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Unusual Sports
2024/05/17 21:51:29瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0
Unusual Sports(上)
That word unusual means something that’s not normal or you don’t see very often.
If you try a fruit that is not available in your country, a very special fruit then to you that fruit might be unusual.

Almost everyone knows about sports such as basketball or football.
But not many people know about some other sports.
They may be a little unusual.
One of these is disc golf.
It is similar to normal golf.
But you throw a disc; you don’t hit a ball.
Also, a disc golf course has baskets, not holes.
You try to throw a disc into each basket.
You have a certain number of tries to do that.


Hi, James!
Are you playing basketball in the park today?
No. I’m on my way to play disc golf.
There’s a new course beside the park.
Disc golf? Is that like normal golf?
The idea is similar.
But in disc golf, you throw a disc.
You don’t hit a ball.
And you throw the disc a certain number of times?
That’s right.
A golf course has holes.
In disc golf, do you try to throw the disc into a hole, too?
No, in disc golf each "hole" is a basket.
You try to throw that disc into it.
Disc golf sounds unusual.
Do a lot of people play it?
It is getting more and more popular.
Is it fun?
Come and see for yourself!

I’m on my way to play.
Do you play disc golf?
Yes. I’m on my way to play.
Do you play often?
Yes. I’m on my way to play.
Is it fun?
Yes. I’m on my way to play.
Hey! Come with me.
No. I’m on my way to work.
Oh. Too bad.

Disc golf is somewhat similar, but you’re not using a ball.
You need to use a disc or what many people call a frisbee飛盤.
This is something that is round and flat and you’re going to throw it by spinning it.
So you’re spinning these discs and you’re going to try to make sure they fall into a basket.

片语on one’s way to do something
They are on their way to attend a meeting with their boss.
He’s on his way to meet a friend for coffee.
She’s on her way to mail a package at the post office.

Normal golf or regular golf, earlier Garrett talked about this sport golf.
You take clubs球桿 and you have little balls.
And you’re trying to hit the balls into holes in the ground.
You hit the ball with a club.
If you have an old shirt, maybe you want to throw it out, because it has a hole in it.
If the disc hits some chains on the outside of that basket, it will go in then you have finished that basket.

Smoking is unhealthy.
His sister is very unhappy now.
This chair is really uncomfortable.

Basketball is her favorite sport.
That is a very unusual idea.
Mary plays golf very well.
Brad hit the ball very hard.
There is a hole in the wall.

I need to relax. Why don’t we play golf.
He likes to eat unusual foods.
The car hit the tree.
Plant a seed in each hole.
Do you want to play basketball?

You’re a good sport.
Today we’re talking about sports.
That is why you have all this sports equipment.
Take a look, I have a basketball and a tennis racket, a baseball bat, a soccer ball and an American football.
Hey, don’t forget about badminton.
When someone has a good attitude, even when they lose.
We say they’re a good sport.
So if I lose a game but I don’t get upset, I’m a good sport.
Being a good sport doesn’t always have to do with sports.
It doesn’t?
You can be a good sport if something bad happens, but you don’t complain or become angry.
Like if something goes wrong but I’m nice about it.
Exactly, then you’re a good sport!
That’s really good to know.
Where’s my golf disc?
It’s not here!
Oops! I borrowed it last week and I lost it.
You lost it!
Well, that’s OK. I’ll just buy another one.
Thanks. You’re a good sport!

Pickleball is similar to tennis.
These days another one is called spike ball.
Can you tell us what pickleball and spike ball are?
Pickleball is played on a tennis court with a smaller racket, it’s quite fun.
Spike ball is like volleyball on a trampoline蹦床,(用作健身的)彈翻床.

disc golf 飛盤高爾夫
As it is more acceptable to the general public, the disc golf game is gaining popularity constantly. 因比較容易被一般大眾接受,飛盤高爾夫的普遍性一直在提高。

How to Play Pickleball?

How to play Spikeball?

Unusual Sports(下)
Disc golf is a sport where you don’t need a team, you just need one or two other friends to play along.
But you will need to find a disc golf course if you’re going to play.

滚起司就是cheese rolling

Hi, Susie, what’s so funny?
These bed races.
I’m watching them on YouTube.
They’re really funny.
Bed races?
How do you race a bed?
Easy. You and some friends build a bed on wheels and decorate it.
Then do you all push the bed in the race?
No, one rides on the bed, and the rest push.
Everyone wears a silly costume.
Then you race to the finish line終點線!
Sounds strange.
Where do they do this?
Lots of places!
Here, watch with me.
That’s an unusual sport.
So are cheese rolling and wife carrying.
I’ve never heard of either cheese rolling or wife carrying.
In cheese rolling, they roll a wheel of cheese down a hill.
Then people roll down the hill after the cheese.
Do they have to catch it?
No. The first person who crosses the finish line wins the cheese.
And wife carrying?
A man carries抱,背,扛 his wife or another woman around a course.
The couple who finishes the course fastest wins.
People are crazy.

What’s so funny?
Hey! What’s so funny?
This picture on my iPad.
Why? What’s so funny?
I can’t stop laughing.
Why? What’s so funny?
This guy. He’s so silly.
Let me look.
That silly guy, is you!
Hey! That’s not funny.

Using TikTok is easy.
It’s easy to walk to the park.
It should be easy to finish the job today.

If you are acting in a play or a skit滑稽幽默短劇, you might have to wear some special clothes.
We call these clothes your costume.
Cheese comes from dairy.
If you carry something it means you’re going to hold it.
And you’re going to walk with it if you’re carrying it from one place to another place.

句中either a or b表示不是a就是b可以在两者之间任选其一
但是这里Sam用的是否定句never heard of就表示没听过a也没听过b两者都没听说过
I’ve never been to either England or France.
I’ve never had either a dog or a cat for a pet.

The man and the woman who finishes this course first and the fastest wins.

I can’t ride my bike. The wheel broke.
Hazel is wearing a dog costume.
The children rolled around in the grass.
Let’s climb to the top of the hill.
Cross the street at the corner.

The ball rolled across the floor.
The wheels came off his toy car.
She crossed the lake in a boat.
Put on your costume for the party.
He was tired after he went up the hill.

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