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伊斯坦堡-A city that grows on you!
2010/03/15 16:56:10瀏覽1766|回應0|推薦3



By Wendy

Istanbul- A city that grows on you


這個唯一位於歐亞交接處的城市,它的背後代表了羅馬帝國、拜占庭帝國、拉丁帝國、鄂圖曼帝國,世界曾經在這塊土地上寫下輝煌的記錄,它也為世界譜出了精彩的樂章。我,帶著忐忑的心走入這個人人稱奇的城市,他們有巴黎的fashion、阿拉伯的tradition、希臘的passion、台灣的family values、義大利的luxury,歷史背景造就了城市的衝突,人文混合創造出衝突的美。

白天走過教堂,看到宮廷,進入清真寺,在最短時間內看到歷史的縮影;到著名的市集grand bazaar享受跟土耳其人殺價的快感,下午到小巴黎Nisantasi,坐在室外café看著土耳其貴婦們推著娃娃車悠閒的逛街。夜晚搭上遊艇,前往世界著名的night club享受伊斯坦堡上流社會的奢華,第一次看到法拉利氾濫的街道,這樣的奢華很難想像同時間、同城市的另一個角落,是一個吉普賽媽媽帶著五、六個孩子在乞討,為了三餐從何來而苦惱,另一個角落是虔誠的回教徒正在膜拜阿拉,這樣的文化衝突,這樣的貧富差距,依舊讓去過的人對它念念不忘,在這個城市裡,我看到世界的不完美。This city is anything but ordinary.

Grow on you
除了我們一般看到字面上的意思之外,可解釋為開始對某件事、某地、某人有熟悉感,在這篇文章的一開始我說A city that grows on you就可以解釋為這個城市是需要慢慢用心體驗才可感覺到其真正的內涵。

Example: Stinky tofu might smell and taste weird at first, but it grows on you after a while.

Anything but ordinary
照字面上來分析anything but是說除了之外,那加上ordinary就是說除了平凡之外,也就是非比尋常的意思。

Example: James Cameron created a whole new imaginary world in Avatar. It is truly a movie that is anything but ordinary.

A French poet once wrote, "If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul."
A truly magnificent city of the world, Istanbul is the only city in the world that spans over Europe and Asia. Istanbul is a living museum with its historical sites in open air. The museums, palaces, great mosques, and bazaars are just a part of what history has left them. The people and culture are what gives the city an interesting twist. Through art, they express their passion for life with vivid colors. Through music, they connect to the world with their mesmerizing melody. Through religion, they find peace with their ideology. Through cuisine, they tell the stories of family traditions passed on for centuries. Istanbul isn’t just a city. It is a story that ought to be told to all human kind.

原本字面上的意思為扭轉,放在這篇文章裡give the city an interesting twist可解釋為讓這個城市更有趣。

My "Musts" in Istanbul:

Must Eat:
1.Food: Durum
is a kind of Turkish fast food. Meat, onion, and tomatoes are wrapped around a thin dough with a special sauce. “Durum”

2.Dessert: Lokma is Turkish fried sweet dough, which is covered in simple syrup.

Must Go:
*Day time
Istanbul Museum of Modern Art
It is a fine modern art museum located in a former dock warehouse in Tophane. Personally, I think the best time to go is around noon. You can browse around the museum first and then have a nice quiet lunch right by the sea on a deck in the museum café.

*Night time
The “it” place for Istanbul rich and famous. It is less of a club than a vast entertainment venue that includes several bars, restaurants and dance floors. You see the view of the Bosphorus Bridge while having dinner under the great atmosphere. Reina


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