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Body Language-空中英語教室
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Body Language肢體語言(上)
hello there and welcome to studio classroom
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
thank you so much for joining us today friends
we have a lesson all about body language
it’s very interesting actually
but before we get started and Marie
do you think you are good at reading people’s body language
i think i am pretty good at reading people’s body language
ever since i was young
i’ve been pretty good at looking at those around me to see
how they feel
and if they’re comfortable or not
and how they’re responding to what
i’m saying to them
i would probably say
i’m pretty good at reading body language what about you
well you know
i’ve never really thought about it before
or i haven’t intentionally thought about
if i’m good at reading other people’s body language
but what are some things that you
you look for when trying to read someone’s body language
like if you look at their eyes and what they say
or their posture or something
i often look at posture
and what people are doing with their hands
those are probably the things that
i noticed the most about someone that can give me
a lot of information about how they’re feeling about what
i’m saying interesting well friends
do you think you’re good at reading other people’s body language
communication of course
is only a little bit verbal and a lot of it is nonverbal right
it’s very important to pay
attention to people’s body language
so let’s get into our lesson today
it is quite
interesting today is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
body language
how to understand things
people communicate without speaking at times
we all wish that we knew what other people
were thinking fortunately
people’s facial expressions
and posture can communicate a lot about what is going on
in their minds
understanding these messages
hidden in people’s body language can require a lot of skill
but Joan of arrow’s book
what every body is saying can help develop that ability
hello everyone
welcome to language lab
i’m Jack我们先来看posture这个名词
if you maintain good posture
while sitting at your desk
you can prevent back pain如果在办公桌前
或是the dancer’s perfect posture was evident
even when she wasn’t performing即使在不表演时
Pew in the meeting
Megan began to posture as an expert
though she had little experience in the field在会议中
thanks so much Jack and posture really is important
posture is very important
i’m going to sit up here and teach
properly like a good English teacher
and Marie tell us a little bit
more about body language
well body language
is the conscious and unconscious movements and postures
it’s the way that you communicate
attitudes and feelings to other people
so it’s really like what
you’re trying to communicate with your body
whether you meaning
whether you mean to or not yeah
that’s right
like you said sometimes we mean to communicate certain things
and sometimes we’re not thinking about it actually
i get the idea that often
we’re not thinking about what we’re doing with our bodies
but it’s actually communicating something to other people well
how to understand things
people communicate without speaking the idea with that sentence
is it’s not
that you’re not speaking and trying to understand other people
if that they’re communicating without speaking themselves
because most of our communication is actually nonverbal
that’s right at times
we all wish that we knew what other people were thinking
has this ever happened to you before friends
do you wish you could read someone’s mind
that’s a great question what does it mean to read someone’s mind
that means you know exactly what they are thinking
even though they are not saying it with their words
and if you’re really good
at understanding other people’s body language
in a sense you could say you’re reading their mind
but nobody can actually read other people’s minds
we are not mind readers although some magicians will try to act
like they are at the beginning of this sentence though we
see this phrase at times it’s kind of like the word
some times right
or we could also say there are times
there are times
we all wish we knew what other people were thinking
and if you do wish you knew what other people were thinking
there’s a few ways in English
you can actually ask this
you could directly ask someone what are you thinking about
or you could say what’s on your mind
that’s another way to say what are you thinking about
or we even have a phrase in English
that goes a penny for your thoughts
and the idea behind this
i will give you a penny
that’s a very small
amount of money if you tell me what you’re thinking about
so a penny for your thoughts yeah
that’s a fun way of saying that
you’re interested to know what the other person
is thinking about
do you say a penny for your thoughts
only when you want to know what someone is thinking
or if you already started a topic
and you’ve already shared your thoughts
but now
you want to know what their thoughts are on the topic oh
i guess you could use any other situation yeah
both of those situations that’s a great phrase
a penny for your thoughts or what are you thinking right
what’s on your mind well
we read fortunately people’s facial expressions
movements and posture
can communicate a lot about what is going on in their
minds what is going on whenever you see
that phrase going on is talking about what is happening
that’s right
understanding these messages
hidden in people’s body language can require a lot of skill now
friends we’ve talked about this before
and i want to review it now skills are
that can be learned if you don’t understand body language
