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2010/09/28 09:46:58瀏覽5538|回應2|推薦11 | |
(小編悄悄話:這篇同步刊於9/25週六工商時報”世界公民weekly”。每次閱讀一個有趣的城市,讓你以英文暢遊全世界!) 文/Wendy周 In this southern French city, I see people that come from all over the world. Different colors, different cultures, different backgrounds. All come for the purpose of true relaxation. To drink in the beauty of this city. Artists come to seek inspiration. Families come for relaxation. People come for the inspiration of life.
延伸的用法:這就是人生,也可以用在感嘆莫可奈何的時候。來看兩個例子:something that you say when something happens that you do not like but which you have to accept because you cannot change it. 有些事我們不得不接受,因為我們無法改變事實,所以就是無奈的意思了。 例句:I've got so much work that I can't go away this weekend. Oh well, c'est la vie. 我有很多工作要做,週末我走不開,哎,無奈啊。 我坐在天使濱海大道Promenade des Anglais上的餐廳,揣摩著尼斯人的悠閒,點了海鮮盤,喝著白酒,在這個曾隸屬於義大利的土地上,時間彷彿凝結了。餐後,在這個象徵狂放、自由、濃豔、不受拘束的蔚藍天堂中,我盡情享受著陽光,帶著我的筆記本,坐在海灘,用文字試圖記下這一切,努力記下這海的藍和天空的清澈所連成一線的景觀。在這裡,我終於懂了,懂世界之美包含它的外表和內涵:外表的美是短暫的,但內涵的美才能真正永垂不朽,就如尼斯一般。
時尚民宿Bed and Breakfast- Le Dortoir (http://www.ledortoir.net/en) In Nice, right in the center of all the buzz sits a very tasteful and fabulously designed little place called Le Dortoir. As soon as I walked into my room, I knew I was in B&B heaven. The design was so modern and chic but warm at the same time. I put down everything, got out the wine I just bought and sat at the terrace to feel the cool breeze. I took a long bath in the gorgeous cast-iron tub next to the bed. Everything was designed to details and just enough personal touches to welcome its guests. It’s the perfect start for my Nice adventure. lBuzz原是形容一種聲音,在這可形容成「熱鬧」。 lChic可譯為"別致",要注意的是它的發音,ch不發原本的音而是發sh的音。
國外通常會看到以下幾類住宿型態: 1.Hotel: 大飯店,如Hilton, Four Seasons, Hyatt. 2.Hostel: 青年旅館,是背包客的最愛。 3.Motel: 常位於高速公路旁的小型飯店,給開車的旅客停留一晚的地方。在美國公路旁到處可見Motel 6。 4.Inn: 小型飯店,通常價錢比Hotel低,Holiday Inn就是一家眾所皆知的inn。 5.Lodge: 小木屋,常位於樹林裡。 6.Bed and Breakfast: 民宿,提供早餐但種類沒有hotel多,淡季時房價會調得很平價來吸引顧客。 7.Resort: 大型度假村,在許多度假勝地可見。
In Nice, their cuisine shows a clear inspiration from Spanish, Catalan and Italian traditions, and is strongly based on vegetables, herbs and olive oil. Typical starters are vegetable salad and cheese. lSocca:尼斯的鹹餅,有濃郁的橄欖油香味,在當地到處可見。 lPan-bagnat:尼斯三明治,有生菜、蒜醬、番茄、水煮蛋、青蔥、橄欖油醃漬的鮪魚。 lPissaladiere:它是一種餡餅,包著洋蔥、鯷魚與黑橄欖。 lRatatouille:什錦蔬菜,包括番茄、紅甜椒、茄子、洋蔥、蒜頭。 lMesclun:尼斯特產的沙拉,有許多當地產的蔬菜,如蒲公英的莖、菊苣、馬齒莧和山蘿蔔。 lTripes a la nicoise:牛或豬肚淋上用番茄熬煮的醬汁。 lSoupe au pistou:一種用馬鈴薯和不同蔬菜去燉煮的湯。
The sunny boulevards of Nice are lined with exceptional restaurants for different tastes and budgets. Promenade de Anglais is home to some of the most prestigious cuisine in the city, all featuring a wonderful view of the sea. In the Old Town, you’ll find a mix of pubs and bars.
There's a rule to keep in mind when you’re eating in Nice. Bread is seen in all meals there. Biting on a whole piece of bread might raise a number of eyebrows. Locals usually tear it into small pieces with their hands and then only eat the bits.
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