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2013/03/29 03:46:07瀏覽270|回應0|推薦0

科學 的精神首先就是你拿證據來,我就想到我們得拿證據。所以湯池小鎮是為聯合國辦的,我們做個實驗,實驗成功了,那你就相信了;實驗失敗了,那就傳統文化就應 該丟棄了,過時了。所以我們這個使命就太大了。我交代我們三十七個老師,拼命也要把它做成功,為什麼?我們的使命太大了。成功了,傳統文化可以救世界;做 失敗了,這個東西就作廢了,可以全部丟掉。就在我們這一舉,我們犧牲生命在所不惜,一定把它做好。

To convince people scientifically, we must first show proof.  This is the scientific spirit.  I therefore concluded that we must show proof [that the teachings of the saints and sages can solve social problems].  So the Tangchi Experiment was conducted for UNESCO.  If our implementation of this experiment is successful, people will believe.  If not, the traditional culture should be abandoned, as it is obsolete.  So, we had a grand mission.  I ordered the 37 teachers to accomplish this mission as if their life depends on it.  Why?  Our mission has a significance of such magnitude that if successful, traditional culture can save the world.   If we failed, traditional culture becomes obsolete and should be abandoned completely.  All hinges on this experiment.  We must put our lives on the line.  We must succeed. 



So the question is how?  The answer is “action before words.”  I required that all the teachers must be able to perform the 113 actions outlined in Di Zi Gui, to memorize clearly some 190 good and bad karmas delineated in Accounts of Requests and Responses, and to amalgamate them with the Ten Virtuous Karmas Sutra.  In other words, first make oneself a virtuous person through Di Zi Gui, then teach others.


教 人怎麼教?身教。我給他們四個月時間落實,他們很難得,兩個月就做到了。做到之後,下鄉入戶,去表演,把《弟子規》做出來。在農民家裡面,看到老人,就像 父母一樣,我怎樣盡孝道;看到他的兒女,兄弟姐妹,如何友愛。家庭裡面有髒亂的地方,馬上就動手,整理得乾乾淨淨。這樣做了三個星期,地方人民感動。

How to teach others?  Teach by example.  I gave them four months to actualize Di Zi Gui.  They were commendable and were able to accomplish this in two months.  Thereafter, they organized a teaching team and went into villages.  They entered the villagers’ homes and performed filial piety, as dictated in Di Zi Gui, and treated the farmer’s parents as if their own parents.  The teachers treated the farmer’s siblings as if their own siblings and shown fraternal love.  It the household was not clean, they right away started to clean the farmer’s house as if their own homes.  Within a short time, the teachers have won the hearts of Tangchi residents.




Then, the Centre of Cultural Education announced classes for the public, both children and adults, to learn together.  Within three months the residents of Tangchi found their conscious and would feel ashamed to do bad deeds.  The traditional education was successful.  To our surprise, originally we thought that the Chinese traditional education, which has been abandoned for over 200 years, would take at least two to three years to restore and to see some effect.  Unexpectedly, it only took three months to see the effect.   


I opine that it is not human power.  We do not attribute our endeavors as the cause of the success.  We cannot have this misconception that I have done something or that I can teach well.  The success is due to the virtues of our ancestors and the invisible blessings from the Triple Jewels.  It is the joint efforts of the villagers.  We taught, they listened, believed, and did what we taught.  The success was achieved this way.



Once it was successful, we thought of UNESCO, because we conducted this experiment for UNESCO, to let UNESCO have faith in traditional Chinese culture.  Nonetheless, it is very difficult to deal with people in UNESCO.  They have deeply rooted bureaucratic habits.

沒 有想到,兩個月以後,聯合國給我一封信件,邀請我主辦一個活動。就是二00六年十月,紀念釋迦牟尼佛二千五百五十週年,這麼一個活動,主題是「佛教徒對於 人類的貢獻」。這正是我所想的。怎麼它來找我?我懷疑。它找會員國,它怎麼找到我頭上來了?我派了三個人到巴黎打聽,這一打聽是真的。它找的是泰國,泰國 大使推薦我參加主辦單位。你看這不都是祖宗安排的,這不是我們能做得到的,這個安排太好了。


Unexpectedly, two months thereafter, I received a letter from UNESCO, inviting me to attend a conference celebrating the 2550th Birth Anniversary of the Buddha Sakyamuni in October, 2006.  The topic was to “Discover the Buddhist Contribution to Humanity.”  I had some doubt as to their invitation although it is exactly what I was thinking.  I wondered how UNESCO found me.  I had some doubt as UNESCO usually only invite members.  I sent three people to verify the invitation in Paris.  They discovered that it was the Deputy Ambassador of Bangkok who recommended me to UNESCO.  Isn’t it obvious that this is not something humans can accomplish?  The sequence of events can only be arranged by our ancestors.  Such arrangements are truly amazing, wonderful.