if you’re not good at knowing what people are thinking
or saying with their movements and gestures
it’s okay it’s a learned skill
and this is what Joan of arrow’s book
what every body is saying
is all about this book can help develop that ability everybody
here is two words
but of course
it may make you think of the single word everybody notice
the slight pronunciation difference with the single word
it is everybody with kind of a short u sound for buddy
but here intentionally
it’s every body what every body is saying
because after all
our bodies can communicate something well
let’s continue with our lesson right now
subtle changes in body language
can help you recognize if someone is lying
even when people don’t lie outright
they sometimes try to hide their feelings
whether you are interacting with people in business
or in your personal life
recognizing these feelings
can help you look out for their interests and your own
譬如astrid noticed a subtle change in her friend’s behavior
which made her concerned astrid
或者是the artist used subtle shades of blue and green
to create a calm feeling in the painting
hunter subtly hinted at his interest in the new position careful
not to seem too eager
thank you so much Jack
so we read
subtle changes in body language can help you recognize
if someone is lying well
let’s take a look at that word recognise
because this means that you can see something and notice
if there is a difference between that and other things right
so for example
maybe someone you know got a haircut or did something different
and you could say i didn’t recognize you with that new haircut
i almost thought you were a different person
that’s right we read here even when people don’t lie outright
they sometimes try to hide their feelings well
what does it mean
if you do something outright
it means that you do something in an obvious way or a way
that is very direct i know
i like it when people don’t always correct me outright
they just show me a better way to do it or make a suggestion yes
they might make
a suggestion or they might maybe in a conversation
ask questions to kind of get you to come to the conclusion yeah
that’s right
and then sometimes in life
some people will feel it’s necessary to say something outright
hmm and in some situations that
maybe maybe you want to protect someone from harm
that could be immediate it might happen
right away if you don’t tell them
directly for example
she told me outright
not to take the business deal in other situations
maybe she could have asked me
a couple of questions to get me to come to the conclusion
don’t take the deal
but sometimes
you need to do something or say something outright
that’s right and a lot of people do this right
they don’t want other people to know their true feelings
or they’re trying to hide the way they feel about something
but even when they’re not telling you outright
how they feel
you can look at their body language and know that’s right
but often they try to hide their feelings right
whether you are interacting with people in business
or in your personal life
recognizing these feelings
can help you look out for their interests and your own
so it’s not only about
trying to read the other person
so that you know what to do what’s better for yourself
but also what’s better for the relationship
that’s a really good point well
we see the word interacting there in that sentence
and interacting is the idea of communicating with each other
or doing some type of activity together
do cats and dogs like to interact very much
maybe their interactions aren’t very good
and sometimes when we interact with other people
it’s a good interaction or a bad interaction right
that’s the noun form of that word
but we also see a phrase towards
the end of this sentence to look out for something
let’s talk about that yeah
this could have a couple of different definitions okay
so one definition could be to pay attention
so that you notice when something occurs so for example
there’s a famous band that’s going to come sometime
this next year
look out for that band
when they come
maybe you can go to their concert however
there’s another definition
and that is to be concerned with
or be concerned about something
that’s similar to what we see in our lesson
because you want to be concerned not only for your own interests
but also for other people’s interests
that’s right
all right friends we’ll be right back after today’s infocloud
welcome to info cloud today we are going to teach you a phrase
you can use when asking someone to communicate news
or changes in situations to keep someone posted many years ago
most people shared information by writing a letter
then they would have to mail or send it at a post office
they might also put papers with information on wooden
posts in a town square that way
everyone in town could see the news now
we get a lot of information
almost immediately through our electronic devices however
when we need to wait for someone’s reply
we can ask them to keep us posted for example
please keep me posted about your travel plans in other
when you know when and where you are traveling
let me know the word post is also used for things
we share on the internet or social media
you might write a post about your life
or share a post you thought was funny fans
might look forward to new posts
or updates from their favorite celebrities
this word has even come into Chinese usage
as the Po but don’t forget that in English
we need to pronounce the ending sound
clearly we say post
他可以用今天分享的用语keep someone posted
keep someone posted是告诉某个人最新的进展
keep someone posted
please keep me posted about your travel plans
body language
according to navarro
establishing a baseline
