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台北加油 三大顾问公司s 加油! 打破日企30多年垄断 陆企将参与台北捷运建设
2017/12/08 22:54:21瀏覽141|回應3|推薦0

打破日企30多年垄断 陆企将参与台北捷运建设 【编辑:孟湘君】

陆企将参与台北捷运建设 大陆盾构机首进台湾市场





--finally  顾问公司s did right job for taiwan people. my K&C company (fell down already) did 台北捷运(very likely not the same 捷运 project because French company also involved and  our company provided a office for them, as i left taiwan since 1997) software maintainence project that's why i knew very well what happened and our government very rotten(rotten abien mayor). it also messed up, wasted huge taiwan people moeny. the worst is taiwan engineers(both H/W, S/W) incuding consultant companies couldn't learn at all, that's why taiwan is a biggest loser in the world while china can be top number one.

French company sent disqualified engineers frequently were invited  by our rotten government to have a fun and secretary(taiwanese-so-called can speak french) working like a chick. they came very late and left very earlier. my office desk very next to French office, saw everything.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/12/26 00:13

“中国造”地铁运抵美国 该线路2019年将投入使用 【编辑:于晓】

 中新社长春12月25日电 中国中车长客股份公司25日发布消息,“中车制造”波士顿橙线地铁首批车辆已经运抵美国马萨诸塞州。马萨诸塞州交通局(MBTA)在推特上特意展示了这份从中国寄来的圣诞“礼物”。






2017/12/09 00:28
when i worked as sales and did proposals by myself, i also involved 隧道 projects and found out japanbastards comanies deeply water, they can assign electricity designer to design,because of that all equips became japan made. German simens also was excluded(I'm quite familiar with Simens RTU/PLC, sensors...., and usa AB... but not japanbastards because they refused to provide informations unless the projects belogns to them before public bidding), even that only certain bidder can get their products spec. documents to bid, it called 绑标(规格)捆商 or 内订.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-09 00:37 回覆:

so many projects in design phase I did, only japan made imagae processing for 机场 parking system(cars licence plates identification) thru one of consultant company's help got their products spec. certainly the project is also 绑标(规格)捆商, because consultant company needs me to writing specifications proposal. however when i contacted japanbastards that i need more details and had questions they refused and won't answer my tech. inquires. 

if it didn't work and/or very lousy, don't blame me, it is our rotten government caused it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-09 00:43 回覆:
in the begining I also contacted usa compaines but didn't find qualified, i would say usa has big lands few popullations so their related-equips for parking system are fewer. 
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-09 01:24 回覆:

仓储系统 in Singchu is another case, i was software project leader, the night before the client examined i insist did one more site test, even my director boss complainted and spoke ill of me but the hardware chain-related broken, he can't but admit i saved my company, and so did consultant company(because of that consultant company gave me the chance to be sales and help them software related proposals.)

so it passed and smoothly, client, consultant company and my company all happy. however i deeply suspect japanbastards's products reliability. later the dept sold to japan's company. the only dept. made good profits as japan products(parking-related including parking tower ,仓储系统 agent. i was summoned by the dept because they lack of professional software engineer/project leader.


i was the only one quite succeded in 酒厂公卖局 at Chia-Yi (the only one of 3 made good money for my company) and later was forecd by consultant company to help  Hua-Lien(that is the 仓储.. dept, after that they changed business field)

continue took over pin 东(another dept.). I request not solve the bugs but provided alternative solution or i quit, because i didn't want my whole life wasted in MITOS and disqualified juior software engineers million bugs.

Later I was requested to help security system(EEE is our client and their dept transfered to our company), the same MITOS, i did the same thing, provided alternate solutions and got the client agreed. that is the dept I worked as sales.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-09 01:46 回覆:

 Chia-Yi 酒厂 厂长 was the only one promoted because the project well done.

consultant company leader who responsible for 3 cases also got chance to build his team independently who wanted me be our company's responsible for all 酒厂s projects.

unfortunately i turned down and wanted to be sale.

when we had many difficult time to apply projects money from consultant company, our president inquired me should my company get rid of consultant company's leader. I told him indeed he is very tough frequently requested me do more than our job scopes (because consultant company another dept did Honewell big comuper software portion, we did mitos worksation, EEE made PLC and sensors...) . I have to find out why data missing and why system stopped from PLC to Honewell.  

But I have to admit he is a good leader and can hard working to solve problems. many times their software engineers refused coopeartion, so did our PLC SW engineers both declared not their problems especially weekend. So only me and the leader to identify the problems. one time we found SILO-Bleach cables used wrong type that belonged to consultant company's fault. and many times i found their Honewell, MITOS software bugs...

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-09 02:31 回覆:

I can't but over night slept in SILO site to find out why syetem stopped, when did it happen.. because it was not happen in day time, and always when we left sites returned taipei. finally i caught it and the leader figured out it caused by unbalance electricity distributed that also belonged to consultant company's fault.

in the end the whole system can runing longer within 30 days. sometimes caused by 酒厂 mistakes operation or else. i was told one of 酒厂 employee suicided in SILO because the pressure not knowing computer related operation.

couple of times  厂长 knew I over night stayed in SILO site, came by to make sure i'm ok.

2017/12/08 23:03
花天酒地 did nothing is my only impressions for 台北捷运 from our taiwan officers to foreign companies, from top to the bottom.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-12-08 23:59 回覆:

how many taiwan companies engineers including consultants can read french, japanbastards... tech. documents if any...? none. even english documents would cause a serious problem.
one of my smartest boss(graduated from 台大, supporting MJD,later left and became his company's boss, offered job for me after i left the same company and gave us a trip in china can't but tell us china's female tourguide is high class and did much better jobs than taiwan's) bought a project manage software from usa, his english much better than me. he requested few engineers including me working on it. I kept point it didn't work, totally wasted my time.
taiwan is worship usa tech. my boss suspect he bought wrong --trial or 盗版. so no one chanlleged usa company.
after i married to my husband, he also frequently complaint his company's lousy project management software. I told him: you have to know the software designer's logical path which no document details enough to help you solve it. he totally agreed with me.
he also told me usa companies bought software from INdo companies. then i told him when i was working as TA in computer dept, USC i found out Inod students were good at cheating, they didn't solve bugs but made it look-like working and got high scores. native americans wanted me do their exercises. Asian students would work hard to solve bugs but hardly can succeed before due date.

Indo immigrations also very easy got projects from usa government including finger prints. it also a painful when me and mom applied citizenship, it didn't work and we had to visited 3 times, you knew each time spent us lots time to wait in a line.