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whenever microsoft updated I got -Hmmm...can’t reach this and that pages
2017/11/16 11:23:27瀏覽260|回應6|推薦0

after we returned home around 10-11Am this morning, our notebooks turned on and showed "update, don't turn off..."

So it took half hour then the 1st thing showing baidu and chinanews :Hmmm...can’t reach this page
i told myself Aaaa it happened again, what mother xxx.

the next thing i tried to verify whether world journal still working like befre only few websites can reach. it did but got very slowly serious problems and advertisemnts not fully displayed(which i don't mind at all).

it spent me the whole day till now i solved it. not like before only ended some background processes thru task manager would work again.

 this time after uninstalled driver boost software it seemed showing baidu and chinanews but when i clicked one of news it failed. 

then i end some tasks it didn't improve.

in the end thru settings i tried remove all MS updated events but security update for ms windows kb4022405, kb4049011 can't remove, 

security update for adobe acrobat reader dc 17.012.20098 can't remove.

security update for adobe flash player can't remove

but the other duplicated security update for adobe flash player and 

security update for ms windows kb4048954 both removed.

now it back to normal.

when i try to uninstalled driver boost software it took couple of times to succeed uninstall.

my husband didn't have my problems because he only watched videos from usa few websites.

in the past when we called internet service companies they told us call your router/modem company, they blocade those websites you visited. my husband is very good at router/modem and told me those internet companies are incapable and 白痴. but he got different problems not familiar my suffering, so we solved each problem differently. 

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2017/12/04 21:06

finally found out what cause my notebook became hot and hoter. after i end microsoft search and search broker? two background processes then it cool down.

I hate mircosoft frequently update and added this and that junky processes.

do you frequently got cpu/disk/memory 100% occupied problems? do you find your notebook unusal hot? these all caused by microsoft junky background processes.

2017/11/27 19:50

10年内IPv4或将全面退出 IPv6开启万物互联新时代

新华社北京11月27日电 特稿:IPv6开启万物互联新时代







蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-27 19:51 回覆:












蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-27 20:11 回覆:

雪人计划首任执行主席刘东 :'雪人计划’是合适的也是可行的。”邬贺铨认为,要真正实现全球互联网的多边共治还有很多工作要做。通过联合全球机构来做测试和试运营,扫清技术上的障碍,不仅可以争取更多支持者,还能推动在IETF(国际互联网工程任务组)内相应的标准化进展。


--very good, expect china and others can improve a lots. right now is really sucks-worse and worse feeling whenever updated, frequently this and that pages can't reach and mouse sticky caused cut/paste malfunctions, more difficult to make it work by delete background processes...
but my only question is will we suffer more advertisements fill with the screen especially continue 'auto' refreshing type? can we have option to use other than microsoft edge and firefox/IE? in the past if edge not work i switch to firefox but it's not better. the most i wish to replace is file explorer because frequently my files are malicious deleted by unknown i suspect it caused by file explorer lousy links and complex design.
Hardly believe such lousy file management control for so many years. 
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-27 20:30 回覆:

i also hope can type simplex chinese more easy. not just by 拼音 that has the same problem as english spelling especially for left-hand and the seniors. i found myself as 59 many english words can't spell correctly. when we married my husband was 50 he hardly can answear me because he is left hand until i heard issued bloody wars Bush has same spelling problems then searched left hand bad side.

 i wish can combine 2+ 字 get 1 字 such as 鱼+羊 get 鲜.... in stead of xiǎn because  xiǎn is not easy to remember and if i type xian i got 西安 not 鲜, i don't know which key represent ǎ. 

2017/11/18 12:12
there is one more puzzle that in task manager, the microsoft edge has more than 7. when it happens then it would be very very slow and won't show the contect of new page(when i clicked the news title and others...). i have to manual end microsoft edge (especially cpu 0%) then it works. however sometimes it also killed existing pages, quite frustrated.

2017/11/16 23:03

this year last couple months after Microsift windows update my wireless mous got "sticky" problem, but not so terrible as earlier years(it caused can't write in notepad, cut/paste, very painful malicious bug). in the begining i thought maybe caused by too many advertisements and frequently change screen in chinese websites i visited. until my husband told me he got sticky too.

Anyway i really hope one day china can create operating system for the world--stable and when update it is better and better that solve the previous version bugs. not this usa made worse and worse. very scare whenever it updates that the old bugs didn't solve the new bugs created and more and more difficult to solve, more and more background processes created (some duplicated) can't disable/delete.

for example i don't know what "runtime broker" doing, why would i need "broker", 

smart screen? if my old screen is working I don't want another smart screen to increase my memory, disk usage.

why usermode  font driver host duplicate(two have exactly the same name) and have 3 windows driver fundation?....

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-16 23:12 回覆:

by the way, i hope china websites can reduce those advertisements frequently "refresh"(do not worship 3rd class usa ways), they really not confortable for your reader, it just irritate won't attract to readers.

in my notebook after turn on my machine under play and explore i delete/remove any advertisements frequently "refresh" advertisements. but keep those are not. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-16 23:20 回覆:

haaa i solved the sticky problem. 

when i post that hope china websites reduced those advertisements frequently "refresh", so i double check windows play and exlore found out 2 new advertisements with "fresh" after i did unpin. it solved sticky problems.

2017/11/16 12:10

....your router/modem company, they blocade those websites you visited

--from my view it is Microsoft windows try hard to blockade china websites in usa by all means.

2017/11/16 11:36

i did search to see any other suffered it and how they solved the same error messages.

obviously i am not alone but all their solutions didn't work for me. this time is very serious problem i even can't search at all.

i really hate MS bing serach(they would showing what you looking for but when i clicked then another and another). in the old time i would thru at&t email website to search usa -related. (baidu not always can search usa-related.)