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hope to terminate 將時鐘撥来撥去 stupid 3rd cass ways...
2017/11/03 00:35:10瀏覽138|回應3|推薦0

A. 夏令時間將結束 健康5隱憂

--finally some one point out that i already point out one of stupid 3rd class ways.

every year has to suffer 時鐘撥来撥去 twice and can't understand why it takes so long to figure out how stupid it is.

does it really saving energy? from what i saw it didn't but got depression 症. i called it abusing. 

usa is 3rd class, taiwan is worse, i heard the rotten MJD changed time zone. what's good for but make a mess. it is called 自寻烦恼.

B. another  stupid 3rd class ways is private-so-called. many times just asking a question but this and that private-so-called waste the company and my time, both exhausted especially the company transfer one by one and still the same  private-so-called inquirey that takes hours to get one simple question answear. 

C. 美國居 果然處處危險...美國居,大不易,除了生活費高,死傷風險其實也高過我們的母國。...這樣的美國居還有甚麼味道,和自由開放生活差距多遠?壞事太多,美國吸引力下降,這些都是原因。

in the past whenever i tried hard to warn chinese and frequently irritate some one hiding in WJ/udn and blockade my opinions. same as when i point out usa house value deeply down during bloody wars, the one came back and worked in taiwan(i bet she lost job and very difficult found job in usa)accused me  by posing 专业 reporting, she has no wisdom to know such usa 专家s frequently told liars. 

you don't need to rely on usa 专家s full mouth liars but pay more attention what you can see neighbourhood houses status, what you  felt about  將時鐘撥来撥去...

D.美國居 果然處處危險...受害華人往往是信任這個社會,認為美國人友善、樂意助人(絕多數美國人的確如此),因此大意失去提防。

--why 受害華人信任這個美國社會 so much? it is because some one hide in WJ forbid top class me-type post my opinions and tried very hard to beautify 這個美國社會 to cheat chinese in china, in usa. 

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/11/14 18:32

「高血壓」換新標準 140-90變130-80 你還算健康嗎?

--I won't take it seriously, if i feel frequently dizzy or headache i would measure it and to see whether it is too low or too high. so far none but few times.

my husband as 71, after he lost 15-20lbs(i would not say he is fat any more) and 3day/week in hot water exercise 1.5 hrs. he quit 高血壓 medicines a week now. earlier his 高血壓 medicines cut half as lost weights. after water exercise he got dizzy and can't finish bone cancer test(高血壓 70+), later happened again after i told him stop  高血壓 medicines because his exercises. in the begining he didn't want and argued doctor knows better i told him doctor is very busy won't know your status. you should adust it by you lost weights, takes exercises. in the end he listened. dizzy problem solved.

so far so good. 高血壓 around 130. and we believed the seniors should a bit higher not keep low, because body warned out need more 血壓 to circulate the body.

the less medicines the better, but pay attention to yourself body reaction.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 18:40 回覆:
少油少肉竟得糖尿病 醫師:關鍵在醣...陳姓婦女注重養生,飲食少油少肉,糖尿病還是上身,醫師診斷陳婦飲食多醣,改為低醣飲食後才成功調整血糖。


--in the past my husband told me according to usa doctors that 糖尿病 has nothing to do with candies. my 2nd brother also believes it. when i insist people loves candies, sweat things caused their 糖尿病, both laught at me. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-14 19:30 回覆:

in here it is 5:20Am and he meaused it dropped down 119. we will see this evening. ususally it would be a bit higher than morning.

I kept told him reduced the 糖尿病  medicines he didn't want until the doctor cut down due to weights lost. right now his 糖尿病 measured is 98. because he still wants cakes/muffins now and then so i knew he won't reduce  糖尿病  medicines again.

it also happened to my mom when i cooked meals for her without any sugar, she wanted cakes/sweat things and ate more don't allow me cut down her  糖尿病  medicines. 

2017/11/03 01:50

F. 華戶命案 警確認亞裔男自殺  記者張越/聖蓋博報導...聖蓋博縣屬地10月31日發生命案,一名男子在一處民宅被刺死亡,當晚警方以謀殺罪調查,但11月1日,洛杉磯縣法醫辦公室表示,此案經已經判定為自殺,一名66歲的亞裔男子用銳器自殺身亡。但這名男子和房屋主人的關係,以及是否就是房東本人,警方並沒有透露。

