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2012/07/02 10:48:06瀏覽4193|回應0|推薦3 | |
有些英文短句是「表裡不一」的,若讀者以中文有邊讀邊、沒邊讀中間的「望文生義」學習法,恐被短句字面上的意思所誤導,而發生令人啼笑皆非的尷尬場面,本文將帶領讀者了解這字裡行間的弦外之音。 1. Can you spot me? (誤)你可以用聚光燈照一下我嗎? (正)先幫我墊一下錢好嗎 例: I'm a little short on money. Can you spot me some cash for this bag? 我手頭有點緊,可以用現金幫我代墊這個包嗎? 2. Keep your chin up. (誤)抬起你的下巴;(正)勇敢地面對困難,別灰心 鼓勵正處於逆境的人,提醒他們要有信心,不要因受挫而灰心;例: Keep your chin up. Things will get better. 別灰心,事情會好轉地。 3. My fingers are all thumbs. (誤)我的手指都是大拇指;(正)笨手笨腳 想像若你所有的指頭都是大拇指,怎能靈活地做事;例: His fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the cup.他笨手笨腳的把杯子掉落到地上。 4. See to it. (誤)看它;(正)小心行事,確保 When you're a leader, you've got to see to it that everything gets done. 身為一個領導者,你必須能確保使命必達。 5. Sitting on the fence. (誤)坐在柵欄上;(正)因怕事而保持中立,考慮中 這句話常用於諷刺或貶低某人因沒有勇氣面對爭論而不做決定;例: The politician is afraid of losing votes if he takes sides, but he can't sit on the fence forever. 這位政客因怕選邊站而失去選票,然而他不能鴕鳥一輩子。 6. Work my tail off. (誤)工作到斷了我的尾巴;(正)拼命地工作 說話者通常因不愉快的心境而持有反對的意見;例: You've spent half your life working your tail off - and for what? 你這拼命地工作,到底是為了什麼/又得到了什麼? 7. Beat someone to the punch. (誤)某人被拳猛擊;(正)比別人搶先一步 指你本計劃要完成某事,卻被別人捷足先登了;例: I planned to write an app for uploading and sharing photos, but someone beat me to the punch. 我本來計劃撰寫可上傳及分享照片的app,但有人搶先一步了。
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