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2018/02/26 16:13:34瀏覽2992|回應0|推薦0 | |
能說話,不代表「會說話」。會說話,是能用恰當的語言影響和你溝通的人。有力的影響是,讓面試官錄用你、讓客戶買單、讓老闆加薪......今天我們來看看直接或間接影響別人決定的5種方法: Let's have a look at five common techniques of influence that you'll have come across either explicitly or implicitly: 1、Liking 喜好It's much easier to influence someone who likes you.(影響一個喜歡你的人的決定比影響一個不喜歡你的人要容易多了。) 2、Social proof 社會認同People like to follow one another, so influencers imply the herd is moving the same way.(人們比較喜歡跟隨,所以你可以暗示對方,其他的人都是這麼做的。) 3、Consistency 承諾和一致原理Most people prefer to keep their word. If people make a commitment, particularly if it's out loud or in writing, they are much more likely to keep it. Influencers should try to gain verbal or written commitments.(人們都想希望言行一致。一旦做出承諾,特別是說過或者寫下來的,更覺得有履行義務。有影響力的人會設法讓人說出或寫下承諾。) 4、Authority 權威原理People are strongly influenced by experts. Successful influencers flaunt their knowledge to establish their expertise.(人們很容易相信專家。成功有影響力的人會想辦法展現自己的知識,以營造權威效應。) 5、Reciprocity 互惠原理Give something to get something. When people feel indebted to you they are more likely to agree to what you want. This feeling could arise from something as simple as a compliment.(要收穫必須要先付出。當別人覺得對你有所虧欠,他們傾向於順從你的心願。這種感覺不難營造,讚美別人就能夠達到這種效果。) [口語字彙] come across這是一個很實用的口語字彙,但不容易用,多唸幾次例句,才能朗朗上口: 1、給人以…印象,以…姿態出現 2、交,付,照付,照說,照辦(也指屈從答應) arise fromArise這個字和rise很像,但它的意思不是升起,而是發生。 How did this quarrel arise?(爭吵是怎麼開始的?) |
( 知識學習|語言 ) |