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2012/02/29 08:23:44瀏覽432|回應0|推薦19 | |
2012/2/1週三 出門向左走,慢慢的走,沒打算到哪裡的走。竟然到了舊靶場,現在那裡不打靶了,是一處美麗的景點,經過一段美麗的步道,就到達那美麗的景點。 2012/2/2週四
,約十點祖英來電話,約我去她家午餐,既有此福就不推辭了。到她家已十二點,幼瓊在廚房忙,菲傭送上拖鞋。進得屋裡,一切依舊,大姐重提不在了,心頭說不出的茫然。九十七歲的蔣大哥居然還認得我。 2012/2/4週六 補上班的緣故,小牧人訓練與聯合詩班都停一次,外面雖有太陽,風卻很大,因此一天未出們。 2012/2/5主日 黃婉茜的信 Dear Elim, I tried to talk with you today. Unfortunately, there were many times you failed to hear me; but I heard your voice. It was a great pleasure to note that you were doing fine. I shall keep you in my prayers. May God bless you abundantly! Shaw-Hua is feeling all right now. She still lives at a nurse's home. In Him, Wan-Sh 2012/2/6週一 「一間」餐館老同事相聚六人。回程在聯合診所拿高血壓的藥。晚上看聯續劇「漢王劉邦」,「水滸傳」。網上讀聖經「出埃及記」五章。 2012/2/7週二 王源義女兒信來自英倫 Dear Aunty Yang thank you for your emails and their attachments, 2 articles on Ms Choi and 3 articles on President Ma all shown in Chinese and I have printed them out and will post them to my Dad tomorrow. Good to hear that you have fully recovered from the peptic ulcers and hope you will enjoy better health this year. I think President Ma is good for Taiwan, do you ?? Best Wishes Ellen2012/2/7 2012/2/8週三 下邊的牙又掉一個,昨天送去陳慶成牙醫診所修補,今天下午四點去拿,順便在素菜館吃了晚飯。網上讀出埃及十二章,看查經資料大全看解釋。網上又讀路加十六章,明天輪到我帶領了,感謝神給我會。 2012/2/9週四 寶貝團契,練唱,查經路加十六章。 2012/2/10週五 聯合診所換高血壓藥 2012/2/12主日 網上讀出埃及記十七與十八章,又讀啟示錄一、二章。 2012/2/29週三 四年才有一次的Leap year(閏年)就是今天,二月最後的一天了。 昨天玉琳姐打來電話問我:「為甚麼好久沒妳的日記了?」 「最近都在網上讀出埃及記,又在網上看解釋,就顧不得日記了。」 真的,精力有限,一天只能做一件事。
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