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-03 01:50 回覆:
法醫辦公室發言人Brian Elias表示,警方確認此案為一起自殺案,並非之前所調查的謀殺案。死者是一名66歲的亞裔男子,姓名則要先通知親屬才能公布。他表示,目前遺體還沒有做屍檢,總體來說,他的死因是用銳器自殺身亡。具體的傷害部位等尚不能公布。此前曾有消息表示,死者可能是這戶人家老人的護工,但警方並沒確認,也沒有透露死者和這戶人家的關係。洛縣警局信息處也表示,目前警方還在調查之中,但沒有任何人被捕。...死者身上至少有一處刺傷,縣警局兇殺組隨後接手調查,警方沒有找到攻擊武器,也沒有公佈嫌犯外貌描述。有鄰居31日表示,案發所在的住戶為一對華裔老夫婦,在此居住了十多年。1日,本報記者再度拜訪案發現場,一切已經歸於平靜。在案發戶主家門前的車道上停著一輛黑色的車。一位鄰居表示,這對夫婦應該是台灣移民。平時交流不多,只是會看到有人開車帶他們進出。他們好像不能自己開車。他表示,案發時他雖然在家,但並沒有提聽到任何異常的聲音或響動,直到大批警察趕到,才知道出事。在這家門口停車的那輛車,應該是來他家打掃衛生的西裔女子的,這名女子會定期來打掃。當晚警方的調查直至深夜才結束。
記者按這家的門鈴,一名西裔女子應門。她表示不是這家的主人,是家政清潔人員。她表示,老人們在家,但行動不便,無法下樓接受採訪,然後立刻關上門。從她的表情看,這家發生的事並沒有讓她過度驚詫,還是從容打掃衛生。案發的這戶人家位於一條死巷子的盡頭,雖然緊鄰San Gabriel Blvd,但鬧中取靜。

--very good, 記者 can inquire 護工為何要在工作的客人家自殺身亡 and point out 攻擊武器警方沒有找到. now you can see why so many this and that private-so-called became a tool to cover for incapable by "the less americans know the better" .

if  the 護工要在工作的客人家自殺身亡 that proved the "客人" not "nice" and 警方 should found 攻擊武器 very easily.

I knew a suicided case in taiwan: the renter already 3 months didn't pay the rent, utilities and parking fee, he returned from japan and his family abandoned him as he abandoned them before. he worked as taxi driver and A-bien was taipei mayor(that period time many taipei people suicided). one day he went to another building jumpped off and died. the police finally found out his kids and forced them to burry their father.

the renter didn't suicide in the renting house because he already 3 months didn't pay...

2017/11/03 01:27

E.美國居 果然處處危險...(孤狼恐襲)案例證明川普反極端穆斯林,有些做法爭議雖高,卻有其道理。

--Again it is 3rd class opinion, top class ME would try hard to tell usa master stop invading other countries because usa can't offer/prove how greatest government for those pity 难民s who came to usa and found usa dream broken.

3rd class usa is very very selfish and abuser-type, the person hides in WJ should realize it or make usa worse and worse, because millions liars to cover for usa are much more worse.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-03 03:32 回覆:

恐嫌遭IS洗腦 殺人慶祝萬聖節 記者顏伶如/綜合報導 ... 在起訴書中,檢方指出,烏茲別克裔的29歲塞波夫是個貪婪的消費者,也是認真研讀IS宣傳資料的死忠粉絲。...調查員發現,讓塞波夫獲得犯案啟發的一支短片,是巴格達迪對美國境內以及其他地區的穆斯林提出疑問,詢問「如何回應伊拉克境內穆斯林遭到傷害的事實。」

--very weird what 檢方 tried to tell us by 貪婪的消費者? unbelievable  貪婪的消費者-so-called could have sympathy on 伊拉克 people.

if i knew the price is not reasonable i won't buy, does it mean i were  貪婪的消費者? but i do know many middle class won't buy Obama's health care for ridiculous buy for nothing for 貪婪的 insurance companies and doctors(certainly they would complains can't make money from the poor but it's not your excuses to force middle class pay your loss).

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-03 02:10 回覆:


--obviously usa 華爾街日報 knew 就業機會少 is the main reason to 導致年輕人易成為偏激分子, then don't random issue ths and that wars in other countries.

as 欠缺政治自由 i don't think it caused 成為偏激分子 reason if ony if the country have plenty 就業機會. it is usa should stop cheating othr countries by verify itself 政治自由 caused incapable serious problems. 

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-11-03 02:31 回覆:
探討霸凌 皇后區政府開家長會...其中一個故事講述一名少女因醉酒和別人發生性關係時被拍照,照片在網上瘋傳,遭到同學網路霸凌導致自殺的故事。肖文斯坦說,被欺凌者若得不到學校和家長正確引導,不但可能依賴酒精或藥物,甚至用自殺解決問題。

市教育局學校環境主任瑞德(Kenyatte Reid)表示,若家長發現在公校讀書的孩子遭受校園霸凌,可前往該校網站或直接電郵該校校長,報告後應保存投訴號碼,校方日後不能以不知道為藉口對該事不處理

--the question is even if 校方知道 what can 校方處理? but i'm prety sure the tuition jump up and every one forced to pay higher tax. the only thing 家長 can do is collect those 霸凌 cases for their kids, staying away drugs, wine or they would be the next victim.