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新华社北京12月20日电 题:人到中年,“好好活着”有那么难吗?——从“中兴工程师坠亡”看IT人士“中年危机”



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2017/12/22 13:18
八旬老人街头贴纸条求收养 称儿子同意其找人抚养 ...八旬老人街头贴纸条“求收养”

  退休金每月6000元不愿去养老院 老人称儿子同意自己找他人抚养


--it is very hard and could happen to every one. our old lady neighbour let the son who divorced, no house living together. but the son hardly talking to his mom. recently we met him and told us after retires he won't all day with his mom, he has desiring living in the boat that i don't think he will because the boat needs maintainence. i frequently help the old lady to pick up mails/garbage tanks in snowy days or bad weather. his son won't help at all even he was not working. her daughter invited her by selling her house, she turned down. she has another son but just got baby at 50. 

if it happens to me i would contact chinese restaurants delivery meals. for safety i would modify the door so can thru a hole in stead of open the door to get meals.

usa does have delivery meals for the seniors pay by donation(base on your income from $0 to $5?  meal/day) but i won't like or use to.

i would spend time thru internet watching china programs and news, if eyes go to bad i would listen to chinese musics. 

I hope i can long stay in china before too late, and won't live in Shainghei city but country. if still have money i would select a poor family to help their kid but they will cook meals for me in return. when they don't need my help any more i would find another one and another.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 13:38 回覆:


--i met the mexcian old lady 81, she comes to swim every morning from 7-10Am. she is faty but quite healthy to me.  she teach me and others but hardly can speak english. she takes bus. 

we only go to warm water 3 times/week , each time for 1.5 hr. because every day would be too much for my husband ..exercise didn't reduce his pain. however my husband is very keep to himself won't social and active talking to others.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 14:03 回覆:


--before my husband marry me, he also wanted 有个家 because been lonely too long so let his youngist sister family living together withou pay a penny. in the end he found that never would be his 家 and his debts was bigger and bigger. his sister didn't cook, and her husband only cooked mecian sausages(very greasy type). And sometimes refused cooking for his 2 sons so my husband can't but bring them eat outside.  then he fed up and decided to marry a wife at his 50 as broken status.

my sister and brother invited me to live nearby them or her son in CA usa, i don't dream it because will one day i still can move near by them or her son wherever they move in the future? i prefer not living together because i saw many troubles. better not expect the young kids will help you mow the lawns or else. i told my sister save enough money to pay others clean your house garden. she has a dream to let younger son in Canada living together but she is not satisfied his wife-to-be.

it is very hard living together having different habits and too late to change bad habits. 

so the less dream the better.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-23 08:15 回覆:

when i knew the next year my husband would lose job, i did try help my 2nd brother, remind him this year we can help him living with us to get 4 points(he got 36 points already) for his SSR. I also remind him after that if my husband can't find job then we hardly can help him.

 he didn't come because he thought if he is forced to take any kind job he would rather till the last miniute.  then our cousin in china got 白血病 he called me to notify my mom how much he is going to donate. i tried to warn him that he has not much money left for himself, he quite upset and 挂断电话. i told my mom he can help others but if he needs help who will help him. in the end the cousin still died. while he was worse and worse and wanted come here. can't say no but i forced him to take training class and told him better change other easy gets job, not computer software any more because my husband told me he hardly can get IT job for so many years without job.

he won't listen and submitted couple resumes without response then quit. i told him my husband sumitted thousnds resume to get contract job. but he has no guts. when i tried to convince him to take cargo driver job that working one year hard working could get 4 point. he didn't want.

so he never working again. then back to china later came back and gave me pressure to let his girlfriend living together who can't speak english and didn't want to take barber shop job(my husband spent money sent her to the school learing). i just felt 小庙容不下大菩萨.

one day in the winter morning my husband very upset that he didn't close door 3 times. this time i didn't confort him any more. so he brought mom with him went to taiwan. fortunately my eldest brother willing to help him(certainly sister in law is not happy at all).

my conclusion is if one day you can bent down to looking for jobs in grocery store, car dealer.. that means you will work again like my husband.

this is why i point out those won't work this year will not work any more. so usa is short of employees including those part time jobs.

