refrain, To that 12th. Street, Oh you 12th. Street Rag.
青蛙老師註1:Euday Louis Bowman挖苦他朋友艾德那句話中的三顆球(three balls)是有典故的,請各位舞友們搬小板凳來坐好,聽青蛙老師說這三顆球的故事嘍.