這首歌是"The Final Countdown"專輯中最後一首被創作出來的歌, Joet Tempest受到印地安人故事的引發而創作出這首歌。
訴說著貪婪的掠奪,破壞了原本平靜安詳的部落, 與世隔絕的單純,在血淚中認清了謊言的真面目。
They lived in peace, not long ago A mighty Indian tribe But the winds of change, Had made them realize, that the promises were lies 不久之前,強大的印地安部落, 他們平靜地居住著, 然而改變的風潮,讓他們了解到, 承諾都是虛偽的謊言。
The white mans greed, in search of gold Made the nation bleed They lost their faith And now they hade to learn There was no place to return Nowhere they could turn 白種人的貪婪,為了尋找黃金, 血染了這個民族, 他們已失去信心, 如今他們必須學著無家可歸,無路可退。
Cherokee - marching on the trail of tears Cherokee人,踏著淚水的痕跡前進。
They were driven hard, across the plains And walked for many moons Cause the winds of change, Had made them realize, that the promises were lies 他們曾艱辛地走過曠野, 在無數的夜裡前進, 因為改變的風潮,讓他們了解到, 承諾都是虛偽的謊言。
So much to bear, all that pain Left them in despair They lost their faith And now they hade to learn There was no place to return Nowhere they could turn 承受了太多的痛苦, 讓他們陷入絕望,
他們已失去信心, 如今他們必須學著無家可歸,無路可退。
Cherokee - marching on the trail of tears Cherokee人,踏著淚水的痕跡前進。