2017/12/22 11:40
跨境电信诈骗系列案侦破背后 遣返途中摧毁又一窝点  来源:法制日报 本报记者  李豪 【编辑:刘羡】
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 11:40 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 11:45 回覆:

--do not believe those bastards, they won't stop to to get easy money and they hardly can find decent jobs andnot willing working hard. this is why more and more tombs raiders and 跨境电信诈骗. only death penalty could reduce no other ways.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 12:12 回覆:
1/4/17 we paied to J.P.M chase $1359.99 because we received 2nd mail declaring company over paied in 2015. we are not sure whether it is fraud or not, and you can't call the company to find out because hardly any one pick up the phone or transfer one to another then no result. my husband has no desire to call because the huge pain.
can't believe it, my husband was promoted as S.VP the hour rate was higher than VP but don't understand why over-paied. unfortunately his boss from HK already left the company already so can't verify what's going on.
later months we received another mail declaring my husband owed  $54297.59  because it is so obviously "fraud" we didn't fall the traps except  惊吓.
last month? we got called to collect ATI physical theorpy bill, i told the lady we already paied ATG 4/8 $435 5/9 $218 6/7 $218, they charged total amount almost twice. And when we tried to contact the company thru searching websites it's gone. same business name was not the physical theory related. we did file complaints about ATI but we all knew usa lousy system is very lousy and spoil the rotten business companies. the worst thing about lousy usa system is no police would help you or they declared it's not their jobs.

most time we would ingnore the phone call and email but still could be 诈骗. 
china people is lucky but however read bad news and tries hard to verify before you believe it.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 12:21 回覆:

usa continue accuses N. Korean did  诈骗 but i can't see it from N.Korean but usa itself.

did usa ever try hard to help victims to catch those  电信诈骗 or rotten business especially physical theorpy? or improve the lousy system to reduce   电信诈骗 by debt collect must thru mail not by phones, emails, and must provide direct phone number for people have doubts? none. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 12:26 回覆:
when i tried to sort out whether there are duplicate fee charges in the past by other physical theorpy companies, hospitals/clinics ...the person stole many our medical-related statements so can't verify the frauds. 

2017/12/21 03:56

myself is very stick to the same company won't for salary/position jump to other company until my boss sold me out many times then quit even CEO's brother requested me to stay i turned down. because my loyalty i also got chance to be president's and later V.P special assistant, and later be sales.

i totally agreed 这种危机首先来自IT业的行业特征。通常情况下,一个人在一个行业干得越久,他的工作经验就越丰富,工作能力就越强。但IT行业却“没法积累经验”,必须依靠不断的创新才能创造价值,要求员工不断更新自己的知识储备。that's why i insist to become sales in stead of software project leader after my 1st big project as wine automation which used very lousy MITOS.

when i found out other software engineers using windows and all i knew about DOS,  MITOS, not mention those c, cobol, fortran, RPG, dBase later turbo C...totally wasted i have to learn like a beginner again. 

my husband always worked as IT manager but the bloody wars lost his job, when we both took IT training class i told my husband i would rather be real estate agent but he against it. i did get high scores in oracle(database-related jobs are quite welcome in usa) but when he got contract jobs i have no desire to work for IT companies because i knew it would destroy my health. whenever there is a bug i would over-night working to solve it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-21 04:46 回覆:


--it is very important to all employees, i kept warning china people do not over spend especially when it is the best time. you should save every penny and also should spend time to 理财... at least you should spend time to estimate how much you can save for the future life. myself using MONEY software for many years. i believe china has much better money software.

before we married my husband told me he didn't have any savings but would work till 90+ like his grand-father. i never believe it, when i found out he had huge credit cards debts and can't save $3000/mon (he told me) at all, i spent $1/day till paied off his debts (certainly he still can eat outside but once/weekdays).  those 3 years were the best time before the bloody wars, i was so lucky in time solved his serious problem.

