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more and more china proves their officers, stores... are much better than usa
2017/08/04 11:30:32瀏覽187|回應14|推薦0
just watched some 窃贼盗窃被直播 当天就落网, 邻居不给wifi密码 醉汉持刀找上门,

北京老人遇“以房养老”骗局, 女逃犯进银行开户被拿下,辽宁破获特大侵犯公民个人信息案...

--they all caught the bad guys or still investigation especially 北京老人遇“以房养老”骗局. in usa once you were cheated and signed some papers then you won't get justice even you report to government officers.

Recently due to our refrigerator was broken and we bought warranty. then found out in 2013 Fry's should refund $411.33(we paied then the store didn't have stock, when they had one we were forced to pay again and told us the 1st we paied would refund, however our credit card statements didn't show at all), I did call the Fry's told me it was billing cycle(their and credit card company) so won't show immediately. I trust both are big company, especially the credit card issued by chase bank.

we visited Fry's and the manager insist they did refund and print(later gave to me) a paper that showing "refund", then I tried to show our credit statements(fortunately I kept all statements and documents). the manager won't see and told us talking to credit company.

we called the bank the bankers did confirm no refund on our statement but I have to contact their dispute dept. and the man told me he can't see our statements I have to visit their branch and faxed. I visited the local branch was told only 2 months dispute is allowed, it was 2013 won't get their help. I told the bankr it was between you and Fry's we trust your company and don't know which did wrong thing. she agreed to fax for me but no responsibility. Later I called the dept to confirm whether they received it. the lady told me the same thing and if the amount over $500 could get some help. I insist they have to help and she told me 5 days later call again see whether they would take the case.

Last time we called the police for the psych thief(may more than one) and something left in our house(3 ladies photos, one is student ID, medicine, 安全套 for sex..)  we were told if the amount over $500, fotunately it just over $500. the detective showed up took the evidence and my listing for things stolen. Later the detective talked to me without my husband because he suspect my husband allured female students... then the case closed because it was not my huband. even there is a student ID card still can't catch.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/08/29 22:53
中国亮脱贫攻坚“成绩单” 减贫事业继续领先全球
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-29 22:55 回覆:
--very well.... And hope 严重违纪违规问题金额 降至 0%, till then could prove all china officers are quite clean and taking care people very well. China go go go. better and better.

2017/08/27 15:46

湖南宁乡举行古装相亲 男子牵牛寻“织女”

--very good, hope taiwan young kids also could attend... quite interesting and it is a briliant idea...

2017/08/27 12:29


  【同期】(江洛康萨社区民间夜校培训班学员 扎西普赤)




  【同期】(江洛康萨社区民间夜校培训班学员 尼玛琼达)



  【同期】(江洛康萨社区民间夜校培训班教师 旦增)


  【解说】江洛康萨社区位于西藏日喀则市桑珠孜区西北角的宗山脚下,隶属桑珠孜区城北办事处,成立于1988年,有藏、汉、回、蒙古等 11个民族。

  【同期】(江洛康萨社区民间夜校培训班教师 旦增)



  记者 贡桑拉姆 西藏日喀则报道

2017/08/27 10:33
旅游+扶贫:抚顺清原红河漂流景区扶贫“攻略”,,,中新网抚顺8月25日电 (沈殿成 刘博)继被国家旅游局确定为全国"景区带村"旅游扶贫示范项目后,辽宁省抚顺市清原红河漂流景区今年7月再被中国扶贫开发协会正式授予全国旅游扶贫示范调研基地。这是全国首个旅游扶贫示范调研基地。旅游+扶贫,已成为该景区助力地区扶贫、发展地方经济的重要发展方略。








蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-27 10:33 回覆:




2017/08/24 13:30





2017/08/24 13:24
 吃邵阳坛子杂菜易致癌? 湖南一高中生用获奖研究成果为其正名...来自湖南省邵阳市的张铭晟现在长沙求学,家乡特色菜肴邵阳坛子杂菜一直是他非常喜爱的食物,“每餐必吃”。然而,去年清明节回邵阳时,张铭晟的妈妈却一反常态,不准他吃坛子杂菜了。





--I hope he can 正 more 名 including 皮蛋 火腿...and other 菜s. I hope he can make a list showing the detail comparing datas... don't let random say say  usa university students destroy our ancestors left for us delicious foods. when I heard 猪油 were bad then found americans/european use lots 牛油 and expensive. when I heard our  火腿 were bad but found usa/europe eat bacon lots and price jump high high. ...

2017/08/21 02:36
四大新动能显现 中国经济不走“老路” ...中国经济已有了新的格局。...韦邵强调,随着居民个人经济状况的改善,中国消费者的消费水平正在向富裕型、发展型消费转变,消费升级正持续发酵。从横向来看,越来越多商品品类加入消费升级大军;从纵向来看,除一线城市,许多三四线城市包括农村消费升级趋势也非常明显。因此可以预见,消费升级仍会持续拉动中国经济增长。...中国贸促会研究院国际贸易研究部主任赵萍表示,中国过去主要通过给予大量优惠政策吸引外资。到现在则主要通过优化营商环境、缩小内外资待遇差距,用减法的方式来鼓励外资进入中国。


2017/08/19 04:30

8/5/17 my husband mailed back the extra tablet sent by freedom pop company, he was extra paied $19.99(tablet)+$7.20(stamp with certificate).

fortunately he bought mailing certificate so can traced the status. it's been 13days the status showing processing. so he went to post office request help. the lady can't do anything but gave him manager phone number and would call at 3:00pm. but didn't so he called the manager again nothing can help.

the freedom pop company won't refund and provide phone service until they recieve it.

my husband need to swich cell phone because the current one can't download our home security software.  thos insurance for lost item is $50, the question is will tablet company accept and who should refund our extra pay$19.99+$7.20.

it is really suck, usa companies, post office ... quality are worse and worse.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-20 02:41 回覆:
we felt better post office called today the tablet delievered to the company. yesterday my husband 2nd time told me it must be their employer stole. we won't know, but there are some possible caused. sometimes I still received mails not our city or neighbourhood. but package needs to sign should not deliver to wrong place. so it might put wrong place can't find.

2017/08/19 03:49

4? years ago we got mails sent by the city declared automatically switch energy company that cheaper rate for residents. And attached unit price for nicor/comed?. in the beginning it did look cheaper when we got 1st bill statement found out this and that hiding fee didn't show in the attached paper we immediately called to cancel it. And was charged tranfer out/in fee by nicor/comed?. since then every year we had to spend days to  call cancel. so I called the city request them not auto switch and explained the energy saving companies charged more. so city stop auto swich.

2? weeks ago a black guy showed up pretended sent from comed and mentioned smart meter which comed just installed needs to do examine. then I let him in, he equested comed and nicor bill statements. I felt not right but he insist needs them to check. later he borrowed our cell phone to call, while he chat with the lady on phone I thouht the lady were working for comed and I wanted to confirm with her. the black man disallowed and hanged off. I felt very unconfortable till then he admitted from engery saving company I immediately told him we don't want to switch because the bad experiences happened in the past. after he left I immediately called comed but the lady told me she can't do anything protect us not tranfered out by the bad guy, but call that company to cancel it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-19 03:49 回覆:
fortunately because my suspicous the guy did give me a phone number, I made a call then was told to call another (their customer service). so I reported the fraud and provide our comed and nicor accounts, and strongly insist their company never send any one to our house in the future.
I didn't call nicor because I thought he did comed then my suspicous interrupted. today the comapny called notift one of was closed but the other may charge fee and it seemed form 2016 april. I was shocked and told her we never been thier clients and the black showed up suddenly pretended as comed. if any fee charge on us we would report to government. she told me the company would do more investigate and to find out who the black is.
I felt so nurvous immediately called nicor and samething can't do anything but won't charge transfer out, back. I felt much better.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-19 03:50 回覆:
you see our city thought the 3rd party energy companies could save pennies for residents then in the end they didn't do jobs right, so easily cheated by energy companies and cause more trouble for their residents. And suck laws to forbid nicor/comed take action protect their clients by their clients request.
you see so cautious me type still can't stop the bad guy/company. after I saw Obama's health care I really expect nothing from usa government any more. the less they do anything for pity americans the better.
because they are very poor at mathematics can't do jobs right.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-19 03:54 回覆:

