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Traveling The World Virtually-空中英語教室
2024/05/14 15:45:16瀏覽33|回應0|推薦0
Traveling The World Virtually虛擬環遊世界(上)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
before we get started in our lesson today
i have a question for you
how much is travel
a priority for you like how important
is it for you in your life to make travel a part of your life
you know what
i really love traveling
and i wish i could travel all the time
but it’s kind of hard to do with having three kids
and having to work and having responsibilities at home
travel is probably
not as big of a priority for me
as it used to be
but it’s still something
you’d like to do i would love to travel all the time
if i could yeah
as many opportunities
as we can
it’s nice to get out and see different parts of the world
enjoy different cultures and things like that sometimes
we just can’t do it for various reasons
but our lesson is going to talk about a different
type of possibility
and that is traveling the world virtually
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
travel the world
virtually leave home without leaving home
have you ever longed to take a trip
but you just don’t have the time or financial resources
if so consider touring
via virtual reality vr
which has embraced tourism with open arms
this innovative technology is re shaping the way
people experience destinations by breaking
down geographical barriers and providing unique journeys
an ai tour is cost effective and allows you to see the world
without leaving the comfort of your living room
hello everyone welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
我们首先来看名词Virtual reality
the real estate company uses virtual reality tools
which enables potential buyers to look closely at properties
even if they are thousands of miles away
或是virtual reality
has become a tool
that allows students to explore ancient civilizations
and distant stars from their classroom
Virtual reality Games take players to a fantastical world
where it is hard to tell the difference between fiction
and reality有时
譬如the geographical diversity of the country
with its mountains
plains and rivers
offers a wide range of habitats for animals
或是the tour guide
explained the geographical history of the region
talking about how glaciers shaped the landscape
再来看一句students in the geography class
were asked to create maps
that highlighted the geographical features
of different continents
thank you so much Jack so travel the world
virtually here in our lesson
virtually refers to using computer technology
and not physically going somewhere however
the adverb virtually can also mean something like basically
or practically or nearly or almost
i had a cold my cold is still here
but it’s virtually gone
that’s a good point
that word can be used in a couple different ways
what we read here
leave home without leaving home how are we going to do that
well let’s get into our lesson friends
have you ever longed to take a trip
but you just don’t have the time or the financial resources
let’s talk about that phrase longing to do something yeah
when you long to do something
that means you desire to do something
but i also think of maybe having a desire
and you really want to do something for a long time
that desire just doesn’t go away until you actually do it yeah
and sometimes you have the desire
but you can’t fulfill it during the pandemic
many people really did long to travel
and they just didn’t have the option all right
we also have the phrase to don’t have the time
or not have the time to do something
and this is reality for a
lot of people right they would like to do something
but they don’t have the time in their schedules
i would like to exercise more
but i just don’t have the time so
people may not be able to travel for time reasons
but also for financial reasons
they don’t have the financial resources i might also say
they don’t have the financial means the way to do that right
if so consider touring via virtual reality
often just shortened to vr
which has embraced tourism with open arms
if you do something with open arms
that means you are fully accepting of something
that’s right it’s like
you’re welcoming it
in some people embrace change with open arms
they really like when something happens
and it makes the situation different
we read on this innovative technology is reshaping the way
people experience destinations by breaking down geographical
barriers and providing unique journeys break down
is one of those phrasal verbs
that could have a lot of different meanings okay here
it means to take away something um that was there before
separating two things right
you’re breaking down a wall for example right
tearing down a wall
it could also mean to explain something for example
this is what we do here
at studio classroom
we break down words and phrases just for you
and Jack does that in the language lab
as well it could also mean to become very upset she was so upset
she started to
break down and cry breakdown
actually has other definitions
maybe you could look those up all right
so break down
that’s a good one for you to know friends
we read on here an ai tour is cost effective
allows you to see the world
without leaving the comfort of your living room
let’s talk about that term to be cost effective
if something is cost effective
it means that it is affordable
or it’s something that somebody can afford for example
planning trips yourself rather than going through
a travel agency can be much more cost effective
and sometimes we say cost efficient
it means the same thing okay
so an ai tour will allow you to see the world without leaving
the comfort of your living room
or the comfort of your own home
let’s continue learning with our lesson right now
travel the world virtually
do that you don’t have a vr headset
but no matter two travel styles are monoscopic and stereoscopic
monoscopic VR videos can be viewed on a mobile phone
or a computer by clicking on
or dragging across the screen to rotate the field of view
you are able to explore an entire area
例如if you rotate your telescope every so often
you will be able to follow that star across the night sky
如if you rotate the tires on your car
they will wear evenly and last longer
或是the art gallery decided to rotate its exhibits
every few months
so visitors could experience a wide variety of artwork
thank you Jack friends
i was just rotating our little globe here
but let’s get into this second section
you might argue that you don’t have a vr headset
but no matter well
what does it mean to argue something
we’re not talking about an argument here
where two people disagree about something
and maybe it turns into a heated argument no
this is just stating your reason
or to get someone to see or support your point of view
i usually think of this
as someone insisting that their opinion
or their point of view is correct
they’re not necessarily creating an argument
but they are really insisting that they are correct all right
we also see the phrase
but no matter sometimes you might see this phrase
as it’s no matter as well
here’s an example of how you might use that in another way
even if you have never done it before
it’s no matter give it a try this phrase
basically means it doesn’t matter it’s not a big deal
all right well
it’s not a big deal if you
don’t have a vr headset
two travel styles are available monoscopic and stereoscopic now
earlier this month
we did learn about stargazing
and how you can use what Oscar is using here
a telescope to look out into the night sky right
that is looking at something at a distance
with a telescope scope to review means to see something
so monoscopic
means seeing something from a single viewpoint okay
mono means single or one and stereo
stereo actually comes from a word
that means firm or solid
and that is the idea
when you’re talking about something in stereo
you get kind of a fuller feel of something
that’s the idea with stereoscopic as well
so we’re going to learn about monoscopic vr first
we read monoscopic vr videos can be viewed on a mobile phone
or a computer by clicking on
or dragging across the screen to rotate the field of view
you are able to explore an entire area
i want to talk about this verb to drag something now usually
when you’re dragging something you’re pulling it
and it’s kind of heavy
and sometimes
you’re moving something that doesn’t want to be moved
or someone that doesn’t want to be moved think of like a dog
dragging a bone
across the yard or something like that yeah
or we even have a phrase you know you’re dragging your feet hm
right come on
we often say this to our kids right
it’s like come on get
ready stop dragging your feet that means they’re not moving
very quickly they need to move faster right
don’t drag your feet and with a computer
you can drag your mouse across the screen okay
that’s kind of the idea here
you’re dragging things from one place to another on the screen
that’s right
all right so you can rotate the field of view now
what this means field of view is
the area that is visible to you
so you are able to rotate this or change your point of view
so that you can see something else yeah
because your field of view is what you see
it reminds me of a related phrase
and that is our peripheral vision i’m looking at you right now
Anne Marie is in my peripheral vision
i can kind of see her movements and things like that
but she’s not in focus at all everybody has a peripheral vision
right sometimes we talk about
seeing something out of the corner of our eyes
we’re talking about our peripheral vision that’s right
all right friends
we have more to learn in just a minute right
after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to info cloud
people have different ways of learning and studying
some people think experience is the best teacher
what do you think about that giret
i don’t know if i agree with the statement
experience is the best teacher
but i do think experience is a good teacher
i can understand why
some people believe that experience is the best teacher
i went through a lot of struggle myself in my own learning
and studying
tell us about it Rex i’m very curious for many years
i was very into reading books about anything
i wanted to learn about
if i wanted to learn how to play the piano
i would buy books and read about it
but reading about something is totally different from
actually doing it
exactly you need to practice a skill
you want instead of reading about it all day
but experience is very valuable
and it is a great teacher however
the expression experience is the best teacher
can sometimes be used to exaggerate
the importance of putting something into practice
experience is the best teacher字面上是经验
experience is the best teacher
这就是今天的INFO cloud
travel the world virtually
stereoscopic vr videos
use vr headsets that make you feel
as if you were actually present at a destination
the software in the headsets tracks your head movement
so by just turning your head
you can explore each new scene
in a more realistic way no matter
which method you choose to travel
these virtual travel experiences
aim to give you a credible experience
譬如Marion’s research paper cited only credible sources
like academic journals and books by respected authors
或者是before purchasing the vitamins
Joe checked for credible reviews from medical professionals
to make sure of their safety
可靠度譬如the scientist’s credibility
and the academic community
after her research on renewable energy sources was published
thank you Jack for an incredible language lab yes
if you add the letters
i n to the beginning of this word credible
it becomes unbelievable
which is another word for great or wonderful incredible job
friends your doing an incredible job
let’s continue learning here with our lesson stereoscopic
vr videos use vr headsets that make you feel
as if you were actually present at a destination in other words
as if you were actually physically
there at that place
that’s right a lot of times
teachers will check in the morning to make sure
all of their students are present in class
to make sure that they are there
the software in the headsets tracks your head movement
so by just turning your head
you can explore each new scene in a more realistic way well
what does it mean to track movement
well if you track something
it means that you follow it and movement of course
is doing some type of action
so the headset is essentially following your movements around
and then making adjustments as it goes all right
so here’s another
example of how to use the phrase to track movement
the cat tracked the movement of the mouse
as it got ready to pounce well
speaking of tracking your head movement
and what these headsets can do that made me
think of the idea of 180 degrees sound or immersive audio
because the tech out there these days is really amazing
it used to be that our earphones would just play things
it sounded exactly the same no matter how you turned your head
no matter where your phone or the screen was
but now you put the screen in one place
and depending on how you move your body
or how you move your head
the sound will also be a little bit different depending on
where is
that was really interesting
have you actually used a vr headset before game
not a vr headset
but our co worker
David Lee
bought these new earphones that do have this 180 degree
sound quality to them it
is quite interesting
quite different
i don’t know if i’d want to use it for every situation
but i can imagine maybe if watching a movie
it would be more okay than
maybe listening to music i have tried a vr headset before
i was playing video games out of friends house once
and i tried it
and it made me really dizzy actually yeah
it was kind of hard to use
there’s kind of like a learning curve there
you have to figure out how to use it in a comfortable way before
you can really use
it effectively yeah
and you might actually run into things
if you’re not careful for sure right well friends
it does sound like something fun if you haven’t tried it yet
but we continue with our lesson here
we’re learning about how to do things in a more realistic way
we read no matter
which method
you choose to travel these virtual travel experiences
aim to give you a credible experience
this means that it has the goal of doing something
that’s what we mean when we’re aiming to do something here’s
an example
the course
aims to give people training in international business
that means that
that course’s goal is to train people in international business
all right friends
right now it’s time for something fun
let’s go to today’s fun fact
ha ha
oh hello fact friends
i’m detective
Ernest finder and this is your fun fact for today did
you know that many video games use vr virtual reality it’s true
they have different things you can do in the game
but don’t bump into your furniture or tv
when you wear a headset
i broke my tv when i was playing vr tennis
but i have to get a new one that is today’s fun fact
thank you Ernest finder and friends you know what time
it is it is time for you to close your magazine
and take a little quiz fill in
the vr or virtual reality has embraced tourism with open
what with open hearts
open arms open heads or open brains
ah well
two of those could actually be used
you could do something with open arms or open hearts
both of those would be correct however
the one that we saw in our lesson
today was embrace it with open arms
yeah that’s right that means you have no reservations about it
no hesitation about accepting it
welcoming this new idea right
what do you welcome with open arms
friends talk about that in English
we’ll see you next time as we continue this lesson
right here on studio classroom

Traveling The World Virtually虛擬環遊世界(下)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie today
we’re continuing our lesson about traveling the world
virtually because after all
not all of us have the time or the money
actually go all around the world
we can’t all be instagramming families
can we that’s right
and we learn how we can leave home without leaving home
ai is a cost effective way that you can go places
that you would have never imagined before
we learned that there are two types of this
as well monoscopic and stereoscopic that’s right
what is monoscopic
that’s the idea from seeing things from a single vantage point
that is you just have your computer screen in front of you
and you can drag things across the screen however
you like but stereoscopic gives you a more immersive experience
doesn’t it that’s right
we’re going to talk more about this concept in our lesson today
it is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
travel the world virtually
besides inspecting an area that you might want to visit
but cant you can virtually preview a place
and make more informed decisions about it
you’re able to clearly see the exact location of a hotel
or the distance from it to surrounding attractions
make no travel agencies
hotels and destination marketing organizations are using this
tool to their advantage by creating virtual experiences
businesses can dazzle their audience and generate interest
in specific destinations or accommodations
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看动词preview
比如the film Festival attracted a large audience
when it offered a chance to preview
some of the year’s most anticipated films
the teacher often previews the next week’s topics on Fridays
so her students have an idea of what to expect
例如during the meeting
the project manager gave a brief
preview of the new marketing campaign
譬如the chef hoped to dazzle
the food critics with his unexpected blend of flavors
in a display of food that looked like art
或者是the Fireworks
dazzled everyone by filling the night sky
with color and beauty
the magicians show was designed to dazzle people
with tricks that left everyone in awe of his skill
thank you so much for dazzling us there
with your information in the language lab
Jack let’s continue with our lesson friends
besides inspecting an area that you might want to visit
but can’t you can virtually preview a place
and make more informed decisions about it
if you inspect something that means you are looking at something
you’re examining it closely for different reasons
when i was in high school
i lived in the dorms
and our dorm parents would come inspect our rooms
once a week to make sure that they were clean
that’s one reason
a lot of people
do inspect things is to make sure
that there’s no problems with them
maybe a fisherman would inspect his boat
before taking it out on the water to make sure
that there were no leaks
but we also saw
that phrase to make informed decisions here in this sentence
if you make an informed decision
it means that you make a choice
and it’s because you’ve done your research
or you’ve talked to the right people about the decision
you want to make
and you have some kind of information
that will help you make the right decision
for example if you are considering going to a certain school
it is a good idea to talk to someone
who actually goes to that school to make an informed decision
if you should go there
or not to a lot of people
democracy is the best way to go ha ha and i agree
but we all need to make informed decisions not just
listen to what somebody else said here
and there you need to really do your research right
make an informed decision before you vote
we continue
you’re able to clearly see the exact location of a hotel
or the distance from it to surrounding attractions
if you’re able to clearly do something
that means it’s very clear for you
there’s nothing blurry or confusing about it for example
if someone explains something to you
now you fully understand
you could say you clearly understand and now
you’re able to clearly see the exact location of a hotel
or the distance that reminds me of a phrase
depth perception
that’s not in our lesson
but the idea is we all have depth perception
that is how we perceive things and the distance
the actual distance from ourselves to those things
hmm that’s right
we read on here make no mistake travel agencies
hotels and destination marketing organizations
are using this tool to their advantage well
this could be kind of a confusing phrase right
make no mistake who’s making mistakes here
what can you tell us about this phrase Gabe
right another way of saying is this
is you can be sure about it
this is definitely true
make no mistake he may seem unaffected now
but make no mistake
he’ll definitely remember that negative criticism
that’s another example
so make a mistake in other words
you can be sure about this travel agencies
different marketing organizations are using these tools
to their advantage that means there’s this thing out there
and they could just leave it alone
but no they’re deciding to make it work for them
or for their benefit to their advantage
that’s right by creating virtual experiences
businesses can dazzle their audience and generate
interest in specific destinations or accommodations
we’ll talk a little bit
more about that in a moment in our next reading
travel the world virtually
car in tourism goes beyond leisure
it also plays a vital role in education
and cultural preservation
by digitally documenting
archiving and sharing its information
the non profit
sciarch is aiding in the preservation of endangered
cultural heritage sites
through VR exploration to foster
a broader understanding of the world
students can now take virtual field
trips to formerly inaccessible historical sites
and cultural landmarks
the ruins remained largely unexplored
due to their location in a dense jungle
making them inaccessible to most researchers and tourists
或是after the heavy snowfall
the mountain roads became inaccessible
cutting off the small village from the nearest large town
the inaccessibility of advanced technology in rural schools
became a concern as
the board of education tried to provide equal learning
opportunities to all students
thank you very much Jack
so let’s continue here vr in tourism goes beyond leisure
leisure of course
is when you are relaxing
you are not doing something for academic or for work purposes
you are just doing it for fun
but vr goes beyond leisure
that means it does something more than
just provide that purpose right
this also makes me think of that phrase to go above and beyond
we talk about people
who not only do their own responsibilities and tasks
but they do more than what is expected
we say they went above and beyond
and how does vr go above and beyond or go beyond leisure
well it also plays a vital role in education
and cultural preservation well
the idea of cultural preservation
is the idea that there are many different cultures in the world
and many different ways of living and ways of life
and over time sometimes
those ways get lost or not remembered correctly
cultural preservation
is the act of making
sure that people know and remember about different cultures
so by digitally documenting
archiving and sharing its information
the non profit sciarch
is aiding in the preservation of endangered
cultural heritage sites
through VR exploration
quite a long sentence there
but yes you can document
things in different ways
you can simply use your pen in a notebook to document
what happened today
we can digitally document
an archive as well and then we see this word aid yeah
if you aid someone
you help them
i think of the red cross in this situation
during natural disasters
the red cross often provides aid to people who need it
so aid is not only a verb it’s also a noun
they’re providing aid to people who need it
another word might be assistance right
so they’re assisting
or they’re helping in the preservation of endangered sites
that idea of preservation is saving in some way
saving from being spoiled or damaged
so to foster a broader understanding of the world
students can now take virtual field trips now
let’s talk about that word foster
because this means to encourage the development of something
that’s right
so what this company is doing is
they are encouraging people
to develop their interest in other cultures
and other places
that they haven’t been before
so students can now take virtual field trips to formally
inaccessible historical sites
and cultural landmarks
so a virtual field trip
a lot of students do go on field trips throughout the year
their whole class goes to another place
and they do some type of remote learning
or learning at that special location right
that is a field trip
so a virtual field trip would happen on the computer right
so these historical sites were formally inaccess
formerly inaccessible okay
there is a difference with the pronunciation of formerly
and formerly formerly
here is previously right
it used to be inaccessible
but now you can go and visit these historical sites
and cultural landmarks virtually
we have more to learn right after today’s infocloud
hello friends
thanks for joining us for another info cloud Rex
have you ever heard
the a little learning is a dangerous thing yeah
i’ve always assumed it means education is a waste of time
but i’ve never really thought about it no
it doesn’t mean learning is dangerous
it’s a warning about having too little education oh
like if you don’t study
you are dangerous
because you don’t know how to do anything kind of actually
the phrase suggests that if you learn a little bit
about something you might
feel like an expert
even though you really don’t understand the subject
and that can be dangerous i see
learning a little can make you overly confident
like taking a swimming lesson
and then think you can swim the whole length of the pool great
sometimes people read a book or two
and think they fully understand very complicated subjects
it often takes years of studying to truly understand a subject
so a little learning is a dangerous thing
it’s like a caution to keep learning more
and not assume
you’re an expert with just a little knowledge you got it
it’s all about staying curious and being
open to learning more
and getting a deeper understanding of the world around us
a little learning can be a dangerous thing
因为a little learning is a dangerous thing
这就是今天的INFO cloud
travel the world virtually
people with accessibility challenges
such as those with physical disabilities
or health concerns that limit
their travel will enjoy the inclusive approach VR
provides literally anyone can now embark on an adventure
virtually whether you’re unable to travel
don’t have enough money or prefer to be an armchair traveler
you can still explore the world
the museum’s new design focused on accessibility
like Ramps and exhibits that visitors of all abilities
could enjoy博物馆的新设计
或是to increase the accessibility of healthy food options
the community opened a farmers market
that offered fresh affordable produce
或是online courses
mean that the accessibility of higher education
allows more students to pursue their academic goals
thank you Jack
and of course
part of jack’s job in the language lab
is making these keywords accessible to us right
what we read here
people with accessibility challenges
such as those with physical
or health concerns that limit their travel will enjoy
this inclusive approach that vr provides
just a little note about the way
we use the word health
i notice sometimes people want to use the word healthy
followed by a word concern but no
we use the word healthy when talking about somebody right
you could talk about a healthy lifestyle
but here we’re talking about health concerns the adjective
here is health not healthy
that’s right and a health concern
would be some kind of disease or sickness that you have
or maybe the fear of getting a disease or sickness
and that’s why you don’t want to travel
so that phrase health concerns
could cover a lot of different things
our article isn’t very specific there
but these type of people
they can enjoy
the inclusive approach that vr provides
what does inclusive mean
well it means it includes something
there are lots of options there
it reminds me of the term all inclusive
some people like to go on
all inclusive cruises you go on an all inclusive cruise
it means that usually
the food and the drinks are all you can eat anytime
you want yeah
that’s right the price you paid up
front covers all of that stuff
you don’t have to worry about anything else there
of course the opposite of the word inclusive is exclusive
that means it’s not included
but we don’t really say something is all exclusive although
maybe a click in high school that circle of friends
may feel like they are excluding
or they’re all exclusive right
but that’s not a term that we generally use
but we read on here literally
anyone can now embark on an adventure virtually so
literally why is that word in this sentence well
because previously
we would say anyone can go there
if they want to but what we really mean
is anyone who has the time and the money but here
literally anyone can do this yeah
that’s a good point here’s how our lesson ends friends
whether you’re unable to travel
don’t have enough money or prefer to be an armchair traveler
you can still explore the world now this phrase
an Armchair traveler was a new phrase to me
i haven’t really heard this before
but it has the idea of you can sit in your Armchair
or a comfortable chair
like i have here and you can travel the world
while you’re sitting
down in your own home
and i think we do this anyway
when we are finding out more information about anything
we’re interested in
but when it is specifically information about places
then you could describe yourself as an armchair traveler
you’re getting to know more about the different places
around the world
and what you can see there
what you can do that
type of thing are you an armchair traveler
all right friends
we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you
today did you know that some students use vr to go to class
it’s true
you don’t even have to leave your house just put on a headset
and you can see everything
you can see your teacher and look around the room
but stay at home
you might not even have to wear a school uniform
and that is today’s fun fact
friends it is time for a little quiz marketing organizations
are using this tool to their what i’ve got some a words for you
they’re using this tool to their attraction
to their advantage
to their accommodation or to their adventure oh
those are some pretty great a words
but i remember in our lesson
it said they’re using these tools to their advantage
that’s right and of course
if you’re a smart marketing organization
you’re going to use a lot of different tools to your advantage
right friends
has been a fun
lesson would you be interested in traveling the world
virtually well
it is nice to know that it is an option right
if you can’t get out and actually do it physically well
friends that’s all the time we have for today
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom
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