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china TV programs I recommand
2016/12/10 10:21:25瀏覽248|回應21|推薦0
动漫:秦时明月 still my favorist.
秦时明月之百步飞剑 夜尽天明 诸子百家 万里长城 君临天下
天行九歌 荆轲外传 空山鸟语 帝子降兮 罗生堂下 天外天——忆天雪剑秋之死
画江湖之不良人(唐亡-五代) quite good
择天记 very interesting
墓王之王麒麟决 not bad
三剑豪之半面人 it's OK
I hope china 动漫 makers can create all of our dynasties stories including 旧石器 新石器 古国 方国 帝国.
I read 女娲成长日记 novel, not bad.
As I said our long history is very priceless could cerate many excellent and interesting 动漫s.
Just heard about 网剧《法医秦明》的热播 , I'm glad to hear about it. I watched many detective shows including British, Franch, Italy, German-Italy, and usa(unfortunatey I hardly like comparing with British and Franch).
I always wonder when I can see china made detective-related(we did have famous ancestors stories but seems stopped not continue, or lack of good writers/re-writers).
大汉天子(汉武帝)--very good
花千骨--can't say I like ...childish
朱雀记 庆余年 间客 将夜 --very good
女娲成长日记--quite interesting
白鹿原---too busy not yet finish
蒙古族 德德玛 乌兰托娅 降央卓玛  央金兰泽 云朵 格格 诺尔曼 布仁巴雅尔 --my favorist 草原之歌
彝族歌手曲比阿乌 彝人制造妈妈 南彝组合阿依妞妞  阿也龙龙原唱彝族山歌
阿木 吉杰祝酒歌  阿果
ROC/taiwan 周璇 邓丽君 蔡琴 费玉清 --unfortunately taiwan is lack of 草原之歌-type
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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2016/12/18 07:33

万达收购好莱坞院线引美政界恐慌 王健林:我只是商人 ...美国威尔逊中心基辛格中美关系研究所主任戴博说,没有证据显示万达将改变美国人所要看到的影片。国会发起的要求对媒体投资进行监管的攻势是“非常危险的”,他说。“如果我们不能看优秀中国电影的话,这将是对我们文化自由显而易见的侵犯,因为国会认为,中国电影威胁到了我们的国家安全。”

--smart as 戴博 are very few in usa, 好莱坞电影制作人杨燕子将这一强烈反应归因于对中国日益崛起为全球大国感到不舒服。

安舒茨拥有美国帝王娱乐集团的控股权。该集团拥有美国最大的院线连锁,至少直到AMC-卡迈克协议获得通过前是这样。..富有的人,且非常“关心国家安全问题” 资助了伯尔曼发起反对中国在好莱坞的收购,Berman & Co公司创始人、资深游说者里克·伯尔曼今年夏天买下了两块户外广告牌,称AMC是“中国的红色傀儡”,他和他所在的组织雇用游说者与国会接触,以警告人们中国潜在的影响

--very strange as far as I knew japanbastards control usa 好莱坞 for long long time but never heard 伯尔曼 against it. do you know who kills usa  好莱坞? japanbastards! in taiwan I did watched lots usa made movies because that's the only we can watch. in usa thru my husband I watched many countries detective shows and gradually I have no interesting watching usa made by comparing and I found out the reason, very simple it is about history cultures and usa is too short. Quite earlier I heard some americans so proud of to get British provided "duke(公爵)"...I bet it is because their ancestors came from British and can't but proud of it. as I mentioned before my husband pre-boss's wife from Franch and Me as chinese are very proud of our history cultures so even can apply usa citizenship we both still have no desire till can't but for husbands jobs sake during bloody wars.

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