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Vacation or Staycation?
2024/05/23 16:48:00瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0
Everyone likes to take a break from school or work.
You can take a vacation.
Time away from your usual environment is refreshing.
Vacations also give you an opportunity to travel with friends and family.
But you can save money with a staycation.
You don’t have to pay for hotels.
You don’t have to pack a suitcase.
You can visit interesting local places near your home.
Either way, it’s important to take time for yourself to enjoy life.

We can’t just keep working and working every day, it’s important to take time off.
So we’re ready to do good work when it’s time to.


Hey, Greg. How are you?
Tired! My work never seems to end!
I feel the same way sometimes.
I need a vacation.
Time away from your usual environment can be refreshing.
Yes. I’d like an opportunity to go to a fun place.
You could see the sites and do fun things.
I would love that.
But vacations are expensive.
Try a staycation.
You mean just stay home?
That wouldn’t be any fun.
Sure it would!
You could visit interesting local places.
True. I usually don’t make time騰出時間 to visit local places.
You don’t have to pack a suitcase or pay for a hotel.
Maybe I’ll try a staycation.
But a vacation would be more fun.
Decide after you try a staycation.

My work never seems to end!
I need this report right away.
My work never seems to end.
I also need this other report.
My work never seems to end.
And here’s another report that I need.
My work never seems to end.
And you can take a break when your work is done.
But my work never seems to end.
Neither does mine.

feel the same way表达同感或赞成对方的想法
I feel the same way, too.
They feel the same way about the plan.
We feel the same way about the movie.

If something refreshes you it means that when you do it you get your energy back and you are happy and excited.
Think of a piece of fruit, that’s sitting around for too long, it’s not fresh anymore.
What if you could turn back time and make it fresh again?
You would be refreshing it.
Spending time away from your office or school can help you feel refreshed.
Staycation is a funny kind of made-up word, but it’s become a popular word.
It’s a combination of the stay and vacation.
So if you take a staycation, you’re going to stay at home but take a break.

wouldn’t be和won’t be所表达的其实不太一样
It wouldn’t be a good idea to take the day off tomorrow.
It wouldn’t be very nice to leave early.
It won’t be easy to finish the project by Friday.
It won’t be any fun to go alone.

There are many places you could visit.
Look it up online, see where the tourists like to go.
If you make time to do something it means you set aside time.
You spend time do something for a reason.
All of your clothes are sitting there at home.

This town has a nice environment.
She has the opportunity to travel.
Which hotel are you staying in?
Pack everything in one suitcase.
This is a very interesting book.

They stayed in a hotel on the beach.
They have a great home environment.
Alan always says interesting things. next
What a fantastic opportunity!
She is packing for her vacation.

Fun Time
What’s all this stuff?
I’m taking a vacation.
I’ll be away for a few days, so I’m packing up my suitcase.

make time
Now that the entire staff is back at work we are making time. 
既然全體工作人員回來工作了, 我們就在彌補損失的時間.
Could you make time to type it for me? 

day off
She took a day off. 

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