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Dating Safely Online-空中英語教室
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Dating Safely Online 網路約會安全談(上)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
thanks for being here today friends
okay well
our lesson today should be interesting it’s about dating safely
online and relationships
i mean is what makes the world go round
everybody is interested in relationships
not necessarily romantic ones right
but it is very interesting to learn about the romances
that are occurring
around us right
when your friends start dating other people
and you want to find your other half yourself
what do you think about online dating
what do i think about online dating
well i think it depends on what site you’re using and what app
you are using to do the online dating
some are better than others
of course i do know several couples
personally that have gotten together through online dating
and even gotten married
yeah me too my sister is one
and i have a good friend
who used to work here at studio classroom
a long time ago
Albert Hung he actually met his wife online
as well that
was when online dating websites were first becoming a thing
and now
as Andrew mentioned there are many apps for online dating
some are more reputable than others
that means they have a better reputation than others
and it really depends on what you’re thinking about as far
as the reputation
or what the purpose is right
because if the purpose is to end in marriage in a
lifelong relationship
those are the kind of online dating apps
that we should keep in mind for our lesson today
let’s get right into it
today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
dating safely online be smart and safe
while looking for love online
welcome to the world of online dating
hundreds of possible matches
are only a click away
that makes it a perfect fit for the busy modern world
because online dating is flexible
you can decide where and when to look for love
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack
the company realized that it needed a flexible business strategy
so it could quickly adjust to new Trends and Technologies
或者是the restaurant introduced a flexible menu
with options for vegetarians
vegans and people with food allergies
the gym instructor
emphasized the importance of having a flexible body
and demonstrated exercises
to improve people’s ability to move easily
thank you so much Jack
and flexibility really is key in a lot of situations right well
let’s talk about online dating and especially
how to do this in a safe way
dating safely
online be smart
and safe while looking for love online looking for love
when i first read that you know
how a lot of things make me think of a song
and Marie a lot of things do
it made me think of that song
looking for love in all the wrong places
i think those are the only words i know to this song
you can look up that song friends
but it’s true i think a lot of people have a quest you know
they’re searching for love
and they go about it the wrong way
they go to all the wrong places
and it says here
that you need to be smart about looking for love
this doesn’t mean be intelligent
it doesn’t mean get smarter what it means is
that you need to be wise
when you are online dating
you need to have street smart
you need to understand what you are actually doing
and if you are being tricked and things like that
that is what we are going to talk about today
our lesson begins by saying
welcome to the world of online dating
that phrase the world of something
we’ve learned about that before friends
we often talk about it in a way
that says it’s everything that has to do with this topic yeah
for example maybe you’re really into science
you could talk about the world of science
and maybe there’s an exhibition
everything is about science there and so
that’s really getting into the world of science
but here
we’re talking about the world of online dating our whole topic
our whole lesson is about online dating
hundreds of possible matches are only a click away okay
and it’s true
there are a lot of possibilities out there
that makes me think of that question do you think
there is only the one Anne Marie
that you’re destined to be with for the rest of your life
or that you actually have a decision
many choices in who you marry
no i actually don’t believe that
there’s just one person out there for everyone
i think we have a choice
and i do think
you should be with the same partner for your whole life
but we have to choose who we are going to love all right
and it says here
that there’s lots of possible options or matches for you
a click away now
this phrase a click away did make me chuckle a little bit
because i think nowadays when people are online dating
they’re often using apps on their phone
or maybe just using their phone for using the online apps
for dating and they’re not really clicking anything
they’re tapping things right
so you could say
it’s only a tap away with your finger or a thumb right
so these matches are only a tap away or a click away
it’s very easy or
convenient in other words that word match can also be a verb
you can match someone up
with someone else to match up
that’s often
what a match maker will do in many cultures in the past
and maybe even still some places in the world
someone might be a matchmaker
that means
they have the responsibility of bringing two people together
they match those people up
so that means that online dating is a perfect fit
for the busy modern world
it’s very fast to do right
