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Which Apps Are Popular?
2024/05/20 16:48:16瀏覽19|回應1|推薦0
Apps is short for applications.
And these are small programs that you use on your cell phone, on your computer or other devices.
Bear in mind, we say app[ˋæp] as native English speakers, not a-p-p.
Because those three letters don’t stand for anything.
App is short for the full word application.
When you open up a smartphone, you might see lots of different buttons.
All of those are different applications.
Today, we are looking at a line graph折線圖, looking at the lines we will know which apps are more popular than the other ones.
If you’d like to follow along with this visual, make sure to open up your Let’s Talk in English magazines as we go through our lesson today.

high school就是高中
social media就是社群媒体

Hi, Julie. What are you looking at?
A survey調查報告;民意調查 from my brother’s high school.
Was he a part of the survey?
Yes, he was.
So were around 700 other students.
What’s the survey about?
Teenagers’ use of social media apps in the last four months.
So from January to April.
That’s right.
That’s a useful survey. 
Social media apps are pretty popular.
Yes. The survey includes five social media apps.
The number of users for each app is growing.
True. But look at the results.
Not many students use Facebook or LinkedIn.
I know.
They’re all on TikTok.
Many of them also use Instagram and Snapchat.

A survey is something that some magazines or other publications like newspapers might do.
They send out questions to people in the public.
When they get those answers, they produce numbers.
They try to understand what people are thinking or what people like.
And what they do, they turn these numbers into pictures.
So that’s where we get our visual our line graph today.
We call teenagers people from about ages 13 to 18.
They’re in their teens.

teenagers use of social media apps in the last four months
而英文的用法中in the last four months则是指在过去的四个月中
I haven’t been there in the last two months.
Tom has called twice in the last few minutes.
James walked ten miles in the last two days.

The word social means multiple people communicating together or living in community.
You can use social media to share pictures, to send messages and in other ways communicate with your friends.
Some of the apps we’ll talk about are apps like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.
These are all different kinds of social media apps.
What were the results of that survey? How did the teenagers respond?

That’s a useful survey.
This survey is about food.
That’s a useful survey.
This survey is about money.
That’s a useful survey.
This survey is about health.
That’s a useful survey.
And this survey is about surveys.
Is that a useful survey?
I don’t know. 
Let’s look at the results.

When I was in high school, Facebook was just starting up.
And it felt like everyone was using it.
But its not quite as popular with young people now.

they are all on TikTok
Why aren’t you on Instagram yet?
Linda is talking on the phone now.
Peter and Paul do all their work on the computer.

People can post videos and pictures and send messages on Instagram and Snapchat is mostly for sending messages.

Do you have your test results yet?
Two of her children are in high school.
Jerry’s thirteen. He’s a teenager now.
There is only one user on this account.
Don’t waste time on social media.

After high school, you go to college.
How often are you on social media?
Can I see the results of my exam?
I don’t understand teenagers?
This computer has many users.

How many students were part of the Cedar High School survey?
Around 700 students.
What social media apps do you use?

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2024/05/20 16:57
Say app [ˋæp], NOT a-p-p!