for how a person behaves is important to avoid misinterpreting
their body language most facial expressions and
gestures can mean several different things so figure out
when people use certain expressions
this baseline can help you understand whether expressions
and gestures indicate a reaction to something
you said or not for example
rubbing one’s eyes may be a sign of discomfort with a topic
but if the person has been rubbing their eyes
constantly they might just be tired
例如the complex data was easily misinterpreted
leading to an incorrect conclusion in the report
或是Eli often misinterpreted Jade’s silence as agreement
not realizing she questioned the plan
例如the misinterpretation of Ashley’s words
created unnecessary confusion
during the team meeting
譬如the tight shoes cost Julia
a lot of discomfort throughout the day
或是the hard chair caused discomfort
after sitting in it for several hours
或是Zoe felt
a sense of discomfort in the unfamiliar surroundings
not sure of how to act
thank you so much Jack okay so
we read here according to navarro
establishing a baseline for how a person
is important to avoid misinterpreting their body language
of course behave is a word like act
so you want to pay attention to how people normally act
and that’s the idea of a baseline right
it’s kind of an imaginary starting point
that you have establishing something that is normal
so that when you see something that is not normal
or it’s different
you can know what to compare those things to yeah for example
in a lot of education systems
around the world
there’s standardized testing
standardized testing
gives a baseline of what students should be learning
at each grade in school
so as long as the kids are learning that information at least
that’s the baseline for what they should know yeah
that’s a great example
so friends actually
baseline is kind of a key idea in Joe Navarro’s book
i had a chance to just start listening to the audiobook
and he does talk about this
so establish a baseline for how a person acts
or behaves
it’s important to avoid misinterpreting their body language
we read most facial expressions
and gestures can mean several different things
that’s a key point to figure out
when people use certain expressions
you want to find out when it’s normal for them to use something
and a gesture or expression
and when it could be abnormal in certain situations
so i have a question since
you’ve started to read the book
maybe you’ve heard this
or not does he say that most people have the same reactions
or that these reactions and gestures can be different
based on who you’re talking to
well he does say you want to get to know each individual person
and that requires
spending time with that person to know what their baseline
activity or behavior is
but he does say from the beginning of the book that these
you can recognize different things across all cultures yeah
no matter what culture or country or in wherever you are
there are certain things
that people do with their bodies that kind of communicates
all around the world
very interesting
i wonder if this is one of those things
that we’re talking about here in our lesson
the idea of rubbing your eyes
because sometimes it says here people could rub their eyes
because they’re uncomfortable about a certain topic
but sometimes people rub their eyes
just because they’re tired yeah
exactly so you want to spend time observing that person
and if they have been rubbing their eyes in the conversation
all throughout then you know
it’s probably due to something external
it had nothing to do with your conversation however
if they started rubbing their eyes
only when you started talking about a certain topic
maybe it means they are uncomfortable with that topic
so what you need to do
is you have to understand whether expressions or
gestures indicate a reaction to something
you said
or not let’s talk a little bit about that idea of a reaction
right well
a reaction is
when you are doing something in response to something else
maybe something that
someone said you have a reaction
maybe it’s a facial expression
sometimes we use this word in contrast to the word action
when you are doing the first action
because after all
you’re doing something in response to somebody else
that’s right
all right friends we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact
friends i’m detective
Ernest finder
and i have a fun body language fact for you
today did you know that there
is an old saying that someone who winks is planning trouble hm
i bet you didn’t know that
but winking is closing one eye to send a message
a blinking is when you use two eyes like this
so if someone winks at you
ha ha they are causing some kind of trouble
and that is today’s fun fact
thank you Ernest finder friends
it is time for a quiz close your magazine
we just talked about this see
if you can remember it okay
rubbing one’s eyes okay
could be a sign of blank with a topic
it could be a sign of understanding excitement
lying or discomfort
hmm we talked about how rubbing your eyes
could be a sign of being tired
but it could also be a sign of discomfort about a
topic exactly okay
so that’s the example that we saw in our lesson there of course
are many different things we do with our bodies that sometimes
we’re not even aware of for example
when was the last time
you rubbed your eyes
you probably don’t even know
because you weren’t paying attention right well
we do have more to learn about body language next time
right here on studio classroom

Body Language肢體語言(下)
well hello there and welcome to studio classroom
we’re happy that you are here
my name is Gabe and i’m Ann Marie
we are in the middle of a lesson about body language
we’ve talked throughout the years about