because online dating is flexible
you can decide where
and when to look for love
i also might add
and if and how
and why well we’re talking about online dating so yes
you’re probably looking for where
and when but in general
you should consider
if you need to look for love at this point in your life
how you are going to do it and why
those are also very important questions for you to think about
well let’s continue with our lesson right now
dating safely online
millions of people use dating apps
but who’s to say that their online profiles are accurate
it’s important to be cautious
when building relationships online after all dating apps
don’t require background checks for those
who use them being aware of what
you are doing on dating apps
helps you stay safe when you create a dating profile
you are usually asked to upload pictures
use clear recent photos so as to
confuse others about what you look like
譬如Betty is cautious when crossing busy streets
always looking both ways
或是the doctor told bill to be cautious with his hurt knee
until it was fully healed
because she had been hurt in her two previous relationships
Melanie was cautious about man
例如the similarity between the Twins often
confused their friends who had a hard time telling them apart
或是in the heavy fog
the Hiker became confused about his direction
and left the marked trail
比如the change in company policy cost confusion
among the employees who wondered how it would affect their work
oh those are some very good c words Jack
thank you very much be sure not to confuse those words friends
well let’s get into this next section
here millions of people use dating apps
but who’s to say that their online profiles are accurate well
that’s a good sentence structure for you to know this question
who’s to say
you can say this when you’re unsure about something
you don’t know for sure and maybe it’s a way of expressing that
nobody can really know for sure
sure who is to say there’s only one way to solve that problem
this is something
you could say to express that you think
there are more than one ways to solve that problem and here
it’s used by our writer to say that
she doesn’t think some dating profiles are accurate now
what is a profile
a profile is something that you have to fill out to say who
you are describe yourself
or put in your personal information
sometimes you have to fill out a profile
when you sign up for something
like a loyalty card at a local cafe
or something like that you set up a profile
and then you have a barcode that you could scan that’s right
and the idea i get here with this question in general
is that it’s really hard to measure
how accurate something can be on dating apps
or online dating apps right
so it’s important to be cautious when building relationships
online i mean obviously
it’s important to be cautious when building relationships
in person as well
but maybe
you need to have an extra level of caution
when you’re doing something via the internet
after all dating
apps don’t require background checks for those who use them
you would usually check out the person
you would be dating in real life to see
if they are a good person
or not to see
if they are a good fit for you
if any of your friends know them as well
but when you are online dating
you don’t always have all of those
we call it safety nets to see
if that person is an okay fit for you or not
it’s not quite as safe
that’s interesting can you go on a little bit
more about safety nets
you mentioned friends
how can friends be a safety net in this situation well
sometimes when we’re looking for love
we get really excited about a person
and we might be a little bit
blind to some of their flaws
and in most traditional dating situations
your friends would be around to tell you
if that person has problems
or not but when you’re online dating
it’s really just yourself looking at the computer screen right
and maybe your judgment could be a little bit off
that’s right and something here about background checks
had to do a background check myself
when i was applying for permanent resident
certificate to live here
and you may have to do a background check
depending on what you’re applying for in life
this could involve a criminal record
or you know to check to see if you have a criminal record
something like that in your history or past
but we read on here being aware of what
you’re doing on dating apps
helps you stay safe well
let’s talk about being aware if you’re aware of something
you know that something is happening
and sometimes you know that something maybe not
so good is happening
or just that a situation could be a little different than what
you’re expecting for example
when you joke around with people
you should be aware of how the people around
you are feeling they might not be taking your jokes the same way
as you mean them that’s true
so when you create a dating profile
you’re usually asked to upload pictures
that means you’re putting pictures online
the opposite would be to download
there’s something online
that you want to take and use on your computer
or even print out you’re going to download it
but we read here use clear recent photos
so as not to confuse others about what you look like
so you want to be honest about who you are
and what you look like for your own profile
we do have more to learn right
after today’s infocloud
hello friends
welcome to infocloud hey
Rex you have two kids a son and a daughter
what do you think is
the difference between having a son and a daughter
hmm my son is older now
