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2010/07/21 12:17:03瀏覽1288|回應1|推薦1 | |
Chiang Mai- A breath of fresh air Surrounded by mountains, I stepped into the city and instantly felt the breeze. That’s Chiang Lai, a city that calms you down and eases all your stress. I found my peace and inner soul there. 歷史遺留下七百多年的寺廟,金碧輝煌但沒有俗氣之意,反而靜坐在其中我找到心靈的寧靜。翻山越嶺,親眼目睹世界稀少的長頸族,我心震了一下,驚覺他們的世界如此小,族裡大部分的人拒絕世界組織團體介入幫助他們安頓在已開發國家,寧願一生戴著那沉重的頸圈,一輩子沉重的負擔,隨時提醒著他們必須一直延續下去這個傳統,只因為它是傳統。 Chiang Mai is a place that offers something for everyone from nature lovers, culture vultures, adrenalin junkies to those who just wish to lie back in a luxurious spa and be pampered. It is home to over 300 temples dating as far back as the 13th century. Within half an hour's drive in every direction there are museums, ancient ruins, national parks, waterfalls, mountain trails, and other unique beautiful attractions. I enjoyed my Thai afternoon walking in Phu Phing Palace. The Palace is famous for its splendid garden that Her Majesty the Queen takes particular pride in it. And I walked to one of the temples, sat on the floor, closed my eyes and felt at peace. Finally, I found my sanity. 四面環山造就出它宜人的氣候,這塊充滿文化氣息的淨土,是那樣一個出淤泥而不染的世界角落,原來,上天冥冥中讓那樣乾淨的歌聲找到最終休憩之地。 1. A breath of fresh air的意思是形容新奇的意思,讓人感覺耳目一新。 2.Culture vultures形容一個人對於文化有高度興趣,非常渴望追求任何關於文化的訊息。 3.Adrenalin junkies在形容一個人喜愛追求刺激的活動,熱愛腎上腺素狂飆的快感。 Fun Fact 長頸族Kayan Many reasons regarding why the coils are worn have been suggested. One of the reasons is that they think the rings can protect the women from becoming slaves by making them less attractive to other tribes. Another reason might be that the coils give the women resemblance to a dragon. And the coils might be meant to protect from tiger bites, perhaps literally, but probably symbolically. 1.Coiling的意思為盤繞,Kayan族裡的銅圈是用盤繞的方式放上脖子,所以每一次的過程都是需要很長的時間。 2.To set the record straight字面上是把記錄變直,實際上是所謂破除迷思的意思。 小編悄悄話: |
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