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蔡英文 is the next ?
2016/12/11 13:30:09瀏覽179|回應24|推薦0

邱毅预言两年内下台 下场比朴槿惠更惨...核灾食品解禁,安倍政府逼迫的很紧。开放美猪进口,特朗普政府也会步步进逼。蔡英文要抱美日大腿,只能对压力屈服,何况还有她家族利益牵涉其中,把柄也被别人握在手中。”...

--as I said usa/japanbastards are not friends neither other countries except china can help taiwan as we all are chinese.

this is the key 把柄也被别人(usa/japanbastards)握在手中 can't but 核灾食品解禁 and 开放美猪进口


--not only 不是什麼東西日本人 but 美国人 too. And still you can see LINE, 优步(Uber) spread all over taiwan 把台湾当做免税、免照、免责的大平台...优步业务理论上不归台湾交通部门管,当出现消费纠纷或安全事故时,岛内无法可管,民众投诉无门。比如有优步车辆绕远路多收钱,交通部门却无法介入纠纷;优步司机不需持有职业牌照;优步特意将消费者收到的车辆相关资讯车牌号码删减到只留2个数字,更增追责难度,等等。台湾交通部门负责人贺陈旦控诉,优步在别的国家或地区都愿意配合,包括司机要拥有职业驾照,只有到台湾落地时,不肯做任何调整,却希望当局替他们另外立法。

--don't you see why usa/japanbastards can humiliate taiwan and taiwan rotten politicians 把柄握在 their 手中? japanbastards's LINE, usa control internet and 上 dirty 李登辉当 for so long.

only ONE CHINA can help taiwan people get rid of humiliations.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2016/12/11 14:32

台媒:台当局急于解禁核食品 没有交易谁信? ...不仅办公听会急就章,台当局官员及民意代表还刻意提供错误讯息,明明是韩国与美国都还在管制,在官员口中却变成只有大陆及台湾在管制!韩国的管制还是从驻日代表谢长廷口中说出的,会有错吗?至于美国的管制,该国食品药物署于10月7日发布进口警示,强调对日本核灾区14县的特定产品,得采取严格管制,甚至“毋须检测即可扣押”。有无管制的答案还不清楚吗?

--haaaa MJD dirty skills I knew very well and thanks chinanews let me know the whole truth. but I am truely sorry soon chinanews would suffer serverly deadly virus attacking by hiding in udn spys(could be usa and taiwan itself) because of me posting in udn.

2016/12/11 14:28


--china government did the right job because japanbastards try to murder all chinese especially in taiwan, so soon taiwan become japanbastrds those dirty LDW type living in taiwan.

2016/12/11 14:16


--haaa I bet china/usa government did better jobs. however I don't trust usa officers either because too many black heart businessmen, and most americans won't buy asia products but asian immigrations and unfortunately those asian grocery stores especially not from japan won't know 調理包產地為核區五縣 and usa officers won't spend time on those not native americans foods except china(usa treats china as enemy/competitor, not because unsafe).

2016/12/11 13:51


--that's quite weird, in usa any income must pay tax. certainly I can't figure out why Trump for renting business loss can many years without pay tax, my husband told me you only could deduct from what you earn portion. such as renting income $18,000, repairing cost $22,000 and 2 months empty due to repairing you only could wipe off $18,000.

台湾当局死磕美国优步 and declared no pressure at all, but has huge pressure about 核灾食品 and 瘦肉精美猪开放进口 why? what kind of 蔡英文家族利益把柄被别人握在手中?

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