so we are more like friends or brothers
my relationship with my daughter is
a little different she’s just a delight and a treasure oh
so she is the apple of your eye
yeah you could say that my wife is the love of my life
so she’ll always come first
but i like that expression the apple of your eye
we used the apple of someone’s eye to describe a person
we cherish and love the image of an apple
gives a positive impression when you call someone
the apple of your eye it shows how much you like the person
exactly but believe it
or not this expression originally came from the bible people
now use it to describe people they love or admire dearly
西方人经常用the apple of one’s eye
the apple of one’s eye字面上就是眼中的苹果
你可以用the apple of one’s eye
the apple of one’s eye这个用语
dating safely online
also think twice about the pictures you share
and what kind of information
they are giving away
this practice applies to the words you write to be careful
not to reveal very intimate details about your personal life
instead be strategic and
honest about what you publish on your profile
比如the candlelight dinner created an intimate atmosphere
for the couple who was celebrating their anniversary
譬如in her interview
the author revealed intimate details
about her personal struggles
and triumphs在访谈中
intimate字尾加上l y就变成副词intimately
例如the childhood friends knew each other intimately
sharing memories
and experiences that formed their strong friendship
thank you very much Jack
so we read here also think twice about the pictures you share
and what kind of information
they’re giving away interesting
when i think of giving away information or sharing information
i think of words you know
text things you write out
but here
we’re talking about how pictures can give away information yeah
they sure can pictures can give away information
like where you live or other people that you know
or places you have traveled
sometimes they can give away how much
you make for a living or your place of work
so you have to be really careful about what information
you’re showing to other people that you don’t know yeah
it’s true so be careful about what’s in your
and even how you take the picture or what picture you use right
but let’s talk about a couple of phrases here in this
the first one is to think twice
we use this phrase to tell
someone to be careful about something about
making a decision for example
before you do that
because it might be risky maybe it’s a little bit
dangerous so think twice before you do that for example
before you say
something rude out loud
you should think twice
sometimes the things we say have consequences right
sometimes it’s okay to accept those consequences
but other times we need to think twice that’s right
that reminds me of that phrase think before you speak ha ha yes
that’s very good advice well
the other phrase here
we want to talk about
is to give away something to give away information
like our lesson says
but what other things can you give away
well if you’re giving something away
it means that you’re showing something in this context
that you don’t mean to you could give away
a secret by accident
maybe there is a surprise party for someone
and you make a comment about it in front of the person
that the party is for you gave away the surprise
we could also talk about giving away an answer in the same way
right oh
don’t give it away
let them figure it out for themselves
we also give away things that we don’t
want anymore that’s used in a slightly different way
but it’s the same phrase what we read on here
this practice applies to the words you write to be careful
not to reveal very intimate details about your personal life
instead be strategic
and honest about what you publish on your profile
i see those words strategic and honest
and i think with strategic that you want to you know
post in a way
so that you actually get a date right
so don’t post an ugly picture of yourself
and don’t give away too much information
but you also want to be honest
you don’t want to deceive the other person
in order to get the date
here’s an example
maybe on your online dating profile
you want to look like a fun exciting person
so you post a picture of yourself
doing an activity maybe you only did once
and you didn’t really like it
and it’s a very exciting activity and makes you look fun
but it doesn’t really accurately represent who
you are as a person
that’s not very strategic and it’s not very honest either right
so often these go hand in hand being strategic and honest
right now it’s time for today’s fun fact
hello friends
i am detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun profile fact for you
today did you know that the word profile can mean the way
a person looks from the side it’s true
a profile is also
the outline of a person or the line that goes around them
so you could have a profile picture of your profile haha
that would be pretty funny that’s today’s fun fact
close your magazine
friends it’s time for a dating apps
don’t require blank checks for those who use them
they don’t require flexible checks
cautious checks
background checks
or strategy checks strategy checks that would be kind of funny
a check to see if you are a strategic person
while dating would be kind of hilarious yeah
but what we’re talking about here
of course is a background check that’s right
and this is what
our writer is saying
why we need to be careful about online dating
is because they don’t require background checks
so you do really need to be careful when posting
and when looking through somebody else’s profile
we do have more to learn about online dating or dating
safely online next time
right here on studio classroom

Dating Safely Online 網路約會安全談(下)
my name is Gabe and i’m Anne ree
thanks for being with us today friends well
we are continuing a very fun lesson about dating safely online
what is one reason
we need to be careful when trying to look for love online
well some people create dating profiles
and those profiles just aren’t accurate
they may be trying to be strategic about what they’re posting
and it could make you think they’re something that
they’re not that’s true
and you also need to consider what you are posting
and sharing with other people
when trying to do something like this
so you want to use a clear and recent photo of yourself
our lesson also talked about
being strategic and honest with what you share about yourself
that’s right there are some other reasons
we need to be safe when dating online
we are going to learn about those today friends today of course
is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
dating safely online
you can do a lot on your end to protect yourself
when setting up your dating profile
but what can you do
once you start interacting with others
understand that
online dating is not a substitute for real life connections
it’s a tool
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看substitute这个名词
譬如there is no substitute for fruit and vegetables
if a person wants to be healthy
或是the teacher was sick
so a substitute was called in to teach his classes last Friday
Ron substituted for Vince as Catcher in the Baseball game
thank you very much
Jack you know
there really is no substitute for you Jack very good job
we’re glad to have you here now friends back to our lesson
you can do a lot on your end to protect yourself
when setting up your dating profile
let’s talk about the idea of doing something on your end okay
so if there are several people involved in something
at least two people
two or more people
then there are different ends right
different people are responsible for different things well
what you are responsible
that’s what we’re talking about here
what the things
you are responsible
for you’re doing it on your end or on your side
for example maybe you’re going to have a dinner
party with friends and you invite everyone over to your house
you could say i’ll take care of the main dish on my end
can you bring the dessert
that means you’re going to be responsible for the main dish
it kind of reminds me of that phrase the ball is in your court
that’s an idiom and it comes from probably
tennis or a sport like that
where the ball has been hit over the net
and now it’s your turn your responsible for what to do with it
it’s slightly different but the idea of responsibility is there
now it’s up to you to do something the ball is in your court
what are you going to do now
it’s your decision to keep the relationship going
or to keep something moving right
but here we’re talking about what
you can do on your end to protect yourself
when setting up your dating profile
so you can use the phrase set up
when talking about an online profile
that’s right
you could also set up a website or other things like that online
as well here’s a question what can you do
once you start interacting with others okay
so you have your dating profile
you’re all ready to start talking to people
and then you do you start interacting with others
what can you do
once you start doing that
how can you keep yourself safe
yeah the word once here is like the word when so what can you do
when you start interacting with others and interaction is
of course a common part of life it should be a part of your life
even if you’re a little bit shy
you still have to interact with your classmates
your co workers
your teachers different people like that right
i really like interactive events if i go to
a school and there’s an activity of some kind
i like it when we could play a game with the students
it’s interactive that way
we’re interacting with other people well
here’s the first thing
we can do to keep ourselves
safe understand that
online dating is not a substitute for real life connections
i’ve heard a lot of stories like this before
where someone meets
someone online
and they get very very attached to them
maybe even fall in love with them
only to find out later that person was a catfish
or maybe didn’t care for them as much as they did for them
that’s what our writer means here
online dating isn’t a substitute for real life connections
the point of online dating is
of course
to eventually move that relationship into the real world
so don’t just rely only on interacting with someone online
of course
it could be scary
especially the first time you meet someone in person
and you know when you were sharing
i thought maybe you were talking about some people who
just wanted their relationship to be online
maybe some people are like that too yeah
because it can be scary to get out there
and make that first step to meet the person
but it also made me think of other types of relationships
because the fact is these days
a lot of people do meet online
and the majority of their relationship
actually happens to be online
but relationship
doesn’t end in marriage
i think in most of those situations it’s okay
obviously if you’re married to someone
you want to be physically together with that person
well we see here that dating online is a tool
now if something is a tool
it means that it is used to get to a different end goal
for example a lot of people
really like to use ChatGPT to help them get their work done
it’s a useful tool
but it doesn’t substitute
doing the work that you need to do yourself
or creativity
of course so online dating is like that as well
it’s a tool to help you form real life connections
we’ll be back after this next reading
dating safely online
before you start chatting with someone
look closely at their profile
lack of information can be a cause for concern
a profile with only one photo
or photos of scenery is a possible red flag
when you start talking to someone
don’t tolerate inappropriate messages
and photos that person is a waste of time
譬如chatting with the passenger next to her on the flight
made Melanie’s long trip seem short
或是while walking their dogs in the park
the neighbors often stopped to chat
catching up on community events
譬如Hazel and EVA’s Chat in the coffee shop
included their shared interest in books and movies
thank you so much for that little chat in the language lab Jack
well we read on here before
you start chatting with someone look closely at their profile
well you can look closely at different things
maybe you want to find out all the information about something
before you buy it that’s right
if you look closely at something
it has the idea that you’re examining it further
or you’re checking for small details look closely at this photo
you might see someone you know in the background
you’re examining the photo more closely
lack of information can be a cause for concern
i like this phrase cause for concern
it has the idea that there is something
you should be worried about
are the symptoms that
she’s having a cause for concern
or are they normal right
because not everything is a cause for concern
maybe it’s a cause for someone to be concerned
but you’re not really concerned about it right
but here we re lack of information can be a cause for concern
maybe it might make you concerned
a profile
with only one photo or photos of scenery is a possible red flag
there are many different types of photos or profiles
that could be a cause of concern
but this is just one example
and i have to say that goes for Facebook too for me
and it has nothing to do with online dating
it just whenever someone reaches out to me
and i naturally want to look at their profile
and see who they are do
i actually know this person have i met them before then
all i see is pictures of scenery or pictures of flowers
or a quote or something like that
and none of their photos have any of their own faces for me
i’m like well
who is this why should i want to be friends with this person
i’m the exact same way that goes for
if their picture is some kind of ai generated image
or a cartoon that they like
or if they’re not using their whole full name in the profile
it’s kind of hard to tell
if those people are real
or not let’s talk for a minute about what a red flag is
we use this for other situations
not just for dating
we often do use it when we’re talking about relationships
you could say her boyfriend is showing a lot of red flags
a red flag is something that is
a cause for concern
it could be something that
makes you feel uncomfortable
or maybe it’s an action that shows
there is something wrong with what that person is doing
or the way that they think yeah when i was dating someone
in the past one of the red flags was that i noticed
i could never quite be myself around this person
and that is an obvious red flag if you notice
you can’t really be yourself around the other person
then maybe you should get out of the relationship
because you do want to be yourself right well
we continue here when you start talking to someone
don’t tolerate inappropriate messages and photos well
let’s take a look at that word tolerate
this could have a couple of different meanings okay
it could mean to allow the existence of something
that you dislike that kind of what it means here
we also use this word tolerate to talk about beliefs
because the fact is everyone in this world
has different beliefs
but we all have to live with each other
we have to coexist right
so in a sense
we do have to learn how to tolerate other people’s beliefs even
if we may disagree
well a lot of people will do this on social media
and on online dating sites right
they will send inappropriate messages
inappropriate photos
and this is something really important to remember friends
that person is a waste of time
don’t waste your time by responding to it
don’t waste your time by opening the messages
don’t put up with it at all
you’re just wasting your time Anne Marie
i’m so glad you mentioned to put up with something
because that’s often the phrase
we use when we’re talking about tolerating something
don’t put up with it
don’t tolerate it
it means the same thing well
something that you should put up with is
today’s infocloud
let’s go there now
hello friends
welcome to info cloud you know Garrett
my wife and i went out on a date last weekend
we were having a good time and i gave my wife
a hug and some random guy called as lovebirds
you are you have a very romantic and healthy marriage
that makes a lot of people envious
i’m blessed but let’s talk about the expression lovebirds
lovebirds are not real birds right
it’s just an expression to describe lovers believe it
or not lovebirds are real birds
they usually come in pairs that stay together
for long periods of time really
so they are birds that are very affectionate towards
their partners
that’s why they are called love birds
i would think that’s how they got their name love birds
look so cute and sweet when they’re together
so people started using lovebirds to describe
people who are passionately in love too
that is correct
but usually lovebirds is used to describe people
that are showing some kind of affection towards
each other publicly or outwardly
those two lovers can’t take their eyes off each other
dating safely online
but let’s say you find someone
you’re interested in if you choose to meet in person
do so at a busy public place
meet at a coffee shop
a restaurant or a mall
then let a friend know your plans finally
trust your instinct if you feel suspicious
you should end the date
online dating should be
and often is a positive experience for many people
just remember to make safety a priority
譬如Alice MET her friends
at the mall to shop
and try out the newly opened Italian restaurant
push up during the holidays
the mall was beautifully decorated
and full of shoppers looking for gifts for their family
you every weekend
the teenagers known as more rats met at the shopping center
and spent hours window
shopping and chatting
the mother’s instinct was to protect her child rushing to her
when she fell off her bike
博士Nora’s instinct told her
something was not right about the situation
so she quickly left the area Nora的直觉告诉她
the cat’s instinctive reaction to the loud noise was to run
under the sofa
where it felt safe
thank you so much Jack
and i should say earlier
when i said that
we’re going to put up with the infocloud
that could sound negative
because often
we use the phrase put up with when talking about something
that is often seen as negative right
or something that you disagree with
but of course you love the infocloud well
let’s get into this section here
let’s say you find someone you’re interested in now
we say let’s say when we’re talking about what
we call a hypothetical situation
we could also say let’s pretend or for example
and then you present a situation that could happen in real life
that’s right we also need to talk about this phrase
to be interested in a person
this is only used when you are romantically
interested in a person
if you want to be someone’s friend and friend only
please don’t use this phrase
they will get the wrong idea for example
if you’re interested in that girl
you should ask her out
this means that you’re interested in her romantically
so you should ask her out on a date
that’s a great point be careful how you use that phrase friends
but we read on here if you choose to meet in person
do so at a busy public place
so what did i write down here
not a nightclub that is a busy place
it’s also
a public place although they could be a private nightclub
but i would not recommend meeting someone
especially for the first time at a place
like that here’s some options meet at a coffee shop
a restaurant or a mall this is really important
and this goes for a lot of other situations in life to friends
let a friend know your plans you should do this anyway
especially you girls if you’re getting into a car with someone
you don’t know very well
or you’re meeting someone for the first time from online
that you know very well
just letting someone know where you’re going to be
can really save you
a lot of trouble in the future i watched a movie
several years ago
it’s called a hundred and twenty seven hours
and it’s about a guy who went out on his own on a
bike ride he didn’t tell anybody where he was going
and he got into some trouble that could have cost him his life
and the main point of that movie as well was to tell someone
what you’re doing especially
if it’s out of the ordinary right
it doesn’t just apply to finding someone online
but we read on here finally
trust your instincts
we could also say
trust your gut
that’s another way of saying this if you feel suspicious
you should end the date
so we continue here by seeing online dating should be and often
is a positive experience for many people
all these things that we’ve said friends
aren’t to discourage you from online dating rather
we’re just trying to give you some ideas of how
you can keep yourself safe
just remember to make safety a priority
if you make something a priority
it means that you make it the most important thing and right now
we really need to make fun facts our priority
get down
big spider oh
hello fact friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun fact for you today did you know that
if a dating website is free
many accounts are fake it’s true
a lot of people make fake accounts
and it’s not a good thing about ten
percent of dating profiles are fake ha
so be careful what you do on the internet
and that is today’s fun fact
all right friends it is
time for a little quiz okay
so here it is trust your instincts if you feel suspicious
you should do what
there are many things
our lesson mentioned about what you could do
when you go out with somebody
but if you feel suspicious
what should you do
Ann Marie you should end the date
just leave you don’t have to put up with that friends
and you shouldn’t especially
if it’s not a safe situation is that being a little strict
though what if you’re just a little suspicious like
maybe they didn’t do anything really terrible
but still it’s the first time you went out
maybe if they prove themselves okay over time online
then you could go out with them again right
it depends on how you feel about the situation
and the person’s actions
of course there’s so much we could say about this topic friends
talk about this in English
and we will see you next time right here on studio classroom

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