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2021/06/04 10:18:20瀏覽7895|回應1|推薦7 | |
Maggie剛剛開始Work from home,所有的溝通都變成遠距,覺得很不習慣。她和老闆視訊,聽到老闆喊: 1. Hang on, you're frozen! Frozen這個字大家應該不陌生,動畫電影<冰雪奇緣>的英文片名就是Frozen,冷凍食品叫做frozen food,嚇到面無表情也可以用這個字:
2. I am getting the hang of video conferencing. Work from home和很多商業技能一樣,也會慢慢習慣,抓到訣竅。抓到訣竅,英文有一個很好的片語叫做get the hang of something。
3. My internet connection has been a bit hit and miss today. 網路時好時壞,英文有一個有趣的片語hit and miss。Hit是打中,Miss是沒打中;Hit and miss就是有時打中,有時沒打中,無法控制,全憑運氣。所以Hit and miss就可以指「時好時壞的;不可靠的;碰運氣的」,也可以說 hit or miss。
4. Although the first few days were difficult, it's smooth sailing from here on. Smooth sailing原來是指航海一帆風順,但也引申為事情進行得很順利。除了smooth sailing,也可以clear sailing或plain sailing。來看看用法:
5. I feel like I've been cooped up for days. Co-op 為cooperative 這個名詞的簡寫,意為「共同擁有或經營的合作社;合作企業;合作性組織」,如建教合作,就叫做co-op education。 They cooped the cat up in a tiny room. 但這種關,有時是一種比喻:
6. Let’s Zoom at 5:00 today. Zoom這個會議軟體大家應該都熟了,這一兩年來很熱門,大家也拿它來當動詞,句子簡單很多,就像要上網搜尋就會說,我來google一下。 Zoom還可以當快速移動: House prices suddenly zoomed up last year. 商業英文學得又快又準:http://bit.ly/2HSHW7p |
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