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2013/03/29 03:38:27瀏覽335|回應0|推薦0 | |
我說孔孟的根是什麼?大乘的根是什麼?你要知道這個,現在學會管用。儒的根是什麼?《弟子規》,沒有人想到。道的根,《太上感應篇》;佛的根,《十善業道》。這麼小的東西,沒有一個人重視到它,那真能解決現在社會問題。你要把這樣的三樣東西推廣、落實,人心馬上變成善良。 Then I said: “What is the root of Confucianism? What is the root of Buddhism? You must know them. It would still be useful to learn them now.” So, what serves as the root of Confucianism? Di Zi Gui (Standards for Being a Good Student and Child). Likewise, the Account of Request and Response serves as the basic of Taoist education; and for Buddhism, it is The Ten Virtuous Karmas Sutra. These three fundamental teachings are very simple, but no one pays attention to them. They can truly solve Today’s social problems. If these three fundamental texts are promoted and practiced, human minds will become kind and virtuous immediately.
我去年十一月訪問斯里蘭卡,讓我大吃一驚。斯里蘭卡是小乘佛教國家,它做到了,全民推動,它落實在生活,落實在工作,落實在處事待人接物,我說沒有想到地球上還有這麼一個國家。 Last November, I visited Sri Lanka, a country of Theravada Buddhism. To my astonishment, all the people in Sri Lankan actualized the Buddha’s teachings in every aspect of their lives, in the way they work, in the way they treat people and things. I did not expect to find such a country on Earth. 我說我們現在到處聽的講佛,儒釋道,都是口頭上的,不起作用;到你家來看,怎麼你們都做到了!所以這讓我看到,這個世界上真的有一線光明,有希望。總統心量很大,對我也很客氣,能夠包容大乘。不但能包容大乘,能夠包容世界上所有的宗教,這很了不起。 Nowadays, we hear talks about Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism everywhere. But they are just empty words without any use or effect. But people in Sri Lanka put them into action! I came, I saw, and I see a sliver of light in this world! There is hope. The President [of Sri Lanka] is very broad-minded. He treated me politely, showing his willingness to encompass Mahayana Buddhism. Not only Mahayana Buddhism, but he is also tolerant of every faith in the world. This is magnificent.
主持人:對一個和諧社會,包容心是很重要的。 Anchor: Tolerance is very important to social harmony.
淨空法師:對,非常非常重要。他就肯幹。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes, very important. He is willing to do so.
主持人:也但願說,我們世界上每一個族群都有這種包容心。 Anchor: We also hope that every race in the world has this kind of tolerance. 淨空法師:對,包容心。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes, a tolerant mind.
主持人:可是我們現在看到好多年輕人,對於傳統文化的疏離感愈來愈強了。 Anchor: However, we see a lot of youngsters nowadays feel more and more alienated from traditional culture. 淨空法師:對,沒錯。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes, they do.
主持人:再加上科技的一個影響,我們網絡世界儼然已經成為了一個虛擬的社會。 Anchor: With the additional influence of technology, the internet has fabricated a cyber-society.
淨空法師:對。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes.
主持人:在這社會裡面,大家很自由,很多時候可能就少了一點所謂的正義,或者少了一些比較做人的道理在裡頭。 Anchor: In a society, when we have more freedom, relatively, we may have less the so-called righteousness (justice), or comparatively, less humanity, the proper way to be a human being.
淨空法師:對。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes.
主持人:大家都自己想做什麼就做什麼。對於這些年輕人,我們要如何讓他們接近傳統文化,讓他們覺得傳統文化不是那麼嚴肅的一件事情? Anchor: We all just do whatever we want. For many youngsters, how can we make them get closer to traditional culture, to make them feel traditional culture is not so rigid (solemn)?
淨空法師:對、對。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes. That’s right.
主持人:那我們應該怎麼做到這方面的? Anchor: But how can we accomplish this?
