預熱烤箱至華氏 350 度,大型烤盤 (9x13)一個或兩個烤麵包的長型烤盤,抹油備用。
蘋果 4 杯 (去皮切小塊)
蛋 3 個
蔬菜油 1/2 杯
糖 1 1/2 杯
麵粉 2杯
鹽 3/4 茶匙
蘇打粉 2 茶匙
肉桂粉 1 茶匙 (若喜歡肉桂味道,可放 2 茶匙)
切碎核桃 1 杯 (胡桃也可, walnut or pecan)
葡萄乾 1 杯 (可省略)
蛋打起泡,一邊繼續打,一邊慢慢加入油,打到蛋油混合物中起小泡泡就可以了,加糖繼續打,打勻後將麵粉,鹽,蘇打粉,肉桂粉倒入,用木匙慢慢攪均勻。加入蘋果,核桃,葡萄乾拌勻,傾入已抹好油的烤盤中,350 F 度烤箱,烤到牙籤插入抽出不黏牙籤為熟,大約 45 至 50 分鐘。
Apple Cake
3 eggs
½ cup vegetable oil
1 ½ cup sugar
¾ tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda ( I used 1 tsp baking soda + 1 tsp baking powder)
1 tsp cinnamon ( 2 tsp if you like a stronger cinnamon flavor)
2 cup flour
1 cup chopped nuts (walnut or pecan)
4 cup diced apple (peeled)
1 cup seedless raisins (optional – I didn’t add this)
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Beat eggs until bubbly, continue to beat while adding the vegetable oil. Combine with (A), mix well (no need to sift the flour).
Add (B) and mix with a wooden spoon.
Grease and flour large size pan (I sometimes use two loaf pans).
Bake until toothpick comes out clean, about 45 - 50 minutes.