how important body language is
and the fact that we use our bodies
our gestures our facial expressions to communicate
so many things that we don’t with our words however
this is a very unique article
talking about the specifics of what different gestures
could mean what is something
we talked about in our lesson yesterday well
a lot of what
we’re talking about in this lesson is from jonavaro’s book
what everybody is saying
and he talks about the idea of establishing a baseline
for how people
behave that way
you don’t accidentally
misinterpret their body language right
he talks about knowing when someone is lying
and you could kind of tell
when they are lying through their body language now
i just want to say oftentimes people aren’t lying on purpose
it’s just that they’re hiding their feelings right so
maybe they have mixed feelings about something
and so they’re saying one thing
it sounds positive
but you could tell through their body language that actually
they may feel discomfort at the same time
that’s right
some people just don’t like to tell you their feelings outright
remember what we have a lot more to talk about
when it comes to interpreting body language
today friends
it is a great day to learn something new
so let’s do that together
body language
when people think of body language facial expressions
tend to come to mind
and these can tell you a lot for example
if someone keeps looking away from you
they might be distracted or uncomfortable
and pressing one’s lips together often indicates displeasure
and if someone keeps looking away or covering their mouth
it might mean they are hiding something
hello everyone welcome to language lab i’m Jack
例如the manager voiced his displeasure loudly
making sure everyone in the room
hurt him经理大声表达了他的不满
wrote a letter expressing her displeasure at the poor service
she received at the restaurant Elaine写了一封信
Peru the manager’s decision to stop the project
was sure to displease
the team members who had been working on it
thank you so much Jack well
we read here
when people think of body language facial expressions
tend to come to mind
and these can tell you a lot okay
first of all that idea of thinking of something right
that means you’re thinking about something
but we often use the word of thinking of you could
also say thinking of you
that could be a little note that you write to somebody
maybe on a card when your out somewhere
but you’re thinking about somebody back home
i’m thinking of you that’s right
and sometimes we say thinking about someone
or thinking about something
and hear those two words mean about the same friends
thinking about or thinking of we also
have the phrase to come to mind in this sentence as well
and this is a really useful phrase
for when you are asking a question
when you think of that what comes to mind
yeah you probably
you probably notice that we often ask this type of question
at the beginning of one of our lessons or different lessons
right when you think of this what comes to mind
and when people think of body language
facial expressions often come to mind
it means you think about that thing without any effort
you weren’t trying to think of something different
it’s just the first thing that came to mind right
so these can tell you a lot
facial expressions can tell you a lot
which is an interesting way of expressing it
because facial expressions don’t say anything with words
they don’t tell you things like that
but they can express a lot that is true
for example if someone keeps looking away from you
they might be distracted
or uncomfortable if you look away from something
it means that you’re not looking at
it maybe there’s a bad accident on the road
and you don’t really want to see what happens so you look away
but if you’re in a conversation with and they keep looking away
and they seem very distracted
maybe they don’t want to continue the conversation
i’ve definitely been part of conversations like this
are you the one looking away
or are you the one where people are looking away
you know
someone recently pointed out to me that i kept looking away
in a in a conversation and i didn’t think i was so i thought oh
wow i have to pay attention to this because when you look away
it communicates
you’re not paying attention to the other person
and i want to communicate that
i am paying attention and listening to what
you have to say
but no Emory
i was actually thinking about conversations where you know
maybe i brought up something that was a little bit difficult to
deal with or talk about and the other person
you know kept looking down at their phone pretending
like they had some important things to do on their phone
and i’m just like come on
let’s have a conversation right now
it goes both ways right
i know i’ve done this before two other people
and i’ve noticed other people doing it to me as well
here’s another example pressing one’s lips together
often indicates displeasure
pressing one’s lips together and i think
that you get the idea the mental image with that right
we often do this or we do it occasionally anyway
but the word that i usually use with that a specific expression
is the word purse
to purse your lips together
or to purse
your lips it could communicate something different right
maybe you’re not pleased with something
but the idea of pressing something together
we could use that phrase in many situations maybe
maybe you need to glue two pieces of paper together
you need to press the pieces of paper together
after you’ve glued them
but here we’re talking about pressing your lips together
do you ever do that Emory
i do i do it when i’m trying
not to say something rude that i’ve thought of oh
so i push my lips together instead cool
i’ll pay attention next time
