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2009/01/18 13:54:22瀏覽1938|回應1|推薦18

2009.01.12  中國時報/袁太太鬆糕/王瑞瑤




糯米粉1 包(16 oz)
冷水 1 3/4 杯
黃糖 (brown sugar) 2 杯
蔬菜油 1/4 杯

以上材料拌勻,容器塗油,倒入容器,用錫箔紙(foil paper)蓋上蒸熟(筷子插入,沒有米漿黏筷子,就是熟了),大約 45 分鐘。

2) 棗糕

1 ½ 杯 溫水
糯米粉 1 磅
½ 杯油
棗泥 一罐
½ 杯 深黃糖 ( Dark Brown Sugar )

水,油,糖,棗泥混合後,加糯米粉,蒸 1 小時。

3) Sweet Rick Cake American Style (from Elain)

Preheat Oven to 350 F

Mix all the ingredients together and bake till done -- toothpick comes out dry, I always line the 9 X 12 baking pan with foil then pour in the batter.

1 package of sweet rice flour
1/2 cup warm milk
1 cup sugar
3 eggs, well beaten
1 can of coconut cream
1/2 cup cooking oil
1 tea spoon of baking soda (or powder)

You may add red bean, green tea powder, orange zest, or brown sugar for different flavor.

4) 烤年糕 (from 曹玉蘭)

1 包 大象牌糯米粉
4 杯 牛奶
3 個 蛋
1/2 杯 油
1 1/4 杯 糖
1 茶匙 香草精

把糯米粉與其他材料混合,375 F 烤 30 分鐘後,放些椰子粉在表面,等顔色變金黃即可。

5)Sweet Rice Cake ( from Valerie)

1. 3/4 cup oil ( olive oil)
2. 3 eggs
3. 2 1/2 cups milk ( I used soy milk instead)
4. 3/4 cup sugar ( I did not put in any sugar)
5. 1 tbsp baking powder
6. 1 package of sweet rice flour ( 1lb package, any brand)
7. 1 can of red bean paste
1. mix 1-6
2. grease the baking pan
3. pour in the mix, spread the red bean paste on top evenly
4. bake 350 F for one hour
5. when its done, the center should still be soft, wait until it cools down, slice the cake and serve
( 休閒生活美食 )
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2009/01/21 04:06


胡桃粒(dhu5853) 於 2009-01-21 13:29 回覆:
