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I'm So Sorry
2024/05/22 16:18:36瀏覽30|回應0|推薦0
Im So Sorry (上)
Before we get into our lesson, you may have noticed something interesting already.
I am from the United States and Esther is from Canada.
So we say this word sorry a little bit differently, don’t we?
We do. I say sorry and I say sorry(兩者o發音稍有不同!)
These are both correct.
We need to learn how to use this important word.
Because things don’t always go right with other people and with us in life.
So we need to learn how to get along with other people by saying sorry when we do something that hurts them or gets them upset.

You can say, "I’m sorry" when you say or do something wrong.
It’s important to apologize to make. things right.
You don’t want people to be upset
You can say sorry when you are late or rude or when you break something.
To say sorry, just admit承認 your mistake and say, "I’m sorry."
It’s an easy way to show your care for others.
When you say sorry, people usually forgive you.


Sam, you are 15 minutes late.
I know. I’m so sorry, Julie.
Don’t be upset.
It’s not nice to waste people’s time.
I know, I know. I apologize.
You’re usually on time.
What happened?
I had a phone call, and I couldn’t get off the phone.
Did you say, "I have to go."?
I did! But the person just kept talking.
And it is rude to just hang up.
That’s right. 
So please forgive me for being late.
Of course.
I always forgive people when they apologize.
Me, too.
If I do something wrong, I admit it.
I want to make things right.
That’s important.
I know. I want people to respect me and like me.
And they do. Sam!

You’re 15 minutes late.
I’m here!
You’re 15 minutes late.
I am?
Yes. You’re 15 minutes late.
Are you sure?
Yes. I said to meet at 7:00(seven o’clock).
You’re 15 minutes late.
No. You said to meet at 7:30(seven thirty).
Oh. You’re fifteen minutes early!

They are not happy, it is kind of like the word angry.
Often we might see little kids who are hungry or tired say mom I am so upset.
I want food or I need to take a nap.
She’s been waiting for him for the past 15 minutes.
It’s time that is wasted.

It’s not good to be late.
It’s not polite to interrupt others.
It’s not wise to spend all your money.

To apologize means you are saying you are sorry.
So you can say I am sorry or you can say I am so sorry, you can also say I apologize.
That means the same thing.
We all need to learn when to stop the conversation.
When you are late to something, do you apologize?
Or do you just pretend that nothing happened.
Apologizing can make the situation better, even though it might feel bad in the moment.
So first you say I’m sorry then you say please forgive me.
And if the other person says OK I forgive you, it means that they are no longer upset with you anymore.

除了Me, too.之外还有其他的说法
I want to go home now.
So do I. Let’s go.
I don’t think we should go.
I agree.
I think spending time in the mountains is so relaxing.
I feel the same way.

When you admit something, you say that something happened or that you did something you don’t lie about it.
You tell the truth about it.
We want to make our relationship good again after something is done wrong.
You might tell people what you will do next time.
So you won’t do the same or repeat the same mistake again.
People won’t respect you if you don’t admit your mistakes.
And if you don’t apologize for them.
But it sounds like Sam is doing a good job with that.

I forgot your coffee. I apologize.
Are you upset with me?
Don’t say that. That’s rude!
They were wrong. They admitted it.
Forgive me for saying the wrong thing.

Texting when others are talking is rude.
John broke the window. He admitted it.
Ava’s upset because I was late.
Tim apologized when he was late.
Will you forgive me for being rude?

Do you ever do something wrong and then feel bad about it?
You made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings saying sorry can make things better.
When you apologize, you can make things right.
Your action affected them when you say sorry.
It’s not just about words, it’s also about actions.
If possible, correct your mistakes, tell the person that it will not happen again.
Then keep your promise.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Apologizing is a way to learn from them and grow as a person.
When you are willing to apologize it shows your respect and care for people around you.

Im So Sorry (下)

Hey, Greg, I wanted to talk to you.
If I hurt you earlier, I’m really sorry.
It’s OK.
But yeah, I was a little upset.
I didn’t mean to snap at you.
I was having a bad day.
I...I didn’t think before i spoke.
I understand.
We all have bad days sometimes.
Yes, we do.
But I was surprised and a little hurt.
I’m really sorry.
I don’t want you to feel bad.
I forgive you.
I snap at people sometimes, too.
Thanks. I wasn’t considerate. 
I didn’t mean to take my bad day out on you.
Thank you for saying that.
I appreciate it.
I’ll try to do better in the future.
It’s not nice to share a bad day!
But sometimes, it’s hard not to!
Thanks for understanding.
And again, I’m sorry for hurting you.

If you say I want to talk to you that means that you have something more serious you want to talk about.
If someone says that to you, you might be a little nervous.
Sometimes we’re upset or have strong emotions and we just snap or say things really quickly.
And often what we say might be hurtful or rude.
She was having a bad day, so her day wasn’t going well, things weren’t going so well.
Maybe her emotions weren’t feeling well and so she made a mistake.

我们会劝人think before you speak
I didn’t call you before I left.
I didn’t finish my homework before I went to the movie.

We all have bad days sometimes.
So. How’s your day?
Not good. I woke up late.
Well, we all have bad days sometimes.
I missed the bus.
We all have bad days sometimes.
I forgot my lunch.
We all have bad days sometimes.
And I just spilled coffee on your laptop.
I’m having a bad day, too.
We all have bad days sometimes.

When you are considerate, you think of other people and their feelings.
You consider or think of them.
When you are being considerate, you are thinking about the other person and not just yourself.
Susie didn’t mean to take her bad day out on Greg.
What does that sentence mean?
Well, it means that she didn’t mean to take the bad emotions she was feeling.
She didn’t want to share them or let Greg have those bad emotions as well.
But that’s what happened.
It’s almost like there was a bad energy inside of her and she pushed it out and threw it at Greg.
She took her emotions out on him.
If someone has a bad day at school or work and they get home and they throw the bag down and they say something mean.
Then they are taking out their anger at someone else.
We only use this phrase for negative emotions, not positive ones.
If you want to say thank you to someone, you can say thank you, I appreciate your help.
It’s another way of saying thank you.

我很抱歉伤了你的心and again, I’m sorry for hurting you
I’m sorry for saying the wrong thing.
I’m sorry to call you so late.
I’m sorry about the mistake.

His reply hurt her and made her sad.
I didn’t mean to say that.
He’s considerate and says please.
I really appreciate your help.
What do you want to do in the future?

Be considerate and let others go first.
Her words hurt him.
She’ll go to college in the future.
Can you talk quietly? I’d appreciate it.
He didn’t mean to hurt you.

The dog snapped at the boy’s ankles. 
The door snapped shut behind me. 
The branch snapped under his weight. 
He is always snapping at his subordinates. 

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