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2013/04/19 12:41:54瀏覽1933|回應8|推薦41 | |
美國怪異離奇的節日 - 四月為例
4月3日的TOT演講聚會(Tower Oaks Toastmasters Club,簡稱TOT),我擔任主持人 (Toastmaster of the Day),主持人的責任之一就是要選個當日會議的主題,我靈光一現 選了「怪異離奇的節日」(Bizarre April Holidays) ,很令人眼睛一亮! 當然要感謝谷歌,讓我準備好足夠的資料! 美國人挺有趣、又怪異、具幽默感、奇思異想,這反應在美國人的節慶上。就以本月(四月份)來看,日日是節日;就以本日(四月3日)來看,你知道今天有多少個節假日?十個,至少十個!條列如下: 一、非工作日、除非是個快樂日(Don’t Go To Work Unless It’s Fun Day) :人人喜歡,老闆例外!) 二、斜紋軟呢布料日(The Tweed Day):誰在意?! 三、尋找彩虹日(Find A Rainbow day):同性戀者肯定喜歡此日。 四、小馬快遞日(Pony Express day) :現在是聯邦運通(Federal Express)較流行了! 五、淘汰恨:播下偉大種子日(Weed Out Hate: Sow The Seeds of Greatness Day) :我喜歡,只是字太長了! 六、全穀物試食日 (Whole Grain Sampling Day)(本月第一個星期三):農民創建的? 七、世界派對日(World Party Day) :是,讓我們狂歡吧! 八、全國希望日(National Day of Hope)(本月第一個星期三):我日日有希望! 九、全民健走日(National Walking Day)(本月第一個星期三):我天天都健走! 十、感謝助教日(Paraprofessional Appreciation Day)(本月第一個星期三):有教師 節,當然也該有助教日! 是的,今天(四月三日)就有10個"重要節日",只是,我們今天仍然要上班。四月也是有許多慶祝活動的節月,四月是國際吉他月(International Guitar Month)、保持美國美美月 (Keep America Beautiful Month)、國立焦慮月(National Anxiety Month)、國立幽默月(National Humor Month) 、國立焊接月(National Welding Month)、全國園林月 (National Garden Month)、嗯呵月(Uh-Huh Month)。記住,本月在焦慮之餘,別忘了 幽默,且要嗯、呵! 身為主持人的我,會議前也問了主要人員們一個問題:「美國人有多奇怪?」以便介紹這些人出場。 演講者金佰利(Kimberly)的回答:「我的工作與孕婦、產婦和兒童健康有關,尤其是母乳喂養。美國人最令我離奇咋舌的是,許多美國人拒絕女人在公共場所哺乳嬰兒,議員們甚至提出了禁止在公共場合母乳喂養的規定。很多美國人認為,婦女哺乳嬰兒應該在私密地方,如浴室、廁所(這多不衛生啊),這是不正確的,許多其他國家,將母乳喂養視為健康的、自然的,並多方鼓勵!」 即席演講主持人亨利(Henry):「美國很奇怪,也之所以很偉大!我們是多元多方、多彩多姿的組合,日日有假期,實不足奇!。我們每天都希望表達自己、發揮影響力,最好的方式就是立個節日去慶祝!呵呵!」 評估組主持人金(Kim):「我不能相信你找出這些瘋狂的節日,我從來沒有聽說過呢,嗯哼,有些我要開始慶祝咧。如果我事先聽說今天是『非工作日、除非是個快樂日』,我會留在家裡!」 TMOD – Bizarre April Holidays With a theme of “Bizarre April Holidays” , we are going to explore how bizarre these holidays are … ) thanks go to google and yahoo! American is funny, bizarre and has great sense of humor, so are their bizarre holidays. Just for this month (month of April), every day (yes, every day) in April is a holiday … YEAH!! Furthermore, every day has many holidays… Just for today, April 3rd … do you know how many holidays today has … TEN, yes a big TEN, at least! Ok, here are the 10 holidays for today (4/3) Don’t Go To Work Unless It’s Fun Day (…we like that and we will make sure we have a fun meeting and a fun day today) The Tweed Day (ok… who care?!) Find A Rainbow day ("Share A Rainbow Day.") (… but weather today is too good to find one today) Pony Express day (… American Express is more popular now) Weed Out Hate: Sow The Seeds of Greatness Day (… I love this) Whole Grain Sampling Day (First Wednesday) (… must be created by farmers) World Party Day (… yes, let’s party now) National Day of Hope (First Wednesday) (… National Walking Day (First Wednesday) (… I walk very day too) Paraprofessional Appreciation Day (First Wednesday) Yes, we have 10 holidays just for today … and No, we still need to work today. April is a month of many celebrations. It’s an International Guitar Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, National Anxiety Month, National Humor Month, National Welding Month, National Garden Month, and Uh-Huh Month. 3 persons (speaker, Table Topic Master, General Evaluator) answered to my question of “how bizarre is American?” Kimberly … “I work on issues related to maternal and child health, especially breastfeeding. I have found many ways that America is so bizarre but the most bizarre to me is that many Americans are repulsed by woman breastfeeding their babies in public places. Lawmakers have even proposed rules to ban breastfeeding in public. A lot of people believe that women should breastfeed in private places (like a bathroom --- which is unsanitary). This is not true for many other countries, where breastfeeding is viewed as healthy and natural, and encouraged!” Henry … "America is very bizarre and it is what makes us great! We are such a mix of people, opinions and goals that it is not surprising that there holidays every day of the month. We all want to make an impact and express ourselves - what better way than getting to celebrate YOUR holiday!" Kim … “I can’t believe you found all these crazy days and I have never heard of any of them although some I will start to celebrate. If only I’d heard of 4/3 being “Don’t come to work unless it’s fun day” I would have stayed home. I must have wanted to anyway as I overslept this morning.” APRILApril 1 is . . . . . One Cent Day April 2 is . . . . . National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day April 3 is . . . . . Tweed Day and Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day April 4 is . . . . . Tell-A-Lie Day April 5 is . . . . . Go For Broke Day April 6 is . . . . . Sorry Charlie Day April 7 is . . . . . No Housework Day April 8 is . . . . . All Is Ours Day April 9 is . . . . . Winston Churchill Day and Name Yourself Day April 10 is . . . . Golfers Day April 11 is . . . . Eight-Track Tape Day April 12 is . . . . Look Up At The Sky Day April 13 is . . . . Blame Somebody Else Day April 14 is . . . . National Pecan Day April 15 is . . . . Rubber Eraser Day April 16 is . . . . National Stress Awareness Day and National Eggs Benedict Day April 17 is . . . . National Cheeseball Day April 18 is . . . . International Jugglers Day April 19 is . . . . Garlic Day April 20 is . . . . Look Alike Day April 21 is . . . . Kindergarten Day April 22 is . . . . National Jelly Bean Day April 23 is . . . . Read Me Day and World Laboratory Animal Day April 24 is . . . . National Pigs In A Blanket Day April 25 is . . . . National Zucchini Bread Day April 26 is . . . . Richter Scale Day and National Pretzel Day April 27 is . . . . Tell A Story Day April 28 is . . . . Great Poetry Reading Day and Kiss-Your-Mate Day April 29 is . . . . National Shrimp Scampi Day April 30 is . . . . National Honesty Day |
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