我 說果然是真的,我就接受了。時間只有五個月,五個月做充分準備,來做這一次報告。我做了三天展覽,聯合國給我一個大廳,展覽,我們有圖片、有說明,起很大 的作用。趁這個機會,我把新加坡的九個宗教帶去了;它沒有猶太教,我把澳洲的猶太教找過去,湊十個宗教。在聯合國大會堂手牽手,為世界和平做祈禱,這他們 見所未見、聞所未聞。這一次活動辦得很成功,真正讓這些人受了感動,每一個國家代表大使都希望到湯池去考察,去親自去看看。


Since it is true, I accepted the invitation.  We only had five months to prepare and to make a report of the Tangchi Experiment.  I provided a 3-day presentation and exhibition.  UNESCO gave me a big hall to show our pictures and explanations.  The exhibition had tremendous effects.  Using this opportunity, I brought along with me a delegation of nine religions in Singapore, except Judaism, delegates of Judaism was from Australia.  Altogether, a delegation of ten religions attended with me.  In the general conference hall, the delegates of the ten religions hold hands to pray for world peace, such a scene was never seen or heard of in UNESCO before.  The event was very successful and truly touched the hearts of all the representatives.  All the member countries would like to send representatives to visit Tangchi and study the experiment.




Last year in May, I attended the Interfaith Forum held in Bangkok.  Ambassadors from seventeen member countries visited me there.  It was a rare occasion.  They wished that I could hold another like event.  I told them that I had the Tangchi experiment last time, but I have nothing to report now. 


Currently, we are trying to build a model city in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.   If it is successful, I can give another report at the United Nations, to tell every one this good thing.  It shows that people from different ethnic backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and cultures can live together as brothers and sisters.  It is not impossible.  We have done so and people have seen.  These were the causal conditions [for Singapore, Australia, and Tangchi,].


一 直到這個漢學院。因為湯池解散之後,馬來西亞老師、校長,華校的,大概有五百多人,曾經在湯池學習過,學習的時間都三、四個月,所以對於湯池,他們是非常 贊同。湯池解散,他們就來問我,能不能不解散?我說不可以,佛弟子決定要服從國家的命令,要遵守國家的法律,不可以違背。

Now we come to the Han Academy.  During the Tangchi experiment, there were about 500 people from Malaysia, teachers and Chinese school principals, who have spent three to four months time learning at the Centre in Tangchi.  They totally agree with the spirit (concept) of the Tangchi experiment.  After the dissolution of Tangchi, some of them asked me whether it is possible not to dissolve Tangchi.   I told them: “No, Buddhists must obey the law and order of the country, without any violation.”

中 國歷史上有三武滅法,那些出家、在家的都沒有反抗,我們如果做成反抗的,我們是佛的罪人,我說我不開這個例子。我說叫停就停,叫解散就解散。他說那搬家行 嗎?我說搬到哪裡?他說到馬來西亞來。我說哪有那麼簡單?他們真的就實驗,向教育部去申請、去註冊。沒有想到,兩個星期就批准了,哪有這麼簡單的事情!批 准的這個學校名稱叫「馬來西亞廬江文化教育中心」。

In Chinese history, three kings, all given the name of “Wu,” abolished Buddhism.  During the “Abolishment of Dharma by Three Wus,” none of the Buddhist monks or lay people rebelled against such laws.  If we disobeyed, we will be the sinners of Buddhism.  I cannot allow this exception.   I told them if the government told us to stop, we stop, told us to dissolve, we dissolve.  They asked whether it is all right to move.  I said move to where?  They mentioned Malaysia.  I said how could it be so easy to move there?  Nonetheless, they really took action and applied for the registration of the Han Academy with the Education Bureau.  Incredibly, the permit was given in two weeks.  It was just this simple.  The name of the school on the permit is called “Lujiang Centre of Cultural Education in Malaysia.”



Anchor:  Yes, established the Centre of Cultural Education.



V.M. Chin Kung:  Thus, the Centre was established in Malaysia.  I met with the Minister of the Education Bureau and we had an affinity right away, as if we were old friends.  We had a great time chatting that day.  After the meeting, there was a reception and the Minister invited me to host the reception with him together.

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