we’re in a conversation and you start pursing your lips
i’ll be like oh
emory’s not happy about something
i should ask her more about that well
there’s one more example
here before we get too deep into that
if someone keeps looking away or covering their mouth
it might mean that they are hiding something very interesting
all right we have more to talk about in just a minute friends
let’s first go to our next reading
body language
some people have become good
controlling their facial expressions to conceal their emotions
when dealing with someone like that
look at the rest of their body
especially their feet and legs
many people bounce their feet
when they are happy or excited in contrast
if someone feels uncomfortable
they may point their feet away from the person
they are speaking to
例如Mia tried to conceal her disappointment with a smile
but her eyes showed her true feelings
或是the bird nest was concealed among the tree branches
so it was hard to tell if there were any babies
or not鸟巢隐藏在树之间
譬如the concealment of important information
during the investigation led to the wrong conclusion
thank you Jack so we read on here
some people have become good
controlling their facial expressions to conceal their emotions
well the opposite of conceal is to reveal right
if you’re concealing something
you’re hiding it if you’re revealing it
R E V E a E a L
that means you are showing it to other people
have you ever met someone before
Gabe who wears their heart on their sleeve
i love that phrase
or rather wears it on their face i haven’t heard that one before
that’s because i just made it up
but that’s what this makes me think of is
someone wears their heart on their sleeve
it means that you can tell exactly what they’re thinking
or exactly what their feeling just by looking at them yeah
they don’t need to say anything about their mood
you already know
it’s kind of nice
being around people like that
because you don’t have to guess how they actually feel
i don’t know how do you feel about that
but some people do wear their hearts on their sleeves
are you someone who wears your heart on your sleeves
some people have become good
at controlling their facial expressions
to conceal their emotions
when dealing with someone
like that look at the rest of their body
especially their feet and legs well
Ann Marie
if someone can get good at concealing their facial expressions
can’t they also get good
at concealing the rest of what their body is doing
i would say yes
but people would have to be aware of it before
they would be able to control it that’s my opinion at least
and maybe some people specifically try to work on this to
maybe hide with their feeling
or being more in control of the conversation
but generally speaking
i think most people probably aren’t aware of what they’re doing
it’s interesting
i only got to the first part of Joe Navarro’s book
is that his name Joe Navarro yeah
and he talks about how
he has he had worked with some people like poker players
because poker players have to hide their expressions yeah
that’s part of the game isn’t it
yeah it is
and also talked about how
you can basically read not only their expressions
but what what they’re doing with their hands
their body the way they shift
their weight that kind of thing
it all says something about what somebody is thinking
that is very interesting
okay so if you’re dealing with someone
who’s very good
at controlling their facial expressions
you have to look at the rest of their body
especially their feet and legs this is really interesting to me
many people bounce their feet when they are happy or excited
do you do that
i don’t know do i bounce my feet when i’m happy and excited
thanks your fee
i know i shift my foot a lot
but i don’t know why or when i do it
i just know i do it
sometimes is it when you’re anxious or something
maybe if i make a little excited or like yeah
maybe anxious
right yeah
i know people
who do like to bounce up and down a lot when they’re excited
my son for example
whenever he’s playing video games
he loves to jump all over the room
but i’m a drummer
you’ve probably noticed that
i’m always tapping with my fingers and stuff
like that
i don’t think that communicates anything in particular
though sometimes you do it when you’re bored
maybe it communicates boredom
that’s a good point thank you
Anne Marie no problem
anyway in contrast
if someone feels uncomfortable
they may point their feet away from the person
they are speaking to this is an interesting one
and this kind of makes sense you know
we’ve noticed in conversations with people
that if they want to be somewhere else
they won’t look directly at us
or maybe their face will look at us
but their body is angled somewhere else right
so those are some things to pay attention to in a conversation
what we have more to learn right
after today’s infocloud
hello friends
thanks for joining us for another infocloud you know
once i thought my mom asked for a pen
but she actually wanted a pen so i gave her a pen
but she needed a pen for cooking
that’s a classic miscommunication would you say
that’s an example of talking at cross purposes mmm
not really
it was just a misunderstanding talking at cross purposes
is when people are having a discussion
but they are not understanding each other
because they are talking about different things
without realizing it
maybe it’s more like getting your wires crossed
that refers to a misunderstanding
due to confused or mixed up communication
spot on you could say my mom
and i had our wires crossed
when we were talking about pens and pans
have you heard of playing phone tag
yeah that’s different
though it just means two people keep missing each
other’s calls right
that’s it
it’s like a series of missed calls or messages between people
trying to communicate
but not connecting at the right time
talking at cross purposes就是没有交集的讨论
另外一个类似的用语是getting your wires
they are getting their wires crossed during the meeting
最后playing phone
playing phone TAG就是我打给你你没接
这就是今天的INFO cloud
body language
proximity to other people is also part of body language
people stand closer to people
they like or feel comfortable with than to strangers or people
they don’t like and posture
also matters sitting or standing up straight
can show that someone feels confident
while slumping or sitting with crossed arms
indicates that they feel defensive or uncomfortable
body language can communicate a lot about peoples
thoughts and feelings
and thus help you relate to them
the proximity of the coffee shop to her office
made Clara’s favorite spot for a quick
the baby was always aware of her mother’s proximity
feeling a sense of comfort
whenever she was nearby
或是living in close proximity to a busy road
made it difficult for Dave to find peace and quiet
譬如after a long day of work
Dylan slumped on the sofa
too tired to move工作了一整天后
或是Addison slumped against the wall
when she heard the bad news
譬如when the economy went into a Slump businesses
experienced a significant drop in sales当经济衰退时
thank you very much
Jack proximity to other people is also part of body language
before you read
the rest of this
and Marie is that something that you agreed with right away
i kind of did i thought you know
i do tend to stand closer to people
that i am more comfortable with yeah
especially when i’m meeting
new people
like if someone is introducing me to one of their friends
or someone comes into the room that i
don’t know maybe i would stand closer to someone
i did know
or to the person who’s introducing me to someone new yeah
and maybe to that new person
you’re standing out
you’re reaching out your hand like this good to meet you yeah
right not real close
necessarily that’s true
so proximity how close you are to somebody physically right
people stand closer to people
they like or feel comfortable with than to strangers or people
they don’t like and posture
also matters so proximity deals with
how close you are physically with somebody else
do you get in somebody else’s personal space
in some cultures
that’s more acceptable than others
but pasture talks about the way that you have your body
whether you’re sitting or standing
are you sitting up straight or slumping or doing something else
and why does this matter we read sitting or standing up straight
can show that someone feels confident
while slumping or sitting with crossed arms
indicates that they feel defensive or uncomfortable
of course
this doesn’t necessarily represent how people actually feel
but this is what you’re saying with your body
when you’re doing it
right because that’s one of the maybe the things
i hear repeated often
when it comes to giving a speech or nonverbal communication
is that you don’t want to have your arms crossed
when talking to somebody else well
the fact is sometimes it’s cold outside
so you have your arms crossed
it doesn’t mean
i’m not interested in you
i’m just cold but to someone who doesn’t know you
maybe that would look like you’re more closed off
that’s true and cold with the other meaning right
sure if you’re cold toward someone in the other meaning
it means that you don’t feel very close or friendly with them
at all
maybe you don’t really want to talk to them that’s right
but some other words you see here
that it could communicate are defensive or uncomfortable right
we all know what it means to be uncomfortable
but defensive is kind of like
somebody has attacked you with their words
maybe they’ve made you feel
less respected or something like that
and so now you’re thinking well
i don’t know what to do with this and so
i’m just going to protect myself you’re getting defensive well
our lesson ends by
saying body language can communicate
a lot about people’s thoughts and feelings
and thus help you relate to them
and that is the point we pay attention to body language
so that we can have better relationships
and communicate better with others
we’ll be right back after today’s fun fact
hello fact friends
i’m detective Ernest finder
and i have a fun mirror fact for you
today did you know if you copy someone’s body language
they will like you more
it’s true and science has shown this this is called mirroring
since a mirror reflects the way you look so if
you mirror someone
it means you do what they do
it’s an easy way to fit in and that is today’s fun mirror fact
you very much Ernest finder and friends close your magazine
as time for a quiz over a phrase
we learned today when thinking of body language
facial expressions often come to what they come to head
they come to mind
they come to brain or they come to skull
oh well
i know it’s definitely not skull
we did not mention that word at all today
if it comes to your brain
that kind of makes sense
but that’s not the phrase the phrase is to come to mind exactly
of course this all has to do with what’s inside your head
and what you’re thinking
but yes the difference between your mind and your brain
the brain is that physical thing inside of our heads
but our minds is
our thoughts and things like that so if it comes to mind
it is what occurs to you in that moment friends
i hope you got the answer correct it has been a fun lesson
and i have to say
i only started reading that book by Jonah verro
but i think the English level is okay
i think it’s a good challenge for you
if you want to pick it up and give it a shot
we’ll see you next time right here on studio classroom
last a lifetime

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