I'm not surprised more and more chinese students in usa return back, I'm not the only one top class chinese in usa, what I found the problems of usa, they also knew .

they love china more after they came out and comparing with other countries, china government did much better but because too many people in china so many serious problems caused by people who don't  obey laws.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-19 06:25 回覆:

the black gave me the phone is 855-9791153 when I called the lady told me they are data exchange just verify something. then gave me another phone (think energy customer service) ph# 8662520078. I called and was told some one would call me telling the result. that is today the lady called and tried to charge fee. my listening english not good heard April.. when I confirmed her, she didn't directly told me so i strongly told her we never was their client before and have bill statements to prove we paied to comed/nicor. the same day I called and should not transfer to nicor/comed.

I just searching the phone and wrote what happened to us to warn other people.

when I alled 8559791153 the lady can't confirm without vendor ID. I told her i did contact the company they tried to find out who the man is.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-20 04:27 回覆:

the more I think why so easy as client lost rights. the more I believe it is a fraud team together squeeze people money. here is a email I sent to send to Nicor. and on-line made comment on think energy website.

think energy.....yesterday I called 855-9791153 tried to find the black who chatting with the lady on the phone during their conversation, I tried talk to her to verify what's going on twice. in the beginning the lady inquire him about ??? ID, the black answered he didn't have then another ??? ID he provided(should be the ID card hanged on his neck), that's how caused my attention. however without vendor ID the company can't help me. but your company should be easy find out. when I called your company I tried not to hurt any one (every one wants job, and afraid he would do bad things to us for lose job) but he is very dishonest and your company didn't do right thing to charge us. so I provided as detail as I could and we won't pay a penny. we already called comed and nicor.

Nicor... here is the detail how it happened, I did call and knowing Nicor can't do anything about it. But hope my experiences can help some others or can force city pay attention about the laws they made(some one made the rules)....I didn't call Nicor because I thought the black was interrupted by me and he pretended from comed. Also comed told me the only way is to call the energy saving company. which I did and informed we don't want transfer and didn't agree. (we don't know whether he made the call would cause us lost our rights or not).......and I heard she mentioned  April 2016? ..I immediately told her we never was their client. that's why I called your company.

quite earlier our city did automatic switch energy company after we received 1st time bill statement we had called to cancel and requested the city never do auto transfer especially for the seniors because energy saving companied charged more... until 3rd? year city cancelled the auto switch policy.
I hope our experiences can help others and city should know how easy the seniors would be cheated by bad guys. it's time for city (or else) to change rules to protect the senior if we as clients call Comed/Nicor that some one cheated us and should protect not let transfer happens. because we wouldn't know the transfer processing and for which make us lost our rights.
I did tell the lady yesterday that we won't pay a penny if any charges happened to us.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-20 04:36 回覆:
you see thru data exchange company the bad guy can so easily manipuates pity americans made them lost rights. the same thing happens to patients, credit card refund frauds, .... all because pity americans don't know any processing, rules...

2017/08/16 06:38


  【同期】(武警西藏总队农副业生产科技示范基地生产助理员 李业青)





  【同期】(武警西藏总队农副业生产科技示范基地生产助理员 李业青)






  记者 贡桑拉姆 西藏拉萨报道

--very proud of china !!

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