淨空法師:對。我把這個事情跟首相談的時間很長,他有興趣。我說真正有興趣,馬來西亞領導全世界。現在有這些高科技好辦,沒有這些東西,那就一點辦法沒有,束手無策。你有這些工具,如果能夠找三十、五十個老師,開這門課,天天講,不要中斷。國家電視台,拿一個頻道,專門講傳統文化的教育。我相信頂多一年,這個國家就穩定了,什麼問題都沒有了。東西要教,我對這個有信心。我在湯池做了三年的實驗,做成功了,政府還沒支持我們。如果說國家帶頭來做,很容易做成功。所以我說,養五、六十個老師,比養五、六百萬大軍還有效。 V. M. Chin Kung: Well, I have had a long discussion with the Prime Minister about this matter. He is interested. I said that if he is really interested [in promoting traditional culture], Malaysia can become the leader in the world. Thanks to the high-end technology, it is easy [to promote the traditional culture]. Without them, our hands are tied, we can do nothing. With these tools, then we need to find some thirty to fifty teachers who can give lectures on traditional culture everyday, without a break. Finally, we need a channel in the government-owned television stations to broadcast only these lectures. I believe, the whole country would be stabilized and harmonious within a year, without any social problems. Traditional education must be taught. I have strong confidence in it. Previously, I had conducted a three-year experiment [promoting traditional Chinese culture] in Tangchi (a small town of twenty thousand people in Anhui Province, in the central part of China). The Tangchi experiment was successful and without any support from the government. If a government takes the lead, it will be even easier to succeed. Thus, I have often stated that supporting fifty to sixty such teachers is more effective [in keeping peace] than maintaining an army of five to six million soldiers.
主持人:老師是很重要的。 Ancher: Such teachers are very important.
淨空法師:對,太重要了!老師教學能夠成功,我在湯池這個經驗當中,我曾經告訴他,告訴這些老師們,那是三十七個老師。我說教育成功的,在歷史上,釋迦牟尼佛成功,孔子成功。他為什麼成功的?先行其言。他所說的,他一定自己做到了,他沒有做到的決定不說,學生就肯聽你的,就相信你的。 V. M. Chin Kung: Yes, very important! How can a teacher ensure his teaching’s effectiveness? During the Tangchi experiment, I once told the teachers, thirty-seven teachers then, that historically, educational success was achieved by Buddha Sakyamuni. He was a successful teacher, so was Confucius. Why were they successful? It was because they practiced what they preached. Whatever they had said, they had done so. They would never teach anything they could not do or had not done yet. Hence, the students would listen to their teachers and trust them. 如果老師自己不能做到,這個不行。所以首先要求老師自己做到,身教擺在第一。釋迦牟尼佛一生,他真是,每一句話、每一個意思他統統都做到,所以大家對他沒話說,遵從他。一生沒有妄語、沒有兩舌、沒有綺語、沒有惡口。 If a teacher cannot practice what he teaches, his teachings will have no effect. So the first and foremost thing is to demand the teachers ’ implementation of their teachings. Teach by your own example should be the first priority. Observing Sakyamuni’s whole life, he had truly and completely done all of his teachings to the fullest extent. As a result, no one doubted his teachings and everyone followed him and obeyed his guidance. Buddha Sakyamuni never lied, said harsh words, frivolous words, or words that caused dissention in his entire life.
主持人:好,我們謝謝淨空法師為我們在這做的一個開示。一會稍後回來,我們再請淨空法師繼續為我們開示。稍後回來,我們還會繼續由我們的嘉賓來提出他們的疑問,來請我們淨空法師答疑解惑。我們稍後見。 Anchor: Well, we thank V.M. Chin Kung for his inspiring Dharma Talk. After the break, we will invite Venerable Master to continue his explanation. When we come back, our gusts will also raise their questions for V.M. Chin Kung to clarify and elucidate. See you after the break! (BREAK) 歡迎回來。我們常說,和諧社會從心開始。這一點,每個人都扮演相當重要的角色,但是每個人都覺得很難做到。今天我們就請到淨空法師來到我們節目現場,來告訴我們這個答案。在這之前,我們先請我們今天三位來賓向淨空法師提出疑問。我們先請胡錦昌總編輯。 Welcome back. It is often said that “A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind.” From this point of view, we all play an important role [in harmonizing our world], but we all feel that it is very difficult to find inner peace. Today, we have invited Venerable Master Chin Kung to our program and give us the answer. Before that, let’s have our guests ask their questions first. Chief Editor Hu Jingchang, please. 胡錦昌:阿彌陀佛!師父您好。 Hu Jingchang: Amitabha Buddha! Good evening, Master.
淨空法師:好。 V. M. Chin Kung: Good evening.
胡錦昌:師父,我知道有一句話,叫做佛法與世間法是一不是二。師父也在多個地方有表法,譬如講在新加坡,師父就聯合九大宗教,致力這個世界和平、和諧。在圖文巴,澳洲的圖文巴,就讓這個地方走入了聯合國的因緣。中國的湯池推廣《弟子規》,行解並重的因緣。師父在馬來西亞,現在有推行漢學院,又是一個怎麼樣的因緣? Hu Jingchang: Master, I have heard of a saying that Buddha-Dharma and mundane laws (principles) are one, not two opposite things. Master has shown us [the non-duality and oneness of all things] in many places. For example, in Singapore, Master unified nine major religions and is devoted to world peace and harmony. In Toowoomba, Australia, Master caused conditions for the city to connect with UNESCO. As for promoting Di Zi Gui, Standards of Being a Good Child and Student, the Tangchi, Experiment demonstrated the equal importance of understanding and practicing the sage’s teachings. Now, Master is in Malaysia and promoting Malaysian Academy of Han Chinese Studies. What is the cause and condition for this Academy in Malaysia?
淨空法師:這個因緣,我很冷靜去思惟,我覺得這是天意,這不是人能夠做得到的。剛才提到我在澳洲,澳洲的緣,實際上最初的緣就在新加坡。 V. M. Chin Kung: As for these causes and conditions, after a prudent consideration, I feel that it is the will of Heaven (Buddhas and Bodhisattvas). They are not something humans can accomplish. You just mentioned about Australia. The causal condition for me to go to Australia, actually, originated from the time I stayed in Singapore.
1995年在新加坡團結九大宗教,讓這些宗教有密切的往來,就是每個月都能夠在一起聚會,每一個宗教大的活動我們都參加。所以把宗教就變成兄弟姐妹一樣,這當中所有隔閡沒有了。當時,總統是王鼎昌,他非常歡喜,他說過去新加坡有個宗教組織,五十多年來都沒有做到這麼和諧。我們去之後,把它帶動起來了,這個就影響到澳洲。 In 1995, the unification of the nine major religions in Singapore is to allow for an intensive interaction among the nine religions. In other words, it began with a monthly gathering of the nine religions. We all attended the big events of every one of the nine religions. The result was that the entrenched misunderstandings and estrangements disappeared and the followers of the nine religions started to treat each other as brothers and sisters. At that time, the President was Mr. Teng-Cheong Ong. He was very happy with the result and commented that it was the first time in five decades to see such harmony among religious organizations in Singapore. We were the catalyst of such religious harmony and its repercussion reached Australia.
我到澳洲去,移民到澳洲,遇到九一一的事件。九一一事件發生之後,第二年,昆士蘭大學校長邀請我,他們學校有個和平學院,邀請我跟這些和平學院的教授舉行一次座談會,討論如何化解衝突,促進社會安定和諧。 Soon after I immigrated to Australia, 911 happened. The second year after the 911 tragedy, the Principal of Queensland University invited me to have a meeting with the professors of Peace College, one of the colleges of the University, to discuss how to reconcile conflicts and promote peace and harmony in a society.
以前他們用的理念是西方的,西方對付這些恐怖分子,用鎮壓、報復,現在這些恐怖分子演變成恐怖戰爭,就升級了;換一句話,他們用的方法失敗了。所以找我來談談,要用什麼方法,想真正用和平方法,不要用暴力, Previously, the College adopted the Western ideologies and used suppression and retaliation to try to annihilate these terrorists. Soon the terrorists’ actions escalated to a war of terror. Put it in another way, the Western approach has failed. Therefore, they ask me to find a way to peacefully and truly solve terrorism, rather than using violence. 這個想法是非常正確的。所以我就答應,跟他們參加這個座談會,第二次又參加了兩次座談會。校長覺得我們的理念他能接受,而且是很新的一個理念,其實我們是老的觀念,在他們是很新奇。這是希望我代表學校、代表澳洲參加聯合國的和平會議,就從這麼來的。因為他知道,我們在新加坡做團結宗教做得很成功,他說怎麼做出來的?所以這個原因我們才走向聯合國去的。 This is the right approach, so I agreed to attend the conference. The second time, I attended two seminars. The Principal felt that he can accept our approach, which is a brand new concept to him. Actually, our approach is very traditional, but to him it is brand new. They wished for me, representing the University, to attend the UNESCO Peace Conference. The causal condition for UNESCO started thus. Because the Principal knew that we had been very successful in the unification of religions in Singapore and would like to know how we accomplished that. Because of this, we had an entryway into UNESCO.
走到聯合國,這是大開眼界。本來我們對這世界上事情知道得很少、很渺小,這一接觸才了解,了解到問題真正嚴重。聯合國的使命就是化解衝突,促進社會安定和平。從一九七0年代就召開這種會議,集合全世界學者、精英來討論這個問題。 Our experience with UNESCO opened our eyes wide. Originally, our knowledge of worldly events was very limited, minuscule. Our contact with UNESCO made us realize the dire situation of the world. The mission of UNESCO is to reconcile conflicts and promote the peace and harmony of societies. Since the 1970s, UNESCO had conducted numerous such conferences with a symposium of worldly scholars and elites to discuss these problems.
我那個時候剛參加,是已經三十年了,那現在就四十多年了。四十多年,社會衝突頻率年年上升,災難一次比一次嚴重,說明這失敗了。每一年花上去人力、財力不計其數,我們看到確實是傷心。 When I first attended, which was 30 years ago, which means UNESCO has been holding such peace forums for more than 40 years now. For more than 40 years, social conflicts have escalated to such a degree that [man-made] disasters are getting more and more serious. This means UNESCO’s mission has failed after spending numerous manpower and wealth year after year. We were deeply saddened by these.
我們提供就是東方古老的這些理念、方法,給他們大家做報告,大家聽了說好,都喜歡。但是會後,我們在一起吃飯聊天就告訴我:法師,你講得很好,那是理想,做不到。我是這句話給我當頭一棒,我才真正了解危機到底出在什麼地方。出在信心,對古聖先賢沒有信心,對祖宗沒有信心,再對父母沒有信心,對老師沒有信心,這才是今天社會第一個危機。沒有信心,全盤就沒有了,我們遭這麼大的困難,原因在此地。 We provided the traditional Eastern philosophy and methods in our report at UNESCO. The audience gave us laudation and all were happy. But after the conference, during a banquet, they told me: “Master, your speech is excellent, it is idealistic but not realistic.” This comment was a rude awakening. It made me realize that the true crisis is a lack of faith in [the teachings of] the ancients, the saints and sages. In other words, the crisis of today’s society is a lack of faith in our ancestors, which leads to a lack of faith in the parents and the teachers. This is the foremost danger of Today’s society. Without faith, nothing can be done. The true cause of the difficulties we have encountered lies here. 科學,懷疑可以,它講究懷疑,懷疑發現問題,再去追蹤,解決問題,這得到答案,聖賢學說不行。它不是物質,它是精神,精神這個入門從哪裡?入門就是真信,絲毫懷疑都不能有,有懷疑就不能成功。所以我碰到這麼一個難題,如何叫這些人重新建立信心,這是大難事。 For science, doubt is allowed. Scientific studies encourage doubt. From doubt, questions are asked, theories and experiments are scrutinized, solutions are found, and questions are finally answered. But this approach cannot be applied to the teachings of sages and saints. Such teachings are not material but spiritual. Spiritual quest begins with true faith, and does not allow a single trace of doubt. With doubt, nothing can be successful. Thus, I encountered such a difficulty—how to rebuild trust in people—this is a great difficulty. |
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