my husband is a responsible man, kept looking jobs, we both even tried to work for car dealer and Jewel grocery store, we both got life insurance certificates but can't work for umbrella company that his colleage's father declared it is a rat company. 

finally he got contract jobs, and when he became Senior V.P. at 67 i told him better working one more year so can tell other people his final job title. didn't i smart enough?

in fact i did tell my husband if he wants to retire earlier at 62, it's fine to me but have to continue save penny. he didn't want that kind of living so continue worked till 69.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-21 04:58 回覆:

men are much weak, so as wife should manage well to avoid suicide happening. my husband told my 2nd brother because I forced him to attend training classes together(1st time was ife insurance, 2nd time was IT training) so he can work again.

in usa if you left company including laid off, if your investment under certain amounts you have to sell out too. i'm not sure about china's company rules.

my husband wanted to get cash so can reduce no jobs pressure, it is me disallowed except IBM company illegally? forced them to get cash from pension plan. i don't think IBM got sued because didn't receive any compensarion. IBM was not the only one at that period time.

2017/12/21 03:30
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 14:34 回覆:

how did i 渡过“中年危机"? after I left company, found out job adv. limit under 35 years old, i almost wanted to suicide but then the other competitor company sales man(didn't know him but he saw me on EEE project bidding site, i was just one person and they had 10? people(sales and engineers) attended i beat up them and won but sold out by my boss... he wanted me work for him.

later i worked for different companies, one was same company i worked introduced me to his couple friends to make proposals, however didn't get pay at all.

another Simens sales(not familiar) introduced me to work for IT company. 

then i met my same company boss who left and runs his own IT company. till then my husband knew me(he worked for IBM global service dept. to diagnose system bugs for foreign countries including taiwan) when he found out i was working so late and asked me whether i married or not. so....

both IT companies boss in the end wanted me to be software engineer again(they are very lack of senior software engineer) so i left.

the last one was cosmetic-related company, not high end at all but i was going to marry. 

for both of  us thru marriage 渡过“our 中年危机". 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 15:13 回覆:

when did i have 危机 sense?

i always help my family, my salary all gave to my mom, not even opened, until my father angerd at me that all time worked in company and didn't help house jobs(he never requested my eldest brother). we had a couple quarrels so my mom decided (later she told me it's sister suggested) forced me move out(fortunately my eldest brother helped me to pay downpayment). when i left company none help me except sometimes my mom worried me and invited me ate home but wanted me do all cooking and clean house jobs(my eldest brother married but wife is not healthy). i was not in good mood so tried hard to turn down later. i never like house jobs why for a free meal  have to do all?

my sister did run a 2-people export business company but won't allow me working for them. i won't complaint her because different field, and too late to learn.

until i got IT jobs since then i save every penny. i used to give very good red money, gifts to my parents and sister's sons but no more. because I got very strong 危机 sense that i have no problem help my family but when i need i can't get any help in return.

after i found my husband's broken status the 1st thing i did is to get rid of his younger sister family. And never throw anything especially clothings that some given by my sister quite earlier i went there by her request because she had a trip to taiwan, needing me to take care her sons.

i still helped my mom living with us, and i was forced to borrow money from my younger brother to buy a used mini van for mom(she hated stay home weekdays). And when we retuened the money my mom forced me to pay 4?% interest rate higher than the bank's. 

the earlier  having 危机 sense the better. And try not to rely others but save every peny to pay others working for you when you need. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 15:15 回覆:
certainly without my husband i can't help my mom in usa. And that is why even the person abuses my body we still together.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-22 15:27 回覆:

after we returned the money, one day my sister-in-law saying in the future better have no relative borrow money again. it gave me a heavy stimulation, and i swore never borrow money ever.

behind my back they called me 小气. but now they are worry their future living expenses but i don't. when i supported Trump my sister-in-law was very upset at me because they paied less than $100 